Reviews for Catamenia - Halls of Frozen North:
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Halls of Frozen North is one hell of a debyt. This is blackmetal, but there is some hevyriffs too. HOFN is not usual blackmetal. The songs are guite short, at least they aren't boring... There's one little problem with this album. In the beginning of this cd there is lots of good songs like: Into Infernal, Freezing Winds of North, Halls of Frozen North, Forest Enthroned etc. but in the end of album there is lots of "not so good songs". Of course in the end of cd there is still couple good ones too like: Child of Sunset and Pimeä Yö. Anyway this is very good debyt album of this young and talented band hailing from Finland. 8/10

Review by: Lord Night

One of the bests symphonic Black metal record to date, Catamenia's first LP has the melody and the raw, with keyboards creating the atmosphere and leading in some parts.

Review by: Antikrisztus Wunderbar

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