Septic Flesh - Mystic Places of Dawn | ||
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Mystic Places of Dawn They lasted as long as a spark shines but their shining was so bright that it was caught forever in the spectre of time. What was a fact became a legend what was reality became a faded canvas in the mausoleum of civilizations. Landscapes of untold antiquity unchanged are calling to an orgy of colours and shapes in a drunkenness with pure fantasy Their names cause awe and awake forgotten senses The eerie valley of PNATH The majestic LEMURIA SARNATH the doomed... and names that echo in the labyrinths and the cavernous dephts of chaos Mystic Places of Dawn Solo : Sotiris Maybe we, ourselves want to forget helping the truth to grow old and be deformed from the wrinkles of uncertainty Afraid where the path backwards will lead us we prefer to be protected under the shelter of ignorance He who stares back through the glass of centuries will also see his reflection. Solo : Sotiris The eerie valley of PNATH The majestic LEMURIA SARNATH the doomed... And names that echo In the labyrinths and the cavernous dephts of chaos Mystic Places of Dawn Pale Beauty of the Past The mist unfolds its veil as the night falls in the forest The moisty wind forces the trees to sing their sorrow. For centuries they are standing still like a petrified dream. Traped bodies in a wooden web, tall towers of another epoch. This sweet melancholy that is brought by the precious memory The Pale Beauty of the Past is kept in the whisper of the wind. Only the fragile heart can understand the charm of the old. The best things in life are those we can't have yet, still we hope. Blessed will be the day when the circle will be complete. Then the song of the muse will be heard again the mourning of the trees will stop. Solo : Sotiris This sweet melancholy that is brought by the precious memory The Pale Beauty of the Past lost in the vortex of time. Return to Carthage When the fields are red like a crimson robe and the name of the "King" who wears this robe is MAN the waves of wrath have been released to drown the "sinister" and different. Noble causes sink in oceans of bodies where flesh and steel is one. Memories of Ancient Wars remove the frozen bonds of time. Solo : Sotiris Return to Carthage Ages have passed and "savage" hordes have bowed to the "true" Gods. Glory is a whore that seduces even a priest but few are those who taste her kiss upon the piles of those that she betrayed. Return to Carthage in bitter irony the proud city lies raped. Gods of order, Gods of chaos: "Till the next time, when our pawns will move again in the fields of our endless battle"... Crescent Moon The sand beneath your feet a yellow carpetin the palace of wilderness Only king and servant is you searching for the pyramid that guards the emerald board It was a crescent moon when you have been initiated in the science of the black earth, And the optimism of youth pushed you in quests into the paper worlds of the libraries of Cairo Crescent Moon Two sides of the same coin The poor in mind are satisfied with what they see. Crescent Moon And they bear the sign of imperfection because they miss the other side the invisible. Crescent Moon Few words carved with diamond could draw the curtains that cover the glassy cage of senses The warm touch of the starlight (magnes) will be the proof and the philosopher's stone your trophy Grab the golden rope and climb the imaginary walls of your thoughts you may fall but at least you'll have tried Solo : Sotiris Chasing the Chimera My mood is like the weather it changes with unexpected ways creating a mosaic based on the antithesis of cold and warm colours If you could read in my eyes you would discover a shade of grey when I smile because even when (I am) collecting moments of happiness my mind descends in my shrine to pray in front of the candle of life. And its flesh parts are slowly melting slipping down like white worms. (The) walls around are decorated with nailed butterflies. Each one a happy thought, pretty but old and lifeless. The thirst for joy is never gratified only grows as pain is interrupting our wishes and "help" us learn through analphabet of scars. Solo : Sotiris The Underwater Garden Melancholy ascended in the surface knowing that she'll have forever a lair in the underwater garden. Serene the azure body that filled the landscape crowled as ever. The sound here is a word without a meaning nothing can agitate the monotony. The new and the old event roll indolent embraced in a circle. The one takes the place of the other returning continuously in the beginning. What didn't belonged in the fluid kingdom has now become its integral part. The plunder that was stolen from the marvelous world of the unknown is hidden deep. Imprisoned from the seeweeds ornamented with the flowers of the sea. Every piece has its own story Every creation is also a piece of its creator. Behind the coral gate of the garden are sealed emotions Solo : Sotiris Behind the Iron Mask In an empty room eyes without a face. They are stirring other images, glimpses of a distant life, of a gone life. The hands cannot identify the face Behind the Iron Mask Dim is within on the plane of the mind a kneeled spirit under the boot of fear cleansed with torture traped in purity by the whip. Daggers from sound penetrate resistance behind each one, a Holy inquisitor. Mouths reveal the presence of haunted beings unworthy to be said alive. Open the window Release the spirit from this empty body Behind the Iron Mask Draining pleasures from mental wounds a need opposed to false excuses unveils the greatest beast. (Morpheus) The Dreamlord I was sailling in the sea of lethargy upon an empty dream when land appeared and filled the endless horizon. White pilars from marble deep into a garden were shining like guiding stars. The Dreamlord A frozen voice from inside poured out in my dreamworld the voice of Morpheus : "Taste the fruit of knowledge drink the juice of wisdom and you'll see what eyes can't see" The Dreamlord "You have reached UTOPIA" Solo : Chris In the garden of illusions encircled from the pillars I found my idol but clouds filled the purple sky and shed their crystal tears and the idol became muddy. The Dreamlord "The right explanation of symbols depends on you. The sun will send me away" Solo : Sotiris In the place where the idol was, appeared a white flower. Mythos Part I : Elegy Part II : Time Unbounded Lyrics in plain text format |
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