Groans To The Guilty

Groans To The Guilty

Here you have, the dreadful sound of perish
Mentally tired and bored
Thousand faces affront me, through corridors of hope
Penitent am I but guilty their sentence
Subtle wounds received, and here comes the Life

Hidden eyes show the splendour
Approach violent pride
Dual wall enclose the scruples
Dust and bones compose the mutter

Nail down soul burnt and laid in books for liars
Mistrust grown hard again a poor desire
Fair icon’s shake the human shall dissent!!!

Source of delight in the land of worms
Groans to the man who deserves reward
False oath!!!!

The Amber Nest

It seems they live trapped in a nest
The cot of amber

Gutless sons, behind imperfection
Rabid hands, loose thrill, seems pale
While dares hit fragile minds

Circle of ragged specters
Where sounds the thud
As a premonition, world smells conviction

Its stupid rules
The constant gust, could shrive!

The light, a perimal fear... that sicken!!!

Come, get free, and touch!!!
The flavors of the death affliction
Leave and break at least!!!
These chains are bounds which binds the reason

A line, a sigh, a hill of human lies
Stands up so high and far from wisdom
The being just override, the hidden widow

It seems they fit in the amber cot
Closed, this world is amber!!!

In Case The Seasons Break

Holes without floor…
Sounds without ground…
Precious visions found, which could make me fall
Again afraid again, can seasons let me break

This is the moment for the else,
A unique mind, instead of a sleeping sense,
While creature pays, the reason hits the man

Anxious eyes, these four walls will not change,
Shining skies, among this world and Death,
Here is the break, I miss and never ends

How to use, the fix…
How to live, this fear…

The else behold, the else behead,
Eludes all hopes the Autumn gives,
Today comes and grow the most aggressive thirst

In case the seasons break
The human mind could see and feel the double edge

Murder… How it was??
Pleasure… No remorse!!

Raids To Punishment

Convince believers
Flog the piles that seems almost to shrivel
The hilt of pulse bits, displeases flocks
Sweaty pilgrim hint at punishment

Undivided laws inflicts
What flesh deserves
Solitary shapeless lords
With dodder walk

Raids!!! To the sicken world of the coward sort
Graves!!! Override the court in a human form, dodge punishment

How pathetic atmosphere
Since old creation
Piles of bones just should them be
Until answers could not sound

Pleasant... painful rise
Rivers... of warm red lies

L'Hivern Per A Les Muses

S'obren portes, es trenquen vides enllacades
Senten por d'esser estimades
Ombres sense, aquella negra flama d'ànsia
Que vers el temps es torna gràcia

El pes del fum recau en mi...
Al llarg de tardes buides on les fulles xiuxiuejen
El seu cos nu d'aspre sentir...
És musa per la rauxa, un fred roent que el seny rebaixa
I son...

Buida't jove, pren la corba dolça
Pren-me tendre, fruir el dolor no és massa
Xiscla, gemega, la carn si és freda
Mostra la resta, és l'hivern que el goig reclama

Forçant l'esclat de joia
És la roma de mirar-me que em gela
Sencera la musa em cerca
Blancs paissarges que dominen el sexe
Quan s'esboça la mort

La Incertesa Del Plaer


La Vetlla

Per un semblant que anhela el temps del son
Un risc llunyà quan ferm terpitjes, la vida
Un sòl record, perduda estima
Desvetlla l'alba i tanca el cor
Que prou ja deixes dret al cim del dol

Plors... la vetlla crida
I mira ben a prop la teva mort...
Llegat i enigma
Refuig per por

Plors... la vetlla crida
I mira ben a prop la teva mort...
La falsa eixida
No els treu del fosc temor

Roentes brides, lligam de carn i flames vives
S'atança el vol, l'eterna brisa

Mort!!! En vida...
Mort!!! Que estrenys el pont...
Dolça mort!!!

Minsa espera i un moment
Condemna trista i vaga, un renec mirant el cel

'Till Water Mirrors Could Not See

How true can be the life??
Depending on the side
The point of view let's lie, the image
Double edge the mirror shows and set
When falseness blend the being and suffer

Bleak future seems to come, to the faceless
Casual words degrade the sons, of the city
Bleak reality becomes,
Dead dank corner, hush!!!

Disrupt!!! Injure!!! Jolt!!!

Mad creatures reign...
Mirrors read the void...

Deserts full of gods
Icons which dirty water cover
Walls caught the senseless words
Their blind mute eyes landscapes open

Searching A Seal Of Pain (The Beauty)

Craving pain seems, the song of all my life
And disguise the beauty rise
Reminds depths, while descends mine

Hail the black one, taste her eye and tongue

Looking for the pain
The seal of beauty ripped on the skin
Searching holders once again
The cowl hides death

The sense of sin brings sharpness
Chains around fears to learn
Shows trust and traces of where should them reside

Looking for the pain
The seal of beauty ripped on the skin
Searching holders once again
The cowl hides death


Visc per ser oblidat,
veig un munt de dies que no expliquen tot plegat
Resto a a un clot apart,
s’atançen hores i vetllades del demà
Risc de caure en la cloenda de la vida
melangia o anyorança del passat
Prest escric pàgines buides
d’altre banda és la solemna soledat

Com mai... enmig... com mai!!!

Reptes... del cruel destí!!
Rostre... de trist sentir!!!

Podria dir el teu nom, i viure
No és por, sols un somriure
Però és fosc, enigma i vida...

Jou, coll que abraces
Ets feixuc i caus profund com...
Sons, hores mortes, sense parla
Penso nit i dia com burlar la melangia, em sento sol

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