Totalselfhatred Apocalypse in Your Heart 1. Apocalypse Father - Spirit Edge of insanity or sanity? Mother - Earth Claws from the darkness Tearing my tattered flesh Let it burn under the purifying light! Energies of opposites Pulling my limbs apart Inverted and downright reality Powerless! Begging! Hysteric paralysis! Heart and mind crushed The erratic beating pulse Burning, blinding light, drowning blackness Wings of angels whipping my skin! One touch in me One sound into eternity Olen selittämättömässä tyhjiössä Ei vihaa ei rakkautta No love no hate Nowhere to be... 2. At War With Myself At war with myself Mieleni ainainen sotatanner Once again in this hell Ristitulessa raunioina At war with myself Riutuneet kädet kaivavat Fucking war in my head Hedelmätönä maaperää On my knees, shattered Waiting for the fury to settle To find the haven in this madness And see the storm to calm Tired... Empathy my torturer Only choice whom i'll hurt this time Torture, empathy, a hurtful choice Nourishing my true self Altruistic deprivation Inside your hearts rest my past Which kneels to my regrets Through all the chaos, in the middle of silence All the burial pits, shelters of my shadow To perish into nothingness Through the veils of life and death... Frei... Puhdistuneena erillisenä kaikesta In die Unendlichkeit... Katson universumiani keskellä aikaa Im selben Moment wie es mir das herj jerschneidet Neues Glück erwacht... In mir aus der Asche der Vergangenheit Ei saastainen sielu enää ryömi Befreit... Ulos onnettomasta ruumiista 3. A Teardrop Into Eternity Feel the pain... Kaipaava katse etsii elonmerkkejä toisesta Tutkii elottomia silmiä jotka tuijottavat tyhjyyteen Sielun peili on pölyinen - Harmaus ei mitään heijasta Musta sydän viruu liikkumatta - Kuihtunut on elämän lampi Hautautuneena parkkiintuneen kerroksen alle jossa raatomadot kuhisevat - Kyynelille uusia kanavia kaivavat Jotka ikuisuuteen satavat Sorrow relief Buried...deceaced Feel the pain fade away Drown me, drown me deep inside Into this deep Into this ever-night Never felt so free before In this balance In this gloomy warmth Drown me, Drown me deep inside Into myself Just wanna feel this warm void 4. Ascension Longing for the way out To bathe in the blinding light Golden fields Wither To dust under my steps Through these endless catacombs of life Do i wander, do i stride Silently leaping into the nothingness Sheltered within myself Desert of desolation Barren land all i can see Throw sand into my eyes And i'll rinse them with knowledge Rain of grieving angels Awakens the sleeping life In a Mirage the glare of GOD On stony steps i breathe suffering Ascending from the sin of convention Rising Breathing the pain Climbing and fighting For the highest gain! 5. Anything Was there something i didn't say Was there anything undone I saw you drown but i couldn't help Lost it all, saved myseld Just wanted you to stay Pieces of you left behing Didn't i want you to leave A hurtful trail of memories Just wanted you to be What leads to your remains Here with me Not a sign of what you used to be Why? Miksi sirpaleet lankeavat rakkaitteni edessä? Why? Miksi kätensä torjuvat, työntävät kauemmas? Menneisyytesi irvikuva kasvotusten kanssani Avuttomana, huurtuvat lasin takana Vaikka haluaisin silittää hiuksiasi Etäännyn ja käännän selkäni Break the silence in me Take the sorrow from me Why? Miksi sirpaleet lankeavat rakkaitteni edessä? Why? Miksi kätensä torjuvat, työntävät kauemmas? Please don't strip that mask off I don't want to see the wicked truth Let it be Leave me my illusion Nail it to the bone 6. Dripping Melancholy Strength through Pain! Suffer with pride All by myself All the time I can barely breathe At these flooding streets I stand still in the raging stream Reaching from misery All the time the burden grows Drop a tear to was the pain away It's my soul, a drop of blood A dead leaf, crushed on the ground Only a broken mirror reflecting my pain The drop of blood washed away by rain ...Unbound 7. Cold Room Starstained Sehnsucht - in die Unendlichkeit Ikuisuuteen Heimmveh - nacht dem nicht-mehr-sein Olemattomuuteen Freiheit Liebe Hass Einsamkeit Leben Tod erwiglich vereint In der Nichtigkeit Alastomana, haavoittuvana Alati laajenevassa ajassa Tässä valtavassa tyhjyydessä Tähtien kirkkaus kasvoillani Abschied Jäisellä vuteella jäähyväisiäni jätän Kälte Sisimpäni kylmä kuin avaruus Suddenly Hurtful Silence Dividing life from Death Atararia! C. - Vocals, Rhythm Guitars I. - Drums, Backing vocals N. - Bass J. - Lead Guitars, Backing Vocals M. - Keyboards A. - Vocals, Lead Guitars