Reviews for Gardenian - Sindustries:
User Reviews:

Your Review:

Amazing C.D. definatly worth the money. Guitarists should definatly pick this up it's a hell of a challenge to learn.

Review by: o0666satan6660o

great mixture of clean and listenable rough of the true hopes for the metal genre.

Review by: jizzyfart

You're looking for a soulfull colours ha!!!not colourfull souls..
and you are playing somekind of melodic metal!!

this album will make you confused about "is it easy or am i easy" and when it's time to "funeral" you will all repeat the taste of the soul of this album in your mouth.

Review by: tunator

they're getting a bit more experimental. that cd is much more athmospheric than the first 2 cds. besides, the songs are longer, more complicate and it needs some more run-throughs to get into the cd, but it's worth it.
once you feel their music, it gets one of your most beloved albums ;)

highlights: long snap to zero, sonic death monkey

Review by: pez

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