AGATHODAIMON p 1998 "Blacken The Angel" TRISTETEA VEHEMENTA (PART1) (Lyrics: Vlad Dracul) Viata Dormiteaza Germinind Si-O Simt In Jur Universala Intr-o Nesfirsita Oboseala Si-n Absenta Ultimului Cind Iar Taina Aerului Otravit Intr-un Inceput De-nnoptare Alacelui Orizont Nemarginit Adoarme Fara Desteptare My ruined world 's denying the earthly time Drained of all emotions... Immortality: Now be mine! My ruined dreams - remains of tortured years Who will be left to wipe away my bitter tears? Words of sorrow... sail, travelling on cold winds Words of tranquility... fail, dancing on my wounded lips I'm dying mostly alone Within life's thin disguise And I can't tame the blood And the heart THEY have baptized The scars burn deeply into my soul My smile has lost it's brilliance My words become so trivial... Loosing all desire, Loosing all, but pride. Cu vehementa miniei tristetea Difuza se strecoara Printre-ncheieturi Ca un ghimpe de-otrava al florii vietii vestejite "Moartea succede vietii, viata succede la moarte Alt sens u-are lumea asta, n-are akt slop si-alta soarta!" ...Caci demult, aici, la marginea vietii Sub lumina siderala, nu mai traiesc in timp... Iar calendarul a reintrat in forma lui astrala "Te vad, Te aud, te cuget, Tinara si dulce veste, dintr-un cer cu-alte stele cu alte vise si alti zei" ...Pe drumuri delirind, pe-o vreme de toamna Ma urmareste-un Gind, Ce ma-ndeamna: "Dispari cit mai curind!" ...Caci visu-mi nu-i un dis pamintesc My ruined world's grasping for a mystic thought Though the soul's already tired of search My ruined dreams - Out of reach And the hopeless soul keeps on waiting, for whom? But who's to know? Ubersetzung/Translation: DIE LEIDENSCHAFTLICHE TRISTESSE (TEIL 1) (Translation: Vlad Dracul/Sathonys) Leben entwickelt sich langsam, wahrend es schlaft Ich fuhle es rings um mir, In einer nicht enden wollenden Mudigkeit und der Abwesenheit eines letzten Gedanken... Meine ruinierte Welt verleugnet die irdische Zeit Entblo?t von allen Emotionen... Ewigkeit: Sei nun mein! Meine ruinierten Traume - Uberbleibsel der gefolterten Jahre Wer wird zuruckbleiben, um meine bitteren Tranen abzuwischen? Worte des Leidens... setzen Segel, reisend auf kaltem Winde Worte der Beruhigung... scheitern, tanzend auf meinen verwundeten Lippen... Oft sterbe ich alleine innerhalb der dunnen Maske des Lebens Unfahig, mein Blut zu zahmen und das Herz, das SIE getauft haben Narben brennen sich tief in die Seele Mein Lacheln verliert seinen Glanz Meine Worte werden unbedeutend sein... ich verliere alle Wunsche, verliere alles, Au?er meinen Stolz Die diffuse Tristesse schleicht durch das menschliche Gebein, mit der Vehemenz des Zornes, wie ein giftiger Dorn der Blume des verwelkten Lebens! "Der Tod folgt nach dem Leben, Leben nach dem Tod, einem anderen Sinn steht kein Gebot, kein anderer Zweck, kein anderes Schicksal mag sich regen!" ..denn seit langem, hier, am Rande des Lebens Unter dem Sternenlicht, lebe ich nicht mehr in dieser Zeit... Erneut nahm der Kalender seine ursprungliche Astralform an "Ich sehe dich, ich hore dich, su?e und junge Nachricht, aus einem Himmel mit anderen Sternen und anderen Gottheiten" einem Herbsttag irre ich durch unbekannte Wege Verfolgt von einem Gedanken, stetig auffordernd: "Verschwinde so fruh als moglich!" ...denn mein Traum ist kein irdischer Traum Meine ruinierte Welt greift nach einem mystischen Gedanken Obwohl die Seele bereits mude ist zu suchen Meine ruinierten Traume - unerreichbar Und die hoffnungslose Seele wartet...immerfort... auf wen? Aber wer vermag es zu wissen? STINDARDUL BLASFEMIEI (Banner Of Blasphemy) Trei cruci de lemn, trei cruci enorme de lemn Vopsite cu trei culori, pazesc pe marginea soselei Fintina celor... crediciosi! Trei cruci pe marginea soselei cu gesturi largi de miini bolnave Opresc din drum pe calatori si parca-s trei spinzuratori De care atirna trei crisosi... Intr-o zi impinsi de-acelasi funerar indemn Ca dou-armate puse una-n fata alteia Cumintii se-ntilnira cu nebunii Copiii mortilor de miine se-ntilnira cu parintii... "Si-armatele-ncepura lupta la umbra crucilor de lemn Deoparte flutura stindardul credintei... alb... curat..." albul cel curat, al florilor de nufar Iar tricolorul nebuniei, inchis cu grija-n cite-in cufar De craniu omenesc... Sta gata sa se desfasoare la cea dintii ingenuncheare A albului domnesc... Insa-n ziu-aceea cerul innegrit de fum parea Un tavan de catedrala ce se naruia "Iar fumul din clopotnitele-aprinse deschidea-n albastrul:" Drumul altui fum, mai greu, mai negru si-albastrul se-nnegrea... Si-n ziu-aceea cerul innegrit de fum parea Un tavan de catedrala ce se naruia Si multimea-nspaimintata, spre clopotnitele-aprinse Se-ndrumeaza grupuri, grupuri, cei cuminti privesc plingind Pling ca resturile unei armate-nvinse, iar nebunul sta deoparte Si zimbeste ... fredonind: BLASFEMIE !!! "Iar tricolorul nebuniei adapostea pe-nvingatori!!!" Ubersetzung/Translation: BANNER OF BLASPHEMY Three wooden crosses Three huge crosses of wood Painted with three colors On the margin of the road Guarding the fountain of the believers Three crosses On the margin of the road With gestures made by morbid hands They hinder wanderers whilst passing Like three gallows on holy lands Where three christians are hanging... Inclined by a funeral stir On a fatal sky, so blur Like two armies enticed to war The mad have fallen upon the brave The children of 'morrows dead Their parents had met In the shade of the wooden crosses The armies began their battle Aside... the banner of creedance flattered White and clean Like the cleanest white men have seen And the blasphemic flag of madness Safely embedded in each human skull Was ready to unfold at the first Subjugation of the royal white On the same day, blackened by fumes The heavens seem to be the ceiling Of a collapsing cathedral, bleeding And the fumes of the burning steeples Opened in the celestial blue The way of another fume Blacker, heavier, and the blue Has become black, too So the horrified people Hasten to the burning steeples The brave behold whilst crying Like the remnants of a defeated army And the madmen stay aside Grinning and humming: Blasphemy And the tricolor of madness was sheltering The conquerors! Near Dark (...Und der Tod wird vor Neid erblassen) Lyrics: Vlad Dracul Part One This is a world blessed by the victims Of carnal tragedy The humans ritual of love and adoration Dense-woven history Sentiments decide existance, the artwork that I've bled Bizarre she defined her presence With the lament of the undead When her eyes have bathed in danger And the moon had new design In the cradle of our desire all the blood has turned to wine But the love no longer remained than just a stir to survive In this labyrinth of perfidity for my mistress to recover I'll forever strive... Part Two Dem Sterbenden - die Hoffnung Dem Propheten - Der Fluch Der Liebe - die Dichtung, die dem Sterben entsprung... The night is crystal clear - words are sent from pictures Sounds that I can't hear - as weakness wins my body Selling cheap my soul - and its bleeding heart Eclipsing the whole - planet, history and light... Part Three Sometimes, when the sun hides in the back of the earth When the hungry souls, to whom pain gave birth Embalm their coldness with the blood's warmth... then I can clearly hear the calling of a lonely and distant star In the shade of the abhorrent Yet in the still of the nights - In the still of the moment When the moment dies There she gently approaches With the new meaning of life... In a haze of hazard, in the withering chill Baleful's the passion, when hearts stand still A flood of sentiments entwined Rattle thru my falling soul I slumber against the spirit of time Like a stranger in a foreign world! In a park, along the alleys, stained with blood and tears In the hour, when dusk disperses Its colors on the white statues Then I'll wander as a phantom of the posthumous regrets And my fiery lips I'll freeze With the kiss of these unrivalled statues "Si-n asta noapte sfirsese printr-un sarut Poeme - agonizate de-un infinit si-un inceput" Part Four "The all-engulfing dawn of habitude shows his claws again- Do you still remember our oath? - Til light do us part!?" Come forth, Feline Mere moment of melancholy Drink deep of my desire The quenchless fire That unites our tameless embers... Come forth, Feline Tortured by our final duet Let thy pale fingers slide on the petals of the flowers That thee stained with mortal, coagulated blood... On the walls, midnight closes even the stoical eyes Of the unsleeping portraits And the white-eye of a lonely candle falls asleep Into its own startling solitude... Part Five Silent heart desires The balm that drives away the human waste Oh come, infidel duchess Shrouds of frost fall furiously down... of thee I taste again Deciphering eternity of its ruined scripts Of the tenebrious river I pleasantly sip Upon lifeless leaves autumn has banished Arises my lovelorn aura's odyssey "Un ornic cu rostiri funebre, suna amiaza-ndirjit Iar ceru-mprastia tenebre, peste parcul amortit" ...Returned into that park as a whole Under the questioning eyes of stars and heavens Dreaming away on the lost love I've recovered Death suddenly rises Annoyed that he couldn't save me He turns pale from envy The seasons vanish and so does this story As the same poets hand raises the pen He pictured this spectacle with... The actors fade on the dreary alleys of that elder park Only two nightshades remaining - Celebrating the sunset of ages while their sullen laughter Lustfully haunts the mortal seeds of ruin... Nights were crystal clear - words were sent from pictures The colors have seared - these pages, whereas The darkest hour revealed - the mysterious hand Which dutifully sealed This episode's arcane End. Ill Of An Imaginary Guilt (Lyrics: Vlad Dracul) I gave you light I seared off the oceans To show you my devotion I?ve lived your fright I wanna be the infamy I wanna wound your caprice I need to try your malice You should tame my misery I wanna lick your beauty I wanna scar your sweetened wounds To reap your rotten fruits Your loving gotta suit me Oh, let me be the one Who sets you free See how love unveils Her incomparable mystery I wanna feel your hungry skin I wanna be the sacrificed I?ll make you the holy praised Whore... of my radiant sin I wanna see you sacrificed I wanna be the hungry skin To share with you the greatest sin My holy, capricious whore! I?ve been kissin? the filth My tongue?s been bleedin? I?ve been stealing you a wing My dark, sinister angel Oh, let me touch your guilty soul Let me be your hungry skin Let me be your thrilling dream Let me rape your open wounds Oh, let me see your other face We belong to the same disgrace I was the dead you fettered ... you were the angel I raped... NOAPTEA NEFIINTEI (Die Nacht Des Unwesens) (Translation: Vlad Dracul/Sathonys) Ach, Nacht, wie lieb du mir warest Wenn die Sterne du ausloschen wurdest Ihre Strahlen murmeln unbekannte Gesange... Und ich wunsche mir alles Dustere und Stumme alles Entblo?te und Verschwommene All das Finstere liebend - Meine Aura verangstigte Als ein blinder Gedanke knabberte An Raum und Zeit Oh Seele, wanderndes Gebein, meinen Frieden du erbittest Ich lege mich nieder, erfrischendes Dunkel Von schweren Todestraumen durchdrungen Und wickle mich in deinen Schleier Mit meinen Gedanken trotze ich allem, was Sie Gott nennen Ach, du Morder der Kunst, du falsche Lebensweisheit Aus meinem atheistischen Glauben Wirst Du gewi? sie nimmer rauben Die entweihte Krone meiner wahren Unsterblichkeit Ach Nacht, wie lieb du mir warest Wenn die Sterne du ausloschen wurdest Der Tumult der Existenz... Fragwurdig, ungewohnlich edel Dein Schatten murmelt unbekannte Gesange Endlich, Nacht... steck deine schwarze Flagge In meinen stummen Schadel In deinem teuflischen Blick - ein dusteres Paradies Von tiefer, eingeschlafener Dunkelheit Oh gottliche Vorstellung, die ich oft pries Verstummter Jammer eines sanften Lachelns Meine Seele geht verloren Im nostalgischen Inferno Visionen des Todes - meiner Selbstverschwendung Die Nacht wacht uber die Ikone der Geburt im Chaos Ich wu?te nichts von ihrer Existenz Nichts, bis sie mich anlachelte Ach Nacht, wie lieb du mir warest Mit deinem milden Weinen Wenn Sterne die bittere Vergiftung ausloschen wurden Welche dieses abstrakte Leben in mich hineinpumpt Wie der erste Schmerz. Jedoch trist und still Ist der Leichnam Der sich aus meinem Inneren davonschleicht Hinein In die Nacht des Unwesens Ribbons / Requiem (Lyrics: Vlad Dracul) Random raining, ribbons of melancholy The moment dies right here, before me Grey horizons tarred to my days The curtain fell, still the solitary plays Dance with me, me dear The dance of those, who'll never return Bleeding traces left behind, for the living Hear life forging with death It's a gorgeous storm unfurling I've awaited for so long Now you taste like honey, dear, on my rigid tongue It's soothing as you delve Into my crescent agony Your lips of tragedy licking my requiem I am betrayed by your kiss... "Would you bleed for me again, For I adore its pounding On your fetid, lifeless shell, it becomes like satin No love existing, oh, my darling, see I am the architect of this bitter-sweet abstract" A key, a door, a vision, remnants of a dream Corridor of conclusions thru wide ribbons seen Like a statue starring with the same cold eyes Honey, kill me again, for know now what I am Lay down with me, my dear Listen to this requiem, You always loved to hear Through you knew the words You did sing them wrong AGATHODAIMON p 1999 "Bislang" (название альбома предварительное, может измениться) Bedeviled (Lyrics: Vlad Dracul) Immune to life... I'll always die In the palms of heaven, where serpents lie Life is Death - postponed Bedeviled Paradise... web of all sin Ethereal shadows rise, postmortem redeemed Hell is paved with Paradise Lovelorn serenades into my heart I swallow Life pervades my scary eyes Bedeviled, thee, whom I won't be whom I antagonize Scarlet lips of indecency In search for a splintered tongue Sharpened words of intimacy They'll need (all) my love Scarlet lips of perversity Matching each face unmasked Words lose intensity Whithin our vacuum world Sapience Pierce my flesh with your thorns of irony Life decays and twists her wings and her gleaming breasts will rot like foul flesh, hence worms will dance to a macabre romance ... the rape of "darling" in my eyes Decrepitude Pierce my tongue with your womanliness Searching for another fetid romance Scratching suicidal love on life's putrid skin I am the godless son, thus I am sin Immune to live, I'll always die In the palms of heaven, soon death will come Again with his reaping scythe behind Bedeviled, thee, whom I refuse to be ESTRANGEMENT (Lyrics: Vlad Dracul; 28.2.96) In the night of my final sacrifice I sent my soul Into the vast and fathomless unknown to find a word A word, that indicates the beyond. It came back later and spoke: "I am myself heaven and hell!" Sculptured in time as another chapter of life Sharp are the thorns of the roses, which lay dank upon me For too long I knew that I had to arrive Yet destination isn't as linear as humanity Touch the feeling - touch the soul Touch the morning dew and see the glamour In my stark eyes reflecting The icon of a setting in a serene summer So many flowers give away to mystery and loneliness Their subtile perfume and their indifference So much jewelry's forgotten in the soil, in darkness Deepened in eternal sleep, where nothing breeds weakness But who dares to tread the silent meadows That lie beyond the mirror of one's self? Who dares to reach the fanthoms of one's heart To behold the murderer of life and art? And what is death? What gives birth? What sells good or has no worth, when everything you feel is cold? Why am I? Who's this hand? Whose decisions I can't comprehend... But isn't history foretold? There's a the affairs of men Which, taken of it's flood, leads on to fortune But all the voyage of their life Is bound in shallows and miseries... Oh, didn't light prove the dark? Didn't distress prove life, With it's seasons all hallowed? But if you desire to see the light... As it truly is, clear and bright You must move - back into the shadows "There's as much difference between me and myself As between me and the vassals of time But, however, life continues it's sculptures Like poetry without rime..." We both exist and do know that we exist and Rejoice in this existence and this knowledge... IN UMBRA TIMPULUI (Lyrics: Vlad Dracul) Deep into the darkness peering Long I stood there fearing Dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before... But the silence was unbroken And the stillness gave no token And the only word there spoken Was the whispered word: "Veritas" This the dark whispered And an echo murmured back the word Merely this and nothing more! Fools and faith conspire Questions of desire That they never owned before Kings without their armour Men without their honour We all slip into oblivion Monuments of distant knowledge and remains Stare undying from this end into the life They are the dark inside the night The ghosts of which the poets write And the dreams that night's embrace That slowly leave without a trace... Eu te slavesc nocturna, cu bolta innoptarii O, doamna a tacerii, O, vas al intristarii Vreau sa m-agat detine, spre cer navala dind cum viermii de-un cadavru s-agata misunind! O, suflet sparge-odata, ingustati inchisoare Si scutura-te-odata de-alest lut pamintesc! Oh, the scarlet skies drown the cold sun Onto the funeral cries of the dying eve And there's a foreign shade in mine It's the time's greedy scythe! Eu te slavesc nocturna, cu bolta innoptarii O, doamna a tacerii, O, vas al intristarii Vreau sa m-agat detine, spre cer navala dind cum viermii de-un cadavru s-agata misunind! Wretchedness (Lyrics: Vlad Dracul) Cry with my tears Cry with my pain Still in the cold Neverending rain With one of your kisses My words you'd freeze From one of your kisses My bleeding would cease Shed all my tears The flood devours all The earth, us, rushing... A shy, whispered call Death becomes angels Who won't turn away Defying all my yearing And my body of clay Cry with my crying You end up like (a) mole Death loves the angels Retired into my soul As I'm drained and welken My last wish I sigh Let me be, darling Tears in your eye. DUSK OF AN INFINITE SHADE (Lyrics: Vlad Dracul; Translation: Vlad Dracul/Sathonys) Streifen von schwarzen Schleiern bedecken langsam die Sonne Oh Mond meines Lebens, verhulle dich mit Schatten... Nahere dich mir, oh Stern, Sei grausam, Sei duster... Meine einzige Konigin, Mein ganzes Wesen verehrt dich, Jede Faser meines Ich Streckt sich dir entgegen (Dunkle Schatten begraben sich tief in der Nacht) Trummer! Wir sind ein Blut, feierlich jede Nacht Doch das Fleisch ist kalt, Durchbohrt von deinem Schatten Alles, was du mir schenkst, macht mich trunken Seien es Schmerzen oder endloser Traum! Versklavt von deinem Blick Trinke ich aus dem Zauber Deiner Augen Wahrend du mich bis zum Blut streichelst, Mit rabenahnlichen Krallen In deinem Bett, Abgrund des Vergnugens Verschwindet jeder qualende Gedanke Dein Mund; eine nicht austrocknende Quelle, Verstromend ein Gift, das langsam verbrennt... Verbrennend meine Seele, meine Essenz In den Flammen, die du, Wesen der Finsternis, In meinem Herzen heraufbeschworen hast! Doch du scheinst den Zenit von meinen Augen zu entfernen Die zu den schwarzen Unendlichkeiten ausgestreckt sind Und jedes Mal, wenn der Mond verschwindet Wenn die Nacht zu gehen scheint... Und Schatten langsam verbrennen Halte ich gierig meine Konigin in den Armen Wie ein Sterbender, der leidenschaftlich sein Grab liebkost (Viele Schatten habe sich tief in dieser Nacht begraben) Blood began to clog Still in the rain, Some things can't be remembered And some are harder to forget...