1. Intro
2. The Doctor
Good morning, I'm your doctor
Dr. Oste is my name
I appreciate your coming
To play my wicked games
No need to be frightened
Calm down and lay to rest
Come on let's see what drugs we have
Yeah - alcohol's the best
Now nurse where's my scalpel
Give it - will you please?
Patient's still in conscience
Anyway - I can't ease the pain
A little cut right here
Another cut down there
How I love them screaming
Like little kids in fear
Yeah I'm Dr. Oste
Surgery's my game
Cruelty was my mother
Everytime I do the same
Here is the nervus opticus
Cut it - will you nurse
Now give that slimy eye to me
I'll put it in a glass
Don't want your flesh
I just want your eye
Gimme eyes
But I won't take both
Just one
Cause I'd like you to see
My sofisticated art
How d'you like it
Disfigured faces are beautiful I think
Say you like it
I want you to say it .
3. Tumortod
"Und ich sah sie, die vom Mullberg
herab verkundete, da? der Mansch
nicht mehr sei.
Das, rief sie, ist euer Nachla?."
Endlich kommt sie wieder
Pestbringer der neuen Zeit
Findet sie dich
Bald, schon bald bist du Vergangenheit
Dachtest du seist wichtig
Kriechendes Menschengezucht
Ideen - sie sind nichtig
Hatten nie Belang
"So war der Mensch beiderlei Geschlechts
wie er brullte, wichtig tat oder seiner
macht sicher schwieg.
Sein Gerede von der Unsterblichkeit,
dabei ahnte er, das allenfalls wir, die
zahen Biester das Zeug haben,
unsterblich zu sein."
"Wie sie mit Zanhen, die Stahlblech zermurben,
die Kehle des Gegners fanden.
Und miteinander verzahnt fra?en sie
Einander bis zum zuckenden Verenden.
Sie durchwuhlten sich
Ins fremde und eigene Gedarm verwickelt,
mochte ihr Zahn blindlings
das eigene Herz treffen."
Widerlich und klein
So siehst du unsereins
Andern tut das nicht
Bald schon bald - wirst nicht mehr sein
4. Legion
Adern platzen - Blut dringt ein
Ein Kind
Nachgeladen anvisiert
Zuckend liegt es da vor mir
Blutverschmiert - das wollt ich nicht
Kinderleib von Stahl gefickt
Mein Stiefel tritt in sein Gesicht
Renne Schritt fur Schritt
Bluttriefende Bilder
Nehm sie alle mit
Lasst mich wieder los
Kleiner Kinderkopf
Zertreten wie ein Insekt
All meine Sinne taub
Wenn Gevatter Tod Leben leckt
5. Drink Or Drown
Swimming in a cold stream of blood
Clothing is getting heavier,
Soaped with the sap of life.
Unable to find a stand or grip,
No power to move further,
Ready to die in these stinky floods.
Drink or drown, little Jester.
Drink or drown!!
I can see pictures of rape,
Naked violence passing my mind.
Hatred accelerates the heartbeat
To the speed of wardrums,
Calling for Armageddon.
Drink or drown, little Jester.
Drink or drown!!
There is sin, Jester, there are sinners.
Be god's revenge, slash them, where they stand.
Show them the thruth of god's word:
"(An) Eye for an eye!"
Be the shining sword of justice.
Drink don't drown, little Jester.
Drink don't drown!!
6. Never Bow To None
Are you really satisfied
Doing the things they tell
All their morals and ideologies
Just ways to keep you calm
No way anyway
Never bow to none
Spit forth the hypocrit
Deny the essence of their life
Even more to do, more to find
Just take care or you'll go blind
Do what you want
Shall be the only rule
I'll show you life
You'll be my tool
7. Total Eclipse Of The Mind
Illdisposed - rotten brain
Talking mental bullshit - gone insane
Disgored by mother nature - can't you feel the shame
Little dumb bastards - all of you just the same
Narrow minded idiots - you are Hitler's whores
Ridiculous, all of your kind - that's what I call
A total eclipse of the mind.
Fuck you - Bastards
Come down - just a piece of shit
Ain't worth it
None of you will ever fool me
Cause I see things you'll never find
Just let me show you
The total eclipse of your mind
Perhaps you call me untrue - and that's allright with me
Bay all the things you stand for
Just sound ridiculous to me
Narrow minded idiots - I see things you'll never find
Just let me show you - the total eclipse of your mind
Bastards - I'm just not the thing
You wanna see in me - Fuck
8. Seelenkrank
9. Dead Girls Boogie (The Living Dead)
Fuckin' in the shadow with a whore
Going straight to hell
Still I'm trying to ignore
That disgusting smell
Bodies in the darkness
Dancing with me
Whispering voices
Bless me with lust and pain
Pussy turns to bloody gore
Where only vermin dwells
Sickness is her fucking name
And sickness' what she sells
Zombies in the darkness
Dancing with me
Bless me with sickness
While I'm fucking her
Come on baby - fuck with me
Suck my dick - as I lick
Put my fucking tongue in your
Muscous cunt - stinky cunt
Eat your pugnent smelling shit
That is fun - this is it
Get your pussy wet for me
Love me baby please - Fuck
Sweat runs down my neck
My heart is beating fast
Maggots crawl inside my veins
No longer it will last
Devils in the darkness - torturing me
No longer dancing - curse me with death and hate
No more I'm a human beeing
Now I'm living dead
I will be your worthless shit
I'll turn your head
Dancing in the darkness
Whispering voice
I will devour you,
Curse you with lust and pain.
E.B.Hector - Rhythm Guitar
C.yborg D.rumm M.achine - Beats + Chaos
Dr. Oste - Grunts, Surgery + Guitars
Lepra - Vocals, Psycho, Bass
De Sade - Electronics
Guest Vocals on "Drink or Drown" + "Seelenkrank" by Clausi (BLOOD) and Felix (Crematory/Abnorm)
All Text by E.B.Hector except "Drink or Drown" by Lepra & "Seelenkrank" by De Sade
Textparts on Tumortod taken from "Die Rattin" by Gunter Grass
Bandfotos by Jessy G. & Lepra
Cover + Inlay ideas by C.D.M & PENETRALIA
All music by Dr. Oste + PENETRALIA
Management by De Sade & PENETRALIA
Bus driving by De Sade
Recorded at KICK TRAXX - Studios
Daniel Fischer
Hebelstr. 10 - 74821 Mosbach
Chris Merzinsky
Am Wachtbuckel 10 - 74869 Schwarzach
Lyrics in plain text format