Reviews for Samael - Passage:
User Reviews:

Your Review:

just a little too pop.

Review by: forgotten

i can't believe that there's only 1 rew.For me this is a so interesting album,so innovative,with the electronic black that no one after samael has experimented.Not for the faithfuls of the original black but for the open minds.


Review by: quorthonatwar

Samael's "Passage" album is a true work of art. Whoever said it was too pop, obviously didnt listen to it properly. Xy is a genius when it comes to this, and he really shines here. This album is emotional, heavy, and catchy. but not pop catchy. This is one of the best releases i've heard all year, and if you havent got it - buy it. You wont regret it. There are songs on this album that i would consider to be classics, such as "Rain", "Born Under Saturn", and "Moonskin".

Review by: Nagoth

Iīm totaly agee with Nagoth this album is so profound i have to be sincere yes itīs just a little pop but this album itīs great because of the lirycs

Review by: Gilles de Rais

oh... SAMAEL, with this album they became a legend, of course, fīck an automatic drummer, but they use it very well, this album is a perfection in true sense of the word, from compositions to realisation... I saw them live during "passage tour" with Moonspell and Rotting Christ, they was GREAT...

Review by: luciferianlight

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