Thou Art Lord Daemoniorum (ep) 1. Hades Shrouded in darkness At the fields of desolation A bitter emptiness The bliss of the nether Hate and oblivion Fire and sorrow Lament and grief Are the waters below When Cerberus howls Persephone calms his wrath As Charon rows the boat A soul flickers in awe Destroyer of titans Lord of the underworld In the center of Erevos Made by black granite The palace of melancholy Of thе king of the dead Fallen hеroes Cursed, condemned Crawl at his feet Begging for redemption Drink the wine of Lethe Leave the mortal world behind Abandon all of hope This is the realm of shadows Destroyer of titans Lord of the underworld Brother of mighty Zeus Have mercy on our souls 2. The Black Halo Granted by royal decree From the fallen prince To those who bent the knee To the unholy throne Halo of darkness Matter noir Halo of darkness Vertex of Hell Matter infernal Who scorned the dream of lies And despised the Charon's kiss Through the serpent's tongue The Gnosis is revealed 3. Fire, Chaos and Doom