The Way of Defender
1. The Birth
The skies and the future, the color is the same
It's black:
The land is in a swamp there is no way,
Dark falls on homeland. That's it. The end is on the way
Horned knights, they are coming soon
Their blades shine under the opaque moon
Enemy: they want to rule our motherland
Enemy: they'll take our treasure till the end
Enemy: they'll burn our homes and fields
Enemy: they came with war!
The land needs help, the people pray for it a lot:
All of a sudden lightning strikes from the sky. It's a marvel from the dark!
И вот на свет явился он. Спаситель, да! Никто иной!
Великий князь, ура! Рожден спасти народ и край родной.
Forgotten sun brings back to us illumination
The baby's cry revives lost hope of the nation
Forgotten sun brings back to us illumination
The baby's cry revives lost hope of the nation
The wind, is rocking the cradle, and father holds the candle
A flame-colored look from the baby's eyes makes father's eyes to freeze like ice
Birth of demon or birth of god, but he must grow up with chosen blood
Теперь принять обряд настало время.
Как делали отцы твои.
Пройти "постриг" ты должен смело.
Смотри, c коня не упади!
The crowd hails the little king
The steed was snorting beneath the prince
Forgotten sun brings back to us illumination
And Alexander revives lost hope of the nation
Have you enough strength to defeat the enemy horde?
Have you enough power to stay with the throne?
2. Ten Shots
The forest is imbued with the smell of the battle
The spirit of war soar above
Gaze around your land. What do you see?
Destiny's sign says that you're not a child anymore
The time of the wooden swords is over the time of metal is near!
Metal has come
So you are old enough to ride your own way
Your trusty steed is waiting for you
Your Armour is ready to cover you
The bow wants to be squeezed by your hands
And targets long for the spikes of your lances
But you need to learn, learn the art of war and faithful Ratsha will guide you.
He'll teach you to kill and not to be killed
10 shots in one minute or the sun won't rise anymore
10 shots in one minute or your people forever will be slaves
10 shots in one minute to turn you into a warrior
10 shots in one minute or you'll meet your death
You're still so young. This is the reason why your shield and sword are weightless
You wish to conquer the world like youthful child
Feelings of vengeance possess your mind
Черный ворон в небе закружился
Полчища смерти за несколько вёрст
Путь к победе не будет так близок и прост
Your life is a struggle. Your life is a trial
You can die in a battle or from poisoned wine.
You don't know whom you trust, even a friend can betray
You can't avoid this dismal lot. Death is your fate
3. The First Battle
The river was in the grip of frost
And now it makes the way to our hearts
By the light of stars the domes of the Swedish tents are seen
As if monsters standing along the shore
You have intruded on our ground, but cannot seize it
Even as nature declares the war
The wind will carry away the sounds of our steps from the ears of the guards.
The foliage of the trees will hide us
The moonlit sky will show us a way to victory
The horned knights will not escape
A Hand squeezes a sword until it hurts
Nobody will resist his force
И вот запел рожок, начало битвы возвещая,
А вслед за ним хор острых стрел, холодный воздух рассекая,
Летящих на врага, песнь эту подхватил,
На смерть кровавую их душы обрекая.
"Кто с мечом к нам войдет, от меча и погибнет!"
Топот разъяренных лошадей, как барабанный гром,
Безжалостно ночную тишину разрушил,
Сминая под собой тела и заглушая боли стон
Он песню смерти на головы рогатые обрушил.
(И эта адская музыка будет играть до утра!)
The strike of the sword is like the hammer of Thor
Dissecting helmets of horned strangers
As Odin's lightning pierces, sharp spears
Kill souls of knights one by one
The river abyss swallowed your screams
All has become silence
The battle is over and you see in the sky
Floating spirit of triumph
It was your first battle. It was your first test
You were blessed by god and passed
Having sprinkled the Russian ground with the blood of Swedish bastards
4. On The Dark Way
Unrecognized winner, Alexsander Nevski, returned to Novgorod
Instead of a celebration he got a discontented boyars
"Why did you fight with Swedes, they came in peace they wanted to trade
You started war with a friend" - the foolish people screamed
Nevski raised his hand and began to speak and the crowd became quiet
Without the noise that you make you could hear the coins jingle
In the pockets, of the bawlers here, its Swedish silver.
I have something to show you, something to make you stop,
To stop your stupid barking.
Alexander took out a Swedish scroll with a blue dangling stamp on the rope and gave it to the scribe near by. He brought it to
his eyes and read out loud:
"Князь Александр! Если сможешь - сопротивляйся!
Но я уже здесь и пленю землю твою!"
Одни кричали, что он молодец и правильно сделал!
"Уходи,ты не наш" - кричали бояры, другие орали иначе.
"Нет сил боле слушать ваш крик! Ухожу я от вас!" - вскричал Александр
И покинул он город, уехал к отцу в Переславль.
Но обещал вернуться, если настигнет беда.
But, at that time on the bank of Dvina,
Where crusaders built the fortress Riga
Happy bazaar, rivers of wine, people are smiling, no sign of evil
But what is that clank, its Germans crusaders:
The black behavior beneath the flag of light.
Жаркое лето. Крепость Рига у реки.
Новая вера , Силы зла на подступи.
К нам в дом ты пришел, и покой ты наш унес
Гость незванный, крестоносец, смерть ты к нам принес!
Ваш бог в небе,там где ворон не летал.
Наш бог с нами,от беды не раз спасал
Нас и в стужу и порою в летний зной.
Уходи отсюда иноземец злой!
Blood, hanging, screams ringing through the wood:
The German's army moves to the east, having seized our stronghold
A dozen horsemen cross the threshold of the royal court
Pskov and Izborck seized already, Novgorod will be next
Boyars run to Alexander beseeching him to save the fort
Free your nation from the cage
The land of Russia must survive
Punish the Germans with all your rage
Don't let them stay alive
The day of payback is not so far away...
5. The Ice
"Хмельна для них славянов кровь, но тяжко будет их похмелье"
Bonfires glow in the darkness of the rival hosts,
The shadows of soldiers waved like ghosts
The breath of spring, the weather's kindness
Light crunch of melted ice broke the silence
Both banks had a foretaste of morning battle
Em's, Liv's, Chud's camps was also on the Germans side
By force they were baptized from hands of crusaders
Enemy coast like a burning ant hill in the night
The shine of the northern star which flashes like the eye of the devil
Becomes a sign to start the fight with the force of evil.
At that time a group of fishermen came to Alexander
with glistening axes and near by walked a gray-eyed
foreigner with big moustache. Fishermen said they found
him half-frozen, brought him to their camp and warmed him up.
He ran away from the knights.
"Why did you run from the Germans?" - asks king stranger.
"Wolves are they, not humans" - said the man with a big moustache.
"Let me fight with you against knights" - asked the stranger -
"To pay for my insults".
Alexander nods assent.
"Cross yourself". Moustache-man crossed himself three times from left
shoulder to right.
"He crosses himself not by our way" - noticed the fisherman.
"Never mind. If only he fights by our way, but God is one and the truth is one!"
"Great, you stay and fight with us", said Alexander
"Thanks, I'll do my best to get a good name" - answers the stranger
Look, what is that twinkle on the other side of the lake, it's a signal, isn't it?
That's right, the ice is floating!
На великой реке тронулся лед вдалеке.
А по озеру наши войска пойдут легке
На середину озера их надо нам заманить
Там и будет река с железом их хоронить.
Rise of the sun, thunder of horse's hoofs, heralding the start of battle.
Through morning haze, Knight's armor blazes,
Exhale drunken mist in Russian troopers heads.
The ranks of mounted Livons with giant pikes in iron hands
The pig's snout sticks in the human swamp,
Snow and blood mix in to one
Forces of good hold the onset of the wedge
Cries of dying men and horses reached the skies
The Germans were trapped, no way to run,
The Russian pincers are shut, the way to the crusader's victory was cut
New Russian hosts from left and right strike the wedge.
Encircled knights fall in to dread and lose their courage
They start to retreat, but the lake cant bear the weight of the knights
The ice cracks and the waters gobble the soldiers up. The lakes waters will be red tonight
6. Requiem
You're tired enough, my greatest Lord
You see no future, only a dreadful end
You're arms are too weak to hold your sword
The destinies of nations depend on you no more.
You're sitting on the mighty throne
And looking to the past
You think about right and wrong
Your time is running fast
Visions going through your mind
You see the kingdom fall
By suffering and pain of mankind
You have made your final choice
You hear the gentle voice of love
But you won't abandon to your passions anymore
Her name is rising from your heart
But will be dead with you and sink into oblivion forever
You see your brother's eyes
Remember how together you ran and hunted in the forest
But now you realize
That he's your enemy. And was it really worth this?
You try to protect your people from the war
But the cost of this is their slavery
Now you're asking yourself: "What for?"
For what is this humiliation?
Why this mortification?
Затуплен меч. Стрела не поражает цели.
Следы копыт давно уж поросли травой.
И белый снег покрыл верхушки елей,
Славу былых побед скрывая под собой
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