Cirith Gorgor

1. Funeral March for Modern Man

If unwilling or unable
To suffer a philosophical death
And truly open oneself
To all facets of life

Aren't we then a disease, a plague?
Leaving nothing in our wake
Open only to restlessness and a cheap thrill
Meek, docile and devoid of free will

If so...
Physical death is all there is

To end this misery
We call humanity

2. Hellbound

From earth to water, I call upon thee
From water to air, hear my plea
From air to fire, break thee free
From fire to earth, come to me

Hail and welcome!

Seven headed dragon of prophecy
Cosmic bound beast of eternity
Mad demon king, blind with fury
Enemy of man devoid of mercy

Accept my offering, O great manifold of impurity
Take the life essence of this great flock of humanity
Feast upon their flesh, their souls and lingering sanity
Prey upon their fear, weakness and depravity

I open the box of Pandora willingly
I wreak havoc on this world knowingly
Destroy mankind most eagerly
And forever bind it to hell's misery

From earth to fire, I call upon thee
From fire to air, hear my voice swell
From air to water, I hereby release thee
From water to earth, and from earth to hell

Hail and farewell!

3. Sovereign

The darkness that came from the Mediterranean sea covered the city
hated by the procurator
As the storm cloud was heaving its belly over bald mountain
Madman! The one that was executed laid no blame for the taking of his life
Among human vices he considered cowardice one of the first

Manuscripts don't burn!

Magican, professor, sorcerer, appearances may deceive
Woland, the non-existent one, yet all-powerful
Right eye with a golden spark, piercing anyone to the bottom of his soul
Left eye empty and black, the entrance to the well of all darkness and shadow

Pah, the devil! All-powerful messire!
Spirit of evil and sovereign of shadows and unclean powers
Thrice-cursed or thrice-romantic, devil may care
Flanked by fanged Azazel and clawed Behemoth, faithful messengers

The spring ball of the full moon, the great ball at Satan's
Drink the cup of blood and marvel at the sceptic's severed head
A dark silhouette of a naked woman, know a witch when you see one
Noblesse oblige, my precious queen!

The storm of which he had spoken was gathering on the horizon
A black cloud rose in the west and cut off half the sun
You're free! You're free! He's waiting for you!
The procurator had gone into the abyss, irrevocably
Forgiven on the eve of sunday

Your novel has been read!

Each year with the festal spring full moon they fall into anxiety
All victims of the same full moon that awakens and draws pitiful cries
As they walk towards the moon on a broad path of moonlight
The moonbeam boils up and gushes light in all directions
A woman of boundless beauty forms herself in the stream
And the raging moon pours out streams of light to hell and beyond

4. Luciferian Deathsquad

My mind is troubled...

Once proud and full of strength - our people, debased into a wretched race
In vile condition manifesting - apathy, a fatal sickness of the mind

Identify! Classify! Vilify! Mortify!

Enemies now live amongst us - perverting and manipulating our kind
The time is here for an exhaustive - purification of all humankind
A new elite will conquer - subjugate, and dominate this mortal world
Armed with absolute - fanaticism, you are either with us or against
I envisage, more radical than ever seen before
Amounting to a blueprint for - mass murder, as I move my wand to left and right

My mind is clearer now...

Once and for all we are going to end
The nonsense regarding the sanctity (of human life)
It's manifest that merely shedding their blood can alter the color of history
Our army will guard our uprising, a radically proud revolutionary elite
Their minds are ingrained with spiritual contempt and indifferance to human distress

Isolate! Segregate! Annihilate! Exterminate!

We must continue ice-cold - and business-like in our endeavors
Excess will not be accepted - the process proceeds in an orderly way
Emotion will never be felt - so no mercy will be bestowed
The outcome will certainly justify - our unyielding will and determined resolve

Execute the vermin race of god-believers

My mind is now satisfied...

5. Deathcult

"Zu helm und schild geboren
Zu des landes schutz erkoren
Dem könig sein offizier
Treu unseren alten sitten
In unseren bauern mitten
Das sind wir!"

"Of noble blood and wrought to fight
To shield our land and people's might
Faithful keeper of our ruler's guard
We hail our folklore and tradition
Amidst a rural life's ambition
That's what thou truly art!"

"Gevormd door 't zwaard zijt gij van stand
Toegewijd het dierbaar vaderland
Getrouw ons volk tot in den dood
Heil aan zede en traditie
Temidden der natuur ligt uw ambitie
Slechts diegeen is werk'lijk groot!"

6. Legio Luporum

Spawned from darkness we shine unimaginably bright
And bring a horrible, unspeakable truth to light
You live in a world that should not be
A world that, with the laws of nature, does not agree
But terra, ever moving, will cancel you out
And end civilization both unforgiving and proud

So we load our guns and sharpen our knives
Ready for the hunt sans regard for human lives
For too long we stood by and watched this travesty untold
But finally comes the time to strike hard, precise and cold

Legio luporum! Lycanthropic storm!
Legio luporum! Legion of wolves!
Legio luporum! Victory is nigh!
Legio luporum! Their end is now!

So we load our guns and sharpen our knives
Ready for the hunt sans regard for human lives
No rest, no reprieve for all you charlatan sheep in wolf pelt
You'll know true strength once our breath in your neck you've felt

7. Dominion

Is this all there is?
Is this all it amounts to?
Am I to be just a copy of you?
Trapped in eternal stasis?

A pariah I will remain to be
Introspective yet defiant and fully awake
Knowing at the crossroads which path to take
On an epic quest to worship me

For where all will strive to do right I will be left
And gentle sheep of crucial wisdom will be bereft

Unaware of the true power and potential of the self
Yet here I in this divine force deeply delve

For I will rid myself of these shackles of existence
And I will rid myself of this burden of compliance
For I will take into my hand the sceptre of lawlessness
And rule my world with predatorial ruthlessness

8. Manifestation of Evil

Bound for a thousand years
Was the dragon, the old serpent
The enlightened one!
Having the key to the abyss
And the great chain broken
Abyssus! Abyssum! Invocat!
An angel clawing its way up from hell
In all its rebellious glory!

Black winged
Gruesomely glaring
Crushing seven worn trumpets
Under blackened cloven hoof

And the sky fell to the earth
And the earth shivered and quaked
And there followed lightnings and voices
And thunders and great hail mingled with blood
And the moon turned crimson and the sun extinguished
Another eon which has passed out of existence

9. Blood and Iron

Conceived to regain the glory of the deutsche kriegsmarine
To withstand brithish supremacy over ocean and over sea
Forged of blood and iron: a masterpiece as seen never before
Deployed in 1941 never again to reach german shore

Emerging from the icelandic mist in the evening of may 23
Immediately firing a barrage with its mighty on board artillery
The british under screen of smoke evaded as well as they could
And alarmed the royal navy deployed their pride HMS hood

The hood encountered the Bismarck and after a fatal error they made
Against all expectation the flagship suffered a horrible fate
National shock inspired determination in the british in its totality
With HMS prince of Wales crippled and the Bismarck getting away
With their still operational radar it had yet its part to play
Shadowing the Bismarck and relaying its position to the british admiralty

The royal navy fully mobilised and steaming towards the hunt
The german admiral soon realised the Bismarck would be outran
Almost reaching the french safe haven, the swastikas unveiled
To the still vengeful british hunters their position was again revealed
While more and more ships were gaining up they fired relentlessly
Accepting their loss, the germans buried the struggling Bismarck at sea

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