Asgaard Ex Oriente Lux I AEGRI SOMNIA II PRIMUS IN ORBE DEOS FECIT TIMOR III CARPITE FLOREM IV COGITEMUS CORPUS ESSE MORTALE V MANIBUS DATE LILIA PLENIS VI HABENT SUA FATA IMAGINES VII IN ARTICULO MORTIS VIII QUEM DI DILIGUNT, ADULESCENS MORITUR IX ETIAM PERIRE RUINAE Here the sky is shedding mournful tears Bedewing the blades of remembrance With the scarlet of my crime You still wait by the window Loking out for flame. . . I want to kiss the silver Moon sprinkled You with These are my dreams' constellations Enveloped in a veil of Darkness! I sail on wings of imagination Towards the New Spaces I am so close... How sweet fragrance has Those Flowers What a wonderful colours have their crowns That night I saw the New Shines I would like to give You One of them, so much... ...Feel the stridently cold breath of surrounding Darkness Shining star of a dying mankind fall asleep in its embrace Fear... I coloured the dead landscapes of time with its refulgent flowers In fist I hide the Lost Jewels of Night Let the face of Your fear Crush the mirror of imagination! You'll see the pictures, You would never like to remember... Can You remember? The silver shine on the faces Laid in motionless Fiery rapture that embraced Our deepest desires... We were holding our hands Wading among Night's abyss Closing the beauty of all universe In one glance It's like somebody gave You the last moment Like a lonely bird looking for a place to die The wild scream of a mangling heart Takes away the rest of obsessive ilussions... Our dreams of love Around the star found in magic ecstasy Everyday I display, before You, The schizoid pictures of my passion Walking through the avenue of suffering I kiss the flowers of a fallen rapture But somewhere among the gardens of our love Damned fear is lurking... Is this true that nobody can take it away?! There is so many other stars, after all... The Night of the Deepest Shadow... Fearfull loneliness flowing the stream of grief She is a flame that carries the seed of cold She spread out her ominous damned wings Over the scream of mankind with a heart torn away Here is the Rose, her memory still last... The ocean of remembrance Gathered in the chalice of rapture Our bodies interwoven with the silver band of night Shiver with convulsive bliss In Your mouth, the rosy nectar of sin I am a Demon of Passion which desires its essence... Silence... I rub my eyes and scream To kill the fear Somewhere in the distance hear the moan of bells Angel song of love Sounds the echo of thousand hearts Loneliness... Mad dreams about the shine Revive in her embrace Like insane wanderers We create the landscapes of our bliss Bathed in the ocean of sin Damned forever, We die... But it's not the end of existence In the mirror of a Night The shadow of our rapture Give me Your hand We will collect the Jewels of a Night, together... The tops of devilish conceptions Ran with scarlet of evil In the arms of sadness, tear comes to the world She bore the path of dreams In ravishing dance We waste our lives But . . . Is it worth to be devoid of passions? Love... Only love lets us touch the essence of existance Rapture is its beginning The end . . . ? I believe it can last forever Like flower proudly blossom in the Embraces of Everlasting Desires Come . . . I will show You the world which Have never existed You will touch the stars originate from The might of elements You will see impentrable abyss of passion Originate from Our First Look My kingdom is dark cold of a Night Personal desire of vengeance gathered In the silver chalice of rapture I paint the landscapes of Our Madness With my own blood These are colours vibrating with Eternity Life without time, Journey without space Come... we are getting closer in every minute In the darkness thicket The faint brightness of burning incense appeared Perhaps its delicate mystic fragrance Shows the real way Towards haggard brilliance The little glimmers of memory Hope which sails on the wing of passion Like a flame of love Lost in the Labirynth of Shiny Chamber But she always return Maybe it is the thing which let us Believe we have seen All Colours Of the Rainbow, for real...? Like autumnal leaf Fragile and lonely Like a pearl in the depthy of ocean Life appears And yet, our dreams can be more powerful Than titanic work of the Gods . . . What is the sunset What is the blue sky In comparison with the voice of conceptions Born in esoteric rapture?! What is the uncut diamond?!! This is my world . . . our world Here, only my tear is real sacrifice, my love, Damnation, oblivion... Within the Land of Coldness, even glowing desire Is the greatest gift of Darkness; Darkness which people should known as light I have seen the sunset painting in crimson The firmament of heaven... I mounted the top and looked down At that damned emptiness The space of my life filled with the Song of love Behind me only bitterness and unfulfilment Let the wind come to take me to the realm Where memory does not exist! Perhaps, You will find me there I will stand alone waiting for the shine Of my star in the Planetarium of the Eternal Dreams You will approach me And silently you will present me with yourself... In the mirror of Your soul, there is heart of A Woman Without Name And finally time had come To fulfil the curse with wind... My body fell down unconsciously Into the abyss of love madness Suddenly, world stoped Staggered by the majesty of a moment Which were dying in slow agony Like a haggard flame Fighting for its life with an arm Of vanishing faith And then rain fell down from the sky Like a painful wall of tears which Took away the joy of life from Every creation with its nostalgia Then wolf cried standing Lonely on the top of his dreams And his tear, like a beautiful winged crystal, At last to disappear in the embrace Of silent infinity... Dead silence all around... Only echos of early days Were shaking mointains' pillars Soaken in blood Of the Last Flame...