Reviews for Withered Beauty - Withered Beauty:
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A specific album. It tells about feelings in very "expresive" death metal, shouting way. The rythm changes quite often from silient riffs in background and soft beats of percussion to furious and fast moments. It's hard to define... anyway it's good!

Review by: vandall

A good release, but not what I was expecting. After hearing "Immortality is Mine" from the Death is Just the Beginning 4 compilations, I was expecting to hear one of the most awe-inspiring albums of the time.

Don't get me wrong this is a good album with some definite high points like "Lies", "Failure", and "He Comes with the Dawn". Maybe I just set my bar too high after hearing "Immortality...".

An unrelenting and powerful album, none-the-less and a great study in music structure; the songs are very well arranged and there's quite a bit of variety. The only complaint I have is there just isn't enough memorable tracks on this album. They had a few great songs and just put fillers around them.

Still, I give it 9/10 rating because the tracks that are good are really that good.

Review by: ashura5126

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