Ataraxie Anhédonie 1. Origin [Instrumental] 2. Silence Of Death Here we are at the beginning of your end Unbaptized in a fresh pool of congealing blood Soon to be freed from what one calls life Shut your eyes and release your final breath Petrified now are your limbs and hollow become your eyes Abandoned in a lonely street like a garbage that someone has got rid of Freshly wounded, this obsession of killing by yourself is growing But the feebleness is creeping over so much that your life's vanishing Say goodbye to your poor and useless existence Be prepared to meet the cursed one or the holy one Welcome the coldness of black blood through your veins Feel the warmth of liquid escaping from your orifices Smell the putrid stench release by your own corpse Empty and useless you are Then come the weeping and the meaningless tears Please no sympathy, please no hypocrisy Leave this corpse alone and let it rest in peace After awhile morticians come to bring you to the mortuary And offer a bag as a present in a luxury hearse with beautiful leather seats Here we are now at your final home Surrounded by a sweet sound of death and decay Here holy flames wait for your fresh remains To free your soul from your mortal coil 3. Walking Through The Land Of Falsity Tired of roaming among lie-thirsty deceitful living creatures Snubbing their stinking venomous acts like escaping pestilence I can't hold down that nausea towards these lugubrious beings Force-fed of vain hopes and waiting patiently their ends to come Claustrophobic but confined in my own expended carnal prison Doomed to endure seeing them smiling, breathing, crying and living Watching them disguise their falsity and emphasize their sociality To finally decide to betray the faithful ones they're supposed to appreciate Willing to crush their bones with my own hands and leave them in misery To make them pay their fallacious betrayals and striking disloyalty Then lacerate their flesh and make them drink their own impure blood To finally break their necks and leave their remains to famished worms Las de toute cette accablante puanteur et hypocrisie Résigné à vivre dans un monde n'exaltant que lâcheté et infamie J'aimerais tant que cette réalité disparaisse dans l'effroi général Et que tout cette pathétique humanité se noie en un onirisme lachrymal 4. Anhédonie Neverending shrilly shrieks echo all around the earth Thunders burst and announce the imminent sentence Threatening nauseous skies overthang these decaying soils Suddenly, sky begins to split and discharge all its waste Over this doomed and vermin contaminated soils Des corps inertes gisent le long de berges inondées Et difusent autour d'eux une odeur putride et avariée Les eaux s'imprègnent de cet arôme cadavérique Qui peu à peu gagne rivières, fleuves, mers et océans Puis condamne et anéantit toute forme de vie persistante Then come the worms, cockroaches and other flesh eaters Celebrating the end of aimless life and deserved death And glorifying the absence of lies, guiles and hypocrisy Euphoric ceremonial through rotten skin consumption Unholy funeral chants about the death of mankind Des lambeaux de chair tapissent ce paysage morne Et anéantissent lentement mais inévitablement toute cette vie S'en suit la décomposition de toutes ces chaires faisandées Qui retournent au néant le temps su souffle d'un vent Puis tout signe de vie s'efface et l'anhédonie prend place Finally comes the congregation of purifying darkened clouds Glutted with looming acid rain and death emanations Ready to liquidate any form of obsolete useless existence And clean each soiled stone and parcel of fouled ground Then come the void, nothingness and other earth eaters Mourning the end of aimless life and deserved death 5. Avide De Sens Someday you will wake up in the depth of the night Anguished, tormented and helpless but wondering why It's the torturing void of your miserable existence The siliness of your life, the uselessness of your acts All working over your mind and filing you with fear Someday you will realize at the end of your empty life Resigned, strengthless and breathless but knowing why You have always been acting like a greedy living dead Attracted by living places and begging for warmth and affection To finally be cast aside, rejected and left inevitably alone By all these unsound minded and treacherous beings Et un matin, tu t'éveilleras mais rien n'aura changé Tes actes, insatiables, seront toujours d'une parfaite futilité Que tes mots, en cent éclats tremblants, porteront comme fardeau Et ni les murs, ni la pluie observée de ta fenêtre, n'y répondront Tu resteras ainsi, condamné, impuissant... prisonnier de ton existence Et les jours, eux-mêmes, deviendront des échos... et tes cris resteront sans réponse Since we we're born, we run towards the illusions of self creation But I tell you, nothing will remain except the void that you once were And the stench of your forsaken, scummy and decomposed empty bottle Wordlessly filing in time within its self sculptured wooden funereal dwelling So comforting yourself with gods or high ideals will never make a change Arcane emptiness will inescapably engulf you within its merciless arms Six feet under you all will be laid to rest with all your sold neighbours Feeding the earth with your poisonous flesh and ludicrous decaying suit Proclaiming your innocence against this mortal and partial punishment Do whatever you can for erasing years and the unkindness of time Pray whoever you believe for saving souls and heretical minds Profit whenever you're able to rekindle the flames of vain hopes Waste whichever you find to claim your mucking state of being