Reviews for Samael - Blood Ritual:
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This is Samael's slowest album.
its quite normal death metal, not too slow - but slow.
has some nice tunes - nothing to be thrilled of.

Review by: forgotten

there is nothing normal in SAMAEL-this is not death metal-this is great satanic,ritualistic sounding effor tvery extraordinary and original album i have never heard so nice SAMAEL albym again-i mean after that-the worst is that my grandmother sold it and i cant find it nowhere-fuck

Review by: iudicium

One of the greatest black metal albums ever. so nice, not the typical fast black metal but instead slow, doomish and atmospheric black metal! BUY OR DIE!

Review by: Exorcisto

Hahaha, i feel for you, because this is one of the greatest! Samael is truly a great band and it shows on BLOOD RITUAL. And dude, you're talking shit when saying this is death metal. this is PURE OCCULT SATANIC ATMOSPHERIC MORBID METAL OF BLACKNESS!!!! With other words: Slow Brilliant Black Metal.

Review by: exorcisto

This was my first black metal disc an is something of the best classic black metal that I ever hear I could say that is the best disc of Samael ...!

Review by: mindsvampyr

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