Sunwheel Iron Age of Strife 1. Clouds of War Gather 2. Solar Path of Power Sol invictus! "For those who did not answer my call - fear not to kill, they are already dead to me!" Sol invictus! The final victory is ours, harvest of heads will be collected! Sol invictus! Hail Victory! The time for the total war against the people of the forked tongue, Is now upon us. For we who are as our forefathers, lay in slumber no longer, Awoken by the horns of dawn. Arise, for you know the purpose revealed by the young god, Arrived at the darkest of nights. Sol invictus! (...) Raging pyre - as the source that fuels the craft, Of inner strength. A turning wheel dominating the endless horizon, Through esoteric aeons. Twelve spears aligned to the eternal wandering of the moon, Over the firmament. Both youthful and elderly faces are turning their gaze towards us, Stern visage for the hesitant. For are we not the sons of fire and steel? Of rebellion and blood, Of wisdom and power. The shackles shattered. Whoever meets the eyes of the divine - then his legacy of blood is reclaimed, Under the hammer and the axe, forged in the crucible of the elder craft, We march in line. Chariot of the radiant god, galloping on the celestial route, On the path of power. He, who was heralded by the wolves and the northstar, The glory reborn! Zwycięstwu Sława! 3. Crown of the Seventh Seal I am the child of the Iron Age of strife I am the harbinger of the end times. I am the rider, I am the messenger, I will end the last era in a sea of blood. The final secrets were revealed by the glare of the moon, As the radiance of a luminous era approaches. The last messenger veiled in the burning aureola, From the outer reaches of all the realities. Only one consciousness and the complete understanding... I was following the blinding light and the frozen paths Until all six of the focal points were aligned in harmony, The perfection was opened as the Seventh Seal I worn as my crown. Crown of the Seventh Seal Unity of thoughts and action, In a perfect harmony of the will. As the old existence is left behind, A new consciousness is born. - What is the knowledge I have possessed? - I have all the answers and the unity is within my grasp! A conqueror, a ruler of all eternities, Philosophy of the ancients and the enlightenment. Crown of the Seventh Seal 4. Unlock the Paths of Sorrow Majestic sunset of regrets, like the melancholy of torn hearts, weeping for the beauty long lost. Let us wait no longer, for the road is calling! Through the darkening meadows of loss, to the misty forest of old. The daughter of the elm king, her voice is calling us through the fog, a hymn of twilight to the elder race. Mournful mysteries of the veiled lady, whispered under the glare of the moon, creeping among the gnarled copse. The darkness covered our eyes, choking the reason and the kinship, but her song has torn the black clouds. And the road ahead is bathed in the dark, our blades are drawn and a lute is ready. The infinite journey for the quest begins. A shining star of burning souls lights the endless paths of emptiness No shadow can stand against us! Her eyes are torn, bleeding silver, A stream of pure bright gleam Pooling over the ever-reaching trees. Shows us the way! On wings of sadness we travel, With the rhythm of steel and faith, Spiraling down as the flame. She was lost, but we did find her! To the secrets of ascension she guides us, Unlocking the sealed ways of truth, For that is the path of sorrow. Take her hand to reach the karmic roots As the wheel of the universe is spinning, eternally falling into her grace... 5. Word of Secret Light (On the night she was killed...) Raving whispers of swirling spells, Again you cross the womb's entrance. Making you complete and reborn As the blood and screams will mix in unison. Cut their bare flesh! Is it evil for the sake of evil? Left alone in the circle of trees With a black gate of pain inside it. Awakening consciousness of enumerable voices, Verily, are those the smiles you were expecting? Secrets of the shadow self are unlocking Sharp as the dawn's blade. Cut their bare flesh! Is it evil for the sake of evil? Left alone in the circle of trees With a black gate of pain inside it. The spiritual antagonist is created The dweller on the threshold That surpassess the hatred and malice of self Inhabiting all planes of existence. The finite cannot escape death But the infinite is beyond death The bloodied head held by the pale arm The dagger of sun and the moon A word of power and secret light Transformative ritual in a circle of bones. The self that never sleeps Is here in the black chapel The past is alive again Brought by the golden wings Broken through ice On the edge of frozen reality When you will see her again it won't be her! On the night she was killed... 6. Scepter of Destiny They are the liars and fathers of lies, And the myth they have built has come to an end. Abhor all that is unfit for our people, Forge the spirit of the revival of our kin. Let the great effort begin - for the time is nigh. The war is not over as far as we are concerned. The ardent masses of Industries of Death The banners raised up high towards the light Our Patience has limits! Do you want total war? Hail destroyer of worlds, guardian of the cycle! Wield the Scepter of Destiny. Our Patience has limits! Do you want total war? And the time has come, when those who are in eternal slumber, Will awaken from their sleep, And will stand with their scions. In the last battle. Now, people, rise up, and let the storm break loose! Rebuild the engines of war! Raise high the industry of steel and might. The end of the cycle approaches - the final battle is near. The era of death and rebirth. The end and the beginning of the cycle. They are all going to swirl, In the radiant light of million suns. The great cleansing, a swift purification, As trace elements of ash, at the end of all times. 7. Lidless Wells of Dreams Triangle of nothingness, swirl before me! Pull me into a spiritual trance of madness, Lidless wells of dreams Lidless well of eyes Akin to the uneven arms of the distant galaxies, Constantly swallowed by the darkness within. Lidless wells of dreams Lidless well of eyes The third eye burns brightly in my forehead, While the serpents crawl under my feet. Lidless wells of dreams Lidless well of eyes Look at me, Chors, I stand proud under this shroud, In valleys of the misty mountains of old. And I slowly join the chant of voices from my dreams. Cry with a howl of ten thousand throats! "It is us! The pale court of oblivion. We have the knowledge of life and death itself!" Grant them their pain as it was prophesied, - Within the first seal of bronze Drown the lives in their own blood - According to the second seal of iron The inverted sun is heralding doom to the twelve tribes. - The third seal of the lidless eye has told The ecstasy of murder - in the forest of black dreams! Blade of revenge I am, wielded by the specter of the haunted land. A bond between soil and holy blood That will bless the old scars. 8. Taniec Run Krąg ognia między zębami wilków, Oczy gwiezdnych bogów obserwują z daleka Nieskończona noc pulsuje w naszych żyłach Esencja życia płynie wokół nas Zgromadzeni jako bracia i siostry Związani nicią przeznaczenia Utkaną przez naszych przodków W prastarym kręgu składamy ofiarę Pod skrzydłami białych orłów Wskrześliśmy ikonę znaku prawdy Dwanaście ramion rozgrzanych energią dusz Płonie w niej, hartując ducha swym blaskiem Zgromadzeni jako bracia i siostry Związani nicią przeznaczenia Utkaną przez naszych przodków W prastarym kręgu składamy ofiarę Oto Krew, którą ci przynoszę, o drzewo życia, Z najwyższą czcią Blade oczy ukryte pod maską Ozdobioną wilczą runą mocy. Zgromadzeni jako bracia i siostry Związani nicią przeznaczenia Utkaną przez naszych przodków W prastarym kręgu składamy ofiarę Oto Krew, którą ci przynoszę, o drzewo życia, Z najwyższą czcią Blade oczy ukryte pod maską Ozdobioną wilczą runą mocy. Symbol życia – wstępujący w niebiosa. Naczynie śmierci - w rozkwicie. Podróż przez światło i zapomnienie, To ścieżka boskiego wzniesienia.