Probudzhennja / Awakening

1. На сходах до чертогу мертвих (On the Stairs to the Hall of the Dead)

Вовки вітрил торкаються гілок,
Якими пожирач дерев ласує.
Форньотові сини, додайте йому сил,
Хай вбивця Хальва голод свій втамує.

Хай швидше підкрадається його тепло,
Хай пригорнуть мене його долоні.
Обличчя дивиться туди, де гір чертог,
Обличчя з посмішкою, а не в смертнім стоні.

Я вмиюся убивцею дерев,
І одяг Сьорлі іскрами умию.
Від жару ран вогонь знов заблищить
І Відура ковпак я блиском вкрию.

До бурі криги листя човну бойового
Я знов готовий, й з гордістю прийду
На поле те, де кленів бойовища
У непогоді Грімніра знайду.

Із медом ріг я підійму, коли скінчиться бій,
Коли настане для застілля час.
І пролунає "Свідріре, дай перемогу тим,
Кого немає ще посеред нас!"

2. Intro

3. Winterdemons

Snows cover the lands — invisible clear ground
Among the dark woods their whisper is heard
Snow clouds flow from the north – invisible clear sky
Their eyes sparkling far, like not burnt down bonfire

Blizzard covers woods and fields — white shroud
Sweeps of their wings are heard
Trees cracking under the rush of winds — cold creak
Their step is heard on the snow

They are already there — their presence is evident
Their shadows gleaming among the misty mountains
Their voices – howling of winds
Their lands are there, where Aurora Borealis flashing

Winter still colder and colder…
They are still closer and closer…

Their step is already heard at your door
Their eyes sparkling in the windows
Their whisper percolating through the walls
Their breathing and sweeps of wings blowing out the candles

Demons of the northern winds
Fly on the frozen wings

Children of the north
Children of the winter
Messengers of the northern winds
Messengers of the Winternight
Manifestations of the Nature — Winterdemons

4. Winternight

In the depth of the Winternight
I see flickers of the true world
In hope to hear the singing of the spirits
I’m standing in the Twilight Forest, swathed with snow, for hours

My thoughts rise up
When I stand on the ground covered by the white frost
I’m waiting for the Midwinter
For the time, when the edge between the dimensions is so frail

Having got the hand through the air
You can sense its waving
Drowned hands in the waves
You can feel breathing of the spirits

It’s snowing harder and harder
The strings between the worlds are stronger
You may just hold them
To feel the truth of what is happening
To realize the fault of the world in whole measure
To throw away senseless human prejudices

Oh, mighty Winternight
Take me to your embrace
It’s hard to see the surrounding reality
Oh, Night of the raging winds
Help the others to open the eyes, to rise from the knees
Give me the power to take up the blade of frosty flame
For the fight with trust of one

5. Outro

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