Sceptic Nailed to Ignorance (demo) 1. Wolf as Shepherd Who feeds us lies Not even He believes Who wastes his life To train the flock of sheep Who cares if after death I see hell or paradise Isn’t it wolf as good shepherd disguised Disguised Tell me more about what you want me to believe Convince me I should spend my time on making others pleased Where is the line I’m not supposed to cross to attain salvation What can one do to deserve condemnation If I am not Who you expect me to be If I don’t fit Your fake reality If I am all You find twisted and wrong Then ask yourself where your ideas took their form Pray for me, pretend you care Do nothing, claim all, never share Until it’s too much for sheep to bear Expect from me Unquestionable belief No thoughts, no doubts Obedience Replace my cross with sword Turn or be slaughtered in the name of… The name of who Of what? Of god What god? Whose god? The slayvior If I am not Who you expect me to be If I don’t fit Your fake reality If I am all You find twisted and wrong Then ask yourself where your ideas took their form 2. Fate in My Hand This hatred inside me How can I make it disappear It keeps on reminding me the pain I used to feel Impossible to get over it Impossible to forget the day I was captured by this feeling I learned to call a friend Stabbed in a back, humiliated Betrayed and mixed with a mud Never expected, never foresaw Hidden in plain sight Words have all been said Tears have all been wept Find me a reason to keep on breathe Look to the future for vengeance fulfilled Mistakes are done, lesson is learned Fate is back in my hand This hatred inside me I don’t want it to disappear It keeps me alive giving me strength, the only emotion that seems real I learned to live it, I learned to use it, I learned how useful it can be When all that surrounds me is hostile and waiting to break me Words have all been said Tears have all been wept Find me a reason to keep on breathe Look to the future for vengeance fulfilled Mistakes are done, lesson is learned Fate is back in my hand 3. The Sakkara Bird (I Want to Fly) 4. Nailed to Ignorance We have got knowledge at our hands But these hands are still nailed to the cross Cross of ignorance Clench your fist, rip your nails out Set free your curious mind Always question, always doubt We are about to see The great discovery The secrets of Genesis The purpose of Humanity Created or evolved Born from or adopted Where did we take our form In Eden or in ocean Which god sculpted us in mud Which god banished us to Earth How far is it to Eden Or does life end on death Mud, rib, tears, sparkles bullshit Children of god and cow The chemical reaction That’s what we are Sin of reasonable thinking Truth is heresy Lies you have been fed For all these years Summon the believers Make them watch their fate No heaven awaits us Nor does hell