Reviews for Various O-T - Originators of the Northern Darkness - Tribute to Mayhem:
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Really is a tribute what we have here! All the songs spread brutality and intensity that only the original ones can compare, twelve tracks of Pure Fuckin' Armageddon! The first is performed by Immortal, From The Dark Past, with a production that sounds like their last album "Sons of...": interpretation absolutely fantastic! Then comes a Dark Funeral one, Pagan Fears, and it's incredible how Caligula can imitate Attila's voice, the mood is really the same. The third track is made by Vader, Freezing Moon, as usual they devastate the listener's ears with a powerful songs. Fourth comes Emperor with Funeral Fog, they could have done it better but their are Emperor and they don't sound bad at all; the fifth is Carnage covered by Behemoth, with the power you can find on their best albums. The track number six is De Misteriis Dom Sathanas, by Limbonic Art: it can be enough the name, in fact the song sounds brutal and particular, especially in the voice, as the original with Euronymous and Attila... Then come Buried By Time And Dust by Keep Of Kalessin and Life Eternal by Gorgoroth, two examples of how an extreme band should sound: in one word, devastating! After this holocaust Ghoul performed by Carpathian Forest sounds like a pusshy pop song by Green Day after a show of Cannibal Corpse: I'm obviously joking! They broke your ass with this song, it's time to pump up your stereo's volume to the maximum and get your neighbours cry! Seth did Into Thy Labyrinth for you and you must thank 'em for that, cos it's incredible the power that this one can bring to you. We've got enough space also for Cursed In Eternity by Gehenna (what you can rightly define as "a hit in your face") and Deathcrush by Absu, a great conclusion for a tribute that can worth surely the best votes you can give!!!

Review by: diegoddt

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