葬尸湖 孤雁 / Gu Yan 1. 暮云 instrumental 2. 孤雁 长空渐暮 萧瑟风凄苦 孤雁南渡 斜阳西沉 荒草蔓穹庐 白云归牧 前方多险途 云中路疏 寒鸦痴守 纤霞踟蹰 振羽不为伍 身疲犹不栖 崇峰饮清露 追月天涯路虽遥 寂寞辰空舞 3. 天庭 烽烟惊鸿霜河静 千里传角声 剑光袭云 银甲耀天庭 雷霆翻滚天河倾 大地血流泞 雄鹰翱翔饿狼逐 尸尽骨难宁 4. 梦邀 (广寒 / 仙游 / 南柯) 【組曲·夢邀】 【其之一·广寒】 余常独饮琼浆兮 每熏醉而心飞扬 抚长琴以高歌兮 叹人生之无常 明月流云华彩兮 庭院花树交影 踏清风登广寒兮 赏此之琼阁瑶台 轻雾缥缈落英满地兮 佳影朦胧疑相识 汝亭亭依桂木兮 目盈盈而含笑 持子手兮欲语 竟怆然兮垂涕 【其之二·仙游】 汝邀吾乘彩车兮 驾玉虬而御祥云 与子畅游天国兮 共赏神界之琳琅 仙人遣凤相邀兮 赴蓬莱之灵岛 饮晨露食甘草兮 观翰海之涌涛 辞仙人赴昆仑兮 采雪莲以粉妆 与子沐瑶池兮 绣彩云以为裳 【其之三·南柯】 日恋恋辞暮霞兮 汝惜惜而道别 余凄凄欲相挽兮 汝杳杳已无踪 余蓦然惊醒兮 惶惶不知所以 清泪犹留面颊兮 乃悟此南柯一场 ---------------------- English: Meng Yao Pt.1 Guang Han O alone I quaff the spirit, Ecstasy was I, intoxicated, O a tutti of harp rejointh, Quoth capricious life is. O fair moon and clouds, blossom trees the yards. O reach the Moon Palace with breeze, And so sincere I appreciate th’ edifice. O mist admist the fallen leaves, A beauteous silhouette au fait. O thy fair body ‘gainst th’ laurel, Naught in thy eyes but delight, O longin’ to speak thy hands in mine, Speechless I stand but joyless brine. Pt.2 Xian You O A coloured coach thou invitest me to, On cloud auspicious we ride. O Sojourn in heaven with thee in bliss, Search diamond of paradise. O Along with us the god riding phoenix, To sacred island of Penglai. O Chewing dew and weeds of the morn, Behold th' waves of the main. O Farewell the god, to Kunlun we depart, Gather snow lotus, our adorn. O in th' Jasper Lake I immerse with thee, Our chemise, the rosy clouds. Pt.3 Nan Ke To dusky gloam th' sun bade farewell, Adieu thou shalt say, Distressed was I cleavin' thou to stay, Silently thou art gone. So sudden in dreadness I was awake, Alarmed, heart of void, Wretch'd tears on my cheeks it stay'd, Aware of a fond dream, 5. 邊關 万里江山秋风寒 明月照边关 霜染黄沙 枯树望云残 孤帐昏灯人欲还 长夜深如渊 乘风归去 神游冥云天 6. 歸去 青衫白马羡天骄 皮壶美酒胆气豪 挽弓射云雕 挥剑斩江潮 笑傲 竹琴铁箫 江山烟雨多纷扰 沧浪水浊渔父啸 羡青崖白鹿 思寒江独钓 归去 暮雨潇潇 7. 終曲 instrumental