Lunar Aurora

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A Wandering Winterdream Beneath the Cold Moon (demo) (1995)
A Wandering Winterdream Beneath the Cold Moon (demo) 1. Intro 0:36
2. A Journey into Void 4:21
3. Dark Vision 6:34
4. Eye Behind the Clouds 4:33
5. Im Schein des Kalten Lichts 14:02
total time30:06

8.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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8.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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Auf Dunklen Schwingen (demo) (1996)
Auf Dunklen Schwingen (demo) 1. Intro 1:21
2. Im Schutz der Nacht 7:43
3. Rebirth of an Ancient Empire 9:35
4. Auf Dunklen Schwingen 8:18
5. Through the Corridors of Time 8:50
total time35:45

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Weltengänger (1996)
Weltengänger 1. Grabgesänge 7:51
2. Rebirth of an Ancient Empire 8:13
3. Flammende Male 7:02
4. Into the Secrets of the Moon 6:47
5. Schwarze Rosen 6:21
6. Conqueror of the Ember Moon 10:30
total time47:49

HD cover
6.5 / 10 (2 votes)

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6.5 / 10 (2 votes)

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Seelenfeuer (1998)
Seelenfeuer 1. Seelenfeuer 0:57(Soulfire)
2. Mein Schattenbruder 8:49(My Shadow Brother)
3. Augen Aus Nichts 7:51(Eyes of Naught)
4. Schwarzer Seelenspiegel 8:16(Black Mirror Of Souls)
5. Kerker Aus Zeit 15:22(Dungeon of Time)
6. Der Geist Des Grausamen 7:33(Mind of The Cruel One)
total time48:48

HD cover
6.0 / 10 (2 votes)

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6.0 / 10 (2 votes)

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Of Stargates And Bloodstained Celestial Spheres (1999)
Of Stargates And Bloodstained Celestial Spheres 1. Kampfork (Intro) 1:04
2. Schwarzer Engel 6:30
3. Die Quelle Im Wald 5:14
4. Blutbaum 5:32
5. Moorleiche (Instrumental) 3:01
6. Drachenfeuer 5:10
7. Gebirgsmystizismus 4:42
8. Verwesung 6:22
9. Weltengänger 0:52
10. Child Of The Apocalypse 5:31
11. Der Leidensweg 3:47
12. Sternenblut 5:13
13. Something Has Died Forever (Outro) 1:24
total time54:23

HD cover
9.4 / 10 (5 votes)

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9.4 / 10 (5 votes)

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Split with Secrets Of The Moon (1999)
Split with Secrets Of The Moon 1. Auf einer wanderung 5:41Lunar Aurora
2. Durch goldene Sphären Pt. I 5:47Secrets Of The Moon
3. Durch goldene Sphären Pt. II 0:49Secrets Of The Moon
total time12:16

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Ars Moriendi (2001)
Ars Moriendi 1. Ars Moriendi 0:43
2. Dämonentreiber 6:04
3. Kältetod 5:51
4. Black Aureole 5:58
5. Beholder In Sorrow 4:48
6. Flammen der Sehnsucht 6:38
7. Aasfresser 6:29
8. Geist der Nebelsphären 7:11
9. Outro 3:31
total time47:13

Lyrics **********
6.5 / 10 (2 votes)

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6.5 / 10 (2 votes)

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Split with Paysage d'Hiver (2004)
Split with Paysage d'Hiver 1. Schwarzä Feus 11:08Paysage d'Hiver
2. Schwarzäs Isä 10:56
3. A Haudiga Fluag 21:17Lunar Aurora
total time43:21

Lyrics **********
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Elixir of Sorrow (2004)
Elixir of Sorrow 1. Einsamkeit Und Dunkelheit 2:12
2. Zorn aus Äonen 7:59
3. Augenblick 12:17
4. Geister 1:10
5. Kerkerseele 6:40
6. Freiheit 1:15
7. Hier Und Jetzt 11:36
8. A Wandering Winterdream Beneath The Cold Moon 1:55
9. The Unknown Dead 5:46
10. Irrlichter 3:12
total time54:02

HD cover
3 Versions
7.5 / 10 (2 votes)

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7.5 / 10 (2 votes)

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Zyklus (2004)
Zyklus 1. Der Morgen 13:14
2. Der Tag 7:10
3. Der Abend 10:04
4. Die Nacht 16:09
total time46:40

Lyrics **********
7.3 / 10 (3 votes)

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7.3 / 10 (3 votes)

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Mond (2005)
Mond 1. Groll 0:59
2. Aufgewacht 7:04
3. Rastlos 6:16
4. Schwarze winde 9:08
5. Heimkehr 8:18
6. Welk 4:49
7. Grimm 10:10
total time46:44

Lyrics **********
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Andacht (2007)
Andacht 1. Glück 11:09
2. Geisterschiff 7:53
3. Dunkler Mann 8:39
4. Findling 9:45
5. Der Pakt 7:56
6. Das Ende 8:38
total time54:00

Lyrics **********
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Hoagascht (2012)
Hoagascht 1. Im Gartn 6:59
2. Nachteule 6:53
3. Sterna 6:29
4. Beagliachda 5:41
5. Håbergoaß 5:14
6. Wedaleichtn 6:13
7. Geisterwoid 6:05
8. Reng 7:31
total time51:05

HD cover
2 Versions
7.0 / 10 (2 votes)

#4 in Zenial's top 10 from the twentytens!

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7.0 / 10 (2 votes)

#4 in Zenial's top 10 from the twentytens!

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Crypt of Postmortem Ceremonials (2016)
Crypt of Postmortem Ceremonials 1. A Haudiga Fluag 21:26Lunar Aurora
2. Der Leere Thron 7:06
3. Crypt Of The Nameless 11:28
--- Disk Two ---
1. Feuerkreis 4:53Nordlys - Pest
2. Wächter der Nacht 5:40
3. Für Immer Frei 5:00
4. Ein kaltes Herz 3:52
5. Thy Night 5:42
6. Die Pest 3:33Nordlys - Schwarze Wut
7. Proleten 3:00
8. Dusk of Man 4:33
9. I Am the Eternity 3:51
10. Die Wahrheit 2:53
11. Steh auf 3:21
12. Lebensblut 2:20Nordlys - Schwarze Galle
13. Tief 2:21
14. Schwarze Galle 2:18
15. Nichts 2:20
16. Von toten Sonnen und gequälten Seelen 2:05
17. Seelenwut 2:21
18. Sehnsucht 1:59
19. Hassliebe 1:55
20. Ganz und gar im Nichts erfüllt 2:34
total time1:46:31

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Blazing Obscurity Compilation - Vol. I
Blazing Obscurity Compilation - Vol. I
Lost Souls Graveyard Vol. 1
Lost Souls Graveyard Vol. 1
Marschmusik V1 - Äonen der Knechtschaft
Marschmusik V1 - Äonen der Knechtschaft
Mørkeskye Promotional Sampler 2004
Mørkeskye Promotional Sampler 2004
Nachtzauber - Mørkeskye Compilation
Nachtzauber - Mørkeskye Compilation

Ablaze May-Jun 1999 (nr 27)
Ablaze May-Jun 1999 (nr 27)
Legacy #12
Legacy #12
Metal Explosion vol. 9
Metal Explosion vol. 9
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> From Germany
> Members are:
Whyrhd - bass, vocals, guitars (since 1994) - now in Nocternity
Aran - guitars, vocals, drums, bass, keyboards (since 1994) - was in Trist, Bald Anders, and Lychgate
> Previous members:
Sindar - keyboards, vocals, bass (1997-2011) - now in Kamera Obskur and Bald Anders
Malphas - drums (2006) - now in Amystery, was in Profane Existence
Profanatitas - drums (2002-2005) - now in Mortuary Temple and Mortuus Infradaemoni
Bernhard Klepper - drums (1999-2000) - now in Kamera Obskur, was in Pequod
Narg - drums (1999) - was in Funebris
Nathaniel - drums (1995-1998) - now in Mortuus Infradaemoni, was in Carnage
Biil - keyboards (1995-1996)
Skoarth - guitars (2006) - was in Somber Serenity and Odem Arcarum
> Session musicians:
Akhorahil - keyboards (2006) - now in Thorngoth, was in Profane Existence
> Band has broken up in 2012
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Lunar Aurora

Last update: 03/05/24