Grave Miasma
Abyss of Wrathful Deities
1. Guardians of Death
Murals preside over the walls that stand
Countless eyes protrude man
Consorts aligned and at hand
Await the loss of decay and form
To the elder vessel now unborn
Six deities man the gates of creation
The liminal spaces where phowa resides
Sailing through the fiery rivers
Fortresses of the Dharmapala
Promulgation of psychic continuity
Through the liminal spaces I traverse
Narrow gateway to vast portals
Vortices of the unknown
Yamantaka destroys the cycle
In many forms, the conqueror
Multiplied in nature, stronger than death
Eight in number, they ward
Protectors of the sacred law
Guardians of death
Conquerors of the internal nature
Guardians of death
Die with Phowa
Solo – T
Solo – Y
2. Rogyapa
Solo – T
Solo - Y
From the distant plains he returns
Descending through the Kora path
The sacred dawn is marked by his presence
Who aligns the stones that hold, not entomb
Bare the shroud to the winds
As juniper heralds the gathering
Wield the swords, axe - fan the fire!
Feed the alms of Jha’tor
As the vultures congregate from higher
They partake in the final lore.
Bare the shroud to the winds
As Juniper heralds the gathering
Yield to the force of the Rogyapa
He reveals to us the true nature
Our flesh and bones are for carrion
The final of sky burial
The plains are no longer barren
Offering the remains
Ordaining crushed bones
Chanting incantations
Yield to the force of the Rogyapa
He reveals to us the true nature
Our flesh and bones are for carrion
The final of sky burial
As remains turn into nothingness
Matter pummelled into dust
Decomposition is immediate
Libations offered by the dead to the living
Solo - T
The final act is benevolence
As a figure traverses worlds
What was all is now Sunyata
Corporeality is unfurled
3. Ancestral Waters
Call of the deceased
In the horizon's thunder
Hear distant murmurs that draw nearer
In the abeyance of the master
Soul above worlds and body under
Departing the mundane
Towards sacred and profane, the realm
The devouring might of the grand arcane
The womb that commands
And yearns
For reversion
An intoxicated trance of the dark mother
These are the ways of the call
Rapturous ascent to death's dimension
Through the fields of blood emanations,
Reverberations of memory
Leading our souls, reaping our souls
Language of the dead
Revealed to me: a harvest is gathered
through veils of obscurity
Ablaze by deepest suns
"Mortality! Abandon!"
Adrift in primordial oceans
The one who no longer invokes fear
I am the grateful servant
Although I shall no longer be
Carried on waves to vibrations of timeless thunder,
Soul above and body under
The shapeless sun and rolling Tundra
Cry of the deceased
To the decayed and unborn
In ancestral waters
Spirit visitations
In ancestral waters
Solo - T
The sleepless dead
The graves spread across the lands
Venerated and purified remains
Are opened
In cosmic union of transmutation
To the decayed and unborn
In ancestral waters
Spirit visitations
In ancestral waters
Solo - T
4. Erudite Decomposition
As the sun rises above the pineal waters
As the diaphanous tomb sails in reversion
Relinquished are fragments of the immortal
Feeling the mass of formless decay
Eyes subside to towards black streams of dormancy
Laid bare is the first stage of the body
Astral form, a composition that is planetary
Feeling the mass of formless decay
Eyes subside to towards black streams
Bare, the first stage of the body
Astral form, a composition that is planetary
Plumage of entrails unraveling in totality
I consign my body to decay in four
I claim the terrestrial fragments that are dehiscent
Know that the fourth body sails in endless perdition
Entombed by the eternal diadem
To the return towards disembodiment
Gateways reclaim the crystallised mass
The void of dried bones
As the sun rises above the pineal waters
As the diaphanous tomb sails in reversion
Relinquished are fragments of the immortal
Leave this mimesis at the altar
The vessel is votive, hurtling towards unknown gods
Destroyer of solar spheres
The third body extends towards the sun
Solo - R
Towards the stages of erudite decomposition
5. Under the Megalith
From the Steppes south of Tuva
Centre of Shamanic cults
Animist signs
On Khririgsuur Stones
Gaping mouths
The lives
Of pursed vibrations realm
Steel under the fortresses
Calling forth spirit masters
Depictions engraved on mounds
What lies under the megalith
Empire of fallen ones
Eagles fly through the Steppes
Voices from the depths
The kingly shrines of the fallen graves
Seeking worlds
In fallen tombs
Forces dreaming under the megalith
Steel gleaming under the megalith
From the Steppes south of Tuva
Centre of Shamanic cults
They lie in wait
To be discovered
Solo - T
Remember terrain where the eagle flies
Forces dreaming under the megalith
Images engraved on the deer stones
Voices from the depths
The kingly shrines of the fallen graves
6. Demons of the Sand
הלילה יורד במדבר
הירח מלא ולבן
החול נישא ברוח
דיונות זוהרות באור ובצבע
מקורות מים עתיקים נעלמו
האדמה עקרה וסדוקה
אני שומע קול מקבר אבוד
אני עומד בהשתאות
רוח נודדת
שדים מקיפים אותי באוויר
האדמה עקרה וסדוקה
דיונות זוהרות באור ובצבע
מקורות מים עתיקים נעלמו
באושר ובפחד אני שומע
את הקול
באושר ובפחד אני שומע
את שד המדבר
ירח עומד מאחורי ענן
אור עלום פורץ
פני התהום
החיזיון הוא תוהו ובוהו
Solo - Y
נסחפים מהשאול
הם יחזרו
7. Interlude
8. Exhumation Rites
They are presented alive, but not sentient
The graves are not deep, the eye hollows not vast
Remains in pumice reveals magnitude in decay
To the beast that devours the carrion of vultures
The guardian of maggots in swarming confluence
To the stentorian bells that gather the masses
To withdrawn bones from frayed caskets in obsequy rites
Ancestral cults venerate subterranean species
That devour bodies haltingly
Revere the uneven mass of decaying bones
Grant them life and offerings unto death
Decreased flesh bows before the beasts of the tomb
Species that breed only within
Feasting upon the distorted simulacrum
In view of exhumation rites
Exhumation to appease the spirits of old
Exhumation to view the mummified corpse
Exhumation the scent of tomb mould
To meet the ashen figure as the tomb reopens
Dust shrouds the burial vestments
As the hollowed eyes are not awoken
Homage paid, through rites of Ma’nene
Ascending to the Puya, sacred to the Toraja.
Solo - R
The last farewell
Return to the ground
Solo - Y
Enter to the fate of the unknown
Left at the altar of worms manifold
Bodies lay in fragmented supine formation
Asphyxiated by elemental strangulation
Venerated in ritualistic exhumation
9. Kingdoms Beyond Kailash
Heresy spreads across lands
As Nestorians fled towards the Taklamakan
Through Herat and the domes of Samarkand
They rode towards the Indus
Arduous journeys towards the eastern gate
To reach new paradigms
Deep in the caves of Gobian sands
Silk Road scrolls unmasked the mystery
The lost doctrines and subjugation of Tartary
Of carvings in the Garuda Valley
Rites passed through the land and the sea
Beheld from cross to monastic veracity
The empire of Gu-ge stands in its final glory
Bearers of the cross perish in wake
Not to surpass the land of the shrines
Bearers of the cross perish in wake
Not to surpass the land of the shrines
The peak of Meru stands upright
The peak of Meru
Solo - Y
The vajna strikes where the nimbus resides
The yung-drung is stacked nine times
Upon the mountainside of Kailash
Mount of the subdued demons
Kingdoms beyond Kailash
Solo - T
The lake of light
And the lake of demons
The peak of Shiva, the great darshan
May they remain unconquered forever
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