Reviews for Type O Negative - The Least Worst Of:
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A great idea and plenty deservedly to be made and offered to the masses, however..........
Personally I beleive the songs that were shortened and edited to fit it all together have tainted, what could have been an honest and Fullfilling look back and what has been "TYPE O NEGATIVE"
All the tracks on here have been classics, although some "Love you to death" and "Christian woman" to name two, have been cut painfully short, and havent allowed the listener to enjoy the full experience the origianl and "truly classic" renditions of these in their entirety....
Shame on roadrunner records !! They could'nt squished them onto a second disc !?!?! stingey !!!
ahhhh well.... what is there is excellent however and should'nt be missed by any one.....especially new comers!!!
Greatness from the old to new of this bands great ascency forwards....
Offering to brilliant new tracks and wetting our tastebuds for the new albulm we all await
I gave this compilation a 7/10 .. but only because of the shortened versions, the albulm deversity is PERFECT!!!
Buy it today...

Review by: Steele

A good "Best of..."-Album. But unfortunately with a few "re-mixes". I prefer the original versions.

Review by: warhellhammer

great intro to the band. good comp. get b-sides. good song selection.

Review by: malik1917

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