NAPALM DEATH LYRICS Mentally Murdered (1989) 1. Rise Above 2. The Missing Link 3. Mentally Murdered 4. Walls Of Confinement 5. Cause And Effect 6. No Mental Effort 1. Rise Above At time of birth, Minds free from suspicion, Senses raped, Induced with superstition. A pre-set mode To befit description, Language, colour, Race definition! Inner strength must detect The love we each possess before we may reach, Appreciating it in anyone else. External distinctions Used as scapegoats to problems, Channelling our aggression In the wrong direction. Break down the barriers That enforce superstition Learn to trust, Overcome suspicion. Acceptance, the weapon, Active against our freedom, Our love and compassion Held at treason. Rise above induced superstition. 2. The Missing Link An integral sense Comes with belonging to a scene Supposedly absent of barriers (When sexism is only one of many) Earnest words Calling for unity of the sexes When she's still the chick, or stupid bitch (Ridiculed for showing an interest). Hidden indifference Strikes an emotion reaction When you see an animal being abused. Yet un-noticed when a woman Is abused in the same way. The links in oppression Stem from the same degradation But to one our eyes remain closed. Actively abusing the rights of one Whilst fighting for those of another. The 'scene' may hold a different name, But the roleplays just the same. Egual rights are fine, As long as she's in her place. Outrightly denouncing fascism Whilst oblivious to it taking place, Is condemnation of standarts, All an act to save face. Unity a stark ambition When out abuse surpasses recognition. 3. Mentally Murdered Your aspirations, unable to stretch, Beyond the barriers of what's expected, As the free thought you were born with Becomes externally polluted. Lose sight of your ideals In their brainwashing institutions, Predetermine your values To befit your substandard existence... Discouraging creativity, To aim for empty ambitions. Living up to others expectations. Takes hold of your assiduity. Mentally murdered! Always up to the mark, Set the wheels in motion, A fake sense of security From your invariable position. Sinking in the crowd, A face minus expression. A mouth that echoes words, Recycled from tradition. Your only contentness Is in living a lie. Mentally murdered! Do you possess the strength To re-create your own life? 4. Walls Of Confinement Before my eyes I see a wall, 12, 000 miles high, And the same amount wide. Within that wall are faces Of people To whom I once could relate. Now communicating seems hard, When there's an ego barrier to break through. Opinions of self opinion Cloud a new horizon, The vision a mere illusion. Biased in conclusion, Trapped in seclusion, To the outside - exclusion. When an attitude is so biased, What can you expect to change? Banging your head, But the wall's not moving, It's enclosing. Burning so much energy Enthusiasm burning Is change the 'real' obsession? Or with a sense of pretention, Do you merely stive for cedible attention? 5. Cause And Effect What are your motives, For your abuse, What can they be? Accused of things I've never done, This seems strange. Your motivation, for my humiliation. I'm pressurised, So many times By your presence, Your very existance Has become My obsession. My infatuation with you damnation. I experience Dangerous thoughts, That are all too real, How can one man Inflict in me So much hate. My obsession with your destruction. 6. No Mental Effort So we're still in our teething stages As far as politics are concerned That's fine coming from someone To whom sensationalism be there only wisdom in words. A self-proclaimed spokesman On something to which prior knowledge excedes, Championing no more censorship, Then ridiculing our beliefs. To appeal to your better nature, Are we to keep our mouths shut? Easy to discard Constructive power At your disposal When ego's and sales Outbalance opinions On the scales. Using bands As pawns in your hands Building up, Knocking down, Sensationalize To suit cheap public demand. Merging with the gutter press, You claim to detest. It's opened it's lid, For you to crawl in and infest. 1989 Earache