Reviews for Mactätus - Provenance of Cruelty:
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Melodic Evil Black Metal with just perfect atmosphere. This is great. Every single song is a killer. Includes some clean guest vocals by both male and female. This is another exemple of how Norway rules the black metal genre. Do they have a factory somewhere up north where new black metal members are created on regular basis?

Review by: mactatuz

the shabow of the satan pride rules this band is great

Review by: lord astaroth

One of the best melodic black metal albums ever made... This band is a GREAT replacement for emperor...

Review by: blood red bathory

Good, good, Mactätus are on the roll. Old school melodic black metal with obvious influences. In fact, the band itself hauled Dimmu Borgirs "Stormblast" and Emperors "Anthems..." as main examples, which are the two albums it sounds most like. And although the band suffered lots of criticism from the "true" scene (which is a laugh riot, come on) it's still a band not to taken too lightly.

Review by: astathica

Album is quite average. Despite this fact there is one amazing song. Dark Journey - I would trade it for sll Emperor... its so good.

Review by: Mac

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