Reviews for Sirrah - Acme:
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Though I still can't understand this album as whole, when thinking about it as of compilation of different songs it apears to be quite good. Anyway Panacea is one of the most funny songs I've ever heard.

Review by: Vandall

I think this a great album. Sirrah play Doom/Death but with lots of classical elements in their music. After five or six times , you will realize that the songs are STRONGLY based on classical music. It's one of my best albums ever.
Acme and Bitter Seas are fantastic.

Review by: toni t

The first Sirrah album I ever bought... And it blew me away. I am having problems with people saying they have never heard of them!
Acme is awesome... such wonderful mix of beautiful melody and music with hardcore metal!

Review by: SkullControl

I'd like to say best Polish doom-death album ever but only the original release of Melissa Productions. Remastered by Metal Mind Prod. is a piece of crap :( 10 points to 'Acme' by Melissa

Review by: manos

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