Reviews for Misteltein - Rape in Rapture:
User Reviews:

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A little bit too violent compared to DIMMU BORGIR and OLD MAN'S CHILD. Misteltein try to sound a bit like those two, but they are too violent and too aggressive. Some of the songs are pretty good, but the entire album is not worth full price.

Review by: Lost Soul

Misteltein's first album is actually pretty good. Very aggressive, but not quite as good as I expected.

Review by: Demonheart

Mistelteins 1:st and 2:nd is the greatest that we heard from black metal yet!!!
"Darkness scars my soul"... There you have it! IN YOU´R FACE!
These guys are fucking brilliant...
No other band can combine pure fucking madness with such emotional and ass-kicking touch as Misteltein does!!!
I´ve heard rumours there is a new record coming...
I can´t wait

Review by: diva

The total dark beautiful Misteltein elegance in history

Review by: T.H.

Not bad. Comparing it with Dimmu Borgir is not fair. They are not rip offs. Nice vocals. Hear it. 9/10

Review by: Mac

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