Reviews for Ancient Rites - Dim Carcosa:
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Hail to the almighty Ancient Rites ! Hail to Flanders !

Review by: fert

The Best album of 2001.
Best songs: Victory or Vallhalla,...and the horns called for war. 10/10

Review by: dtrym

Damn, this is a big pile of shit! If you consider the old stuffa s great leave this... This is one of my biggest musical disappointments of 2001.

Review by: Flix

This album really deserves your attention! Really cool atmosphere, great guitars and extreme drums are some elements of this piece of masterwork. Ancient rites really rlz... 10/10 Buy it now!

Review by: evil_sect

Fuck...this is too damn good...if you like the previous records....this one won't disappoint you..take my word

Review by: Vampyric

Sounds too much like Power Metal.

Review by: fundamentalist1981

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