Cân Bardd
The Last Rain
1. Between Hope and Reality
This is a song for the cursed
No one knows when the end comes
Far away there is maybe an elixir for me
When winter comes in my land
This curse seems to be noble
But is it really a curse to love loneliness ?
This coldness It makes me feel alive
The sun is hiding
Behind the fog and the clouds
The wind in my hair
Takes me back into my dreams
And drops me off
In my snowy landscape
This is the song of my fall
Slowly plunging me into the snow
I feel my skin getting cold
And my bones becoming frail
During this time my soul is escaping through nature
My body's dying and assimilated by the ground and its life
I remember the meadow
I remember the feelings
When the grass caressed my being
And when the sorrow took me
I remember the forest
I remember the fall of leaves
When the mold was all coated
And my sadness won't leave me
Now I can see this beautiful world
Without any trouble
Painting my own travel
And finally my own landscape
The song of the breeze wakes me up
It sings in harmony with the crying river
And the whispering trees
The fog dressing up the mountains
With its most beautiful coat
I can only admire the show that nature offers me
I see the meadow
I feel the grass caressing my being
I see the forest
I see the leaves falling
2. Celestial Horizon
O ! Dear etherial Moon
O ! Dear celestial Horizon
Why can't I feel your heat
I tried so hard to get closer
I'm doing everything
To go away from this earth
Looking at the sky
Thinking about the space
I see the stars shining
I feel the rain on my skin
My mind’s in the nothingness
The one from another galaxy
Only one last chance
Jhator is the solution
Death by the Vulture
My flesh is a gift I want my spirit
To be free and celestial
Scattered by the birds
On top of a mountain
Taken by the Dakinis
Finally I feel the wind
I'm doing everything
To go away from this earth
Looking at the sky
Thinking about the space
I see the stars shining
I feel the rain on my skin
My mind’s in the nothingness
The one from another galaxy
3. Fog of War
4. Clouds and Feuds
Hiding in the fog of war
Lies the ruins of my being
Broken into a thousand pieces
Despite my fight to keep it intact
Too many lost battles
Against an eerie aura
Too many hopes died in a quiet thud
Prostrated in the dirt
Bathing in its own blood
My soul cannot see anything
In this field of Clouds and Feuds
I Lose hope in humanity
I lose hope in the ashes of my heart to be born again
I lose the battle against myself
5. The Last Rain
Dancing Leaves under the weight of water
Dreaming Man hoping for a better future
His feet sinking into the mud
And washed away by the smell of the rain
Thanks to this hail
The forest is living
It speaks, it cries and it grows
He knows that it will be the last one
The last torrent from the sky
He always had unrequited love
But never with nature
Grow, forest, grow !
The sky is darkening
Birds and terrestrial creatures are silent
He enjoys his last seconds
And finally closes his eyes
Like a tear flowing down a face the drop falls from the dark clouds
Carried by the wind before crushing after its fellows
Lyrics in plain text format