Reviews for Resurrection - Embalmed Existence:
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Man we can't believe no-one has reviewed this yet! We, (me and my m8 Lin), are listening to this after a few beers and remembering the great head banging times we enjoyed when this first came out. This still sounds so fresh & vibrant after all these years. Most of the songs start with original themed intros that plumb the depths of depravity, then the songs kick in with variable pace, from hyper-grind to chugging pus pit-riffs. The production is fresh & in your face, crisp as the driven snow & twice as cold. When I 1st discovered this album I really felt like I'd stolen a march on my m8s. No one else had heard it, or even heard of it, but they were all blown away. This truly was a hidden gem, they seemed to appear from nowhere, with very little fanfare, they blew away anyone who was lucky enough to hear them and then they dissapeared, as much of an enigma as they'd been when they arrived. This album was an island of originality and intensity that was criminally ignored by the larger scene but those who heard it will never forget it's cult status and will forever hold a special place in their hearts for it.

Review by: the grey man

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