Agathodaimon - Near Dark

Original Version Rerelease Version
1. Banner of blasphemy 5:36 1. Banner of blasphemy 5:36
2. Near dark 15:22 2. Near dark 15:22
3. Noaptea nefiintei 3:49 3. Noaptea nefiintei 3:49
4. Outro 2:06 4. Outro 2:06
total time 26:53 total time 26:53

1. Banner of Blasphemy

Trei cruci de lemn, trei cruci enorme de lemn
Vopsite cu trei culori, pazesc pe marginea soselei
Fintina celor... crediciosi!

Trei cruci pe marginea soselei cu gesturi largi de miini bolnave
Opresc din drum pe calatori si parca-s trei spinzuratori
De care atirna trei crisosi...

Intr-o zi impinsi de-acelasi funerar indemn
Ca dou-armate puse una-n fata alteia
Cumintii se-ntilnira cu nebunii
Copiii mortilor de miine se-ntilnira cu parintii...

"Si-armatele-ncepura lupta la umbra crucilor de lemn
Deoparte flutura stindardul credintei... alb... curat..." albul cel curat, al florilor de nufar
Iar tricolorul nebuniei, inchis cu grija-n cite-in cufar
De craniu omenesc...
Sta gata sa se desfasoare la cea dintii ingenuncheare
A albului domnesc...

Insa-n ziu-aceea cerul innegrit de fum parea
Un tavan de catedrala ce se naruia
"Iar fumul din clopotnitele-aprinse deschidea-n albastrul:"
Drumul altui fum, mai greu, mai negru si-albastrul

Si-n ziu-aceea cerul innegrit de fum parea
Un tavan de catedrala ce se naruia

Si multimea-nspaimintata, spre clopotnitele-aprinse
Se-ndrumeaza grupuri, grupuri, cei cuminti privesc plingind
Pling ca resturile unei armate-nvinse, iar nebunul sta deoparte
Si zimbeste ... fredonind:
"Iar tricolorul nebuniei adapostea pe-nvingatori!!!"

English translate: Banner Of Blasphemy

Three wooden crosses
Three huge crosses of wood
Painted with three colors
On the margin of the road
Guarding the fountain of the believers
Three crosses
On the margin of the road
With gestures made by morbid hands
They hinder wanderers whilst passing
Like three gallows on holy lands
Where three christians are hanging...

Inclined by a funeral stir
On a fatal sky, so blur
Like two armies enticed to war
The mad have fallen upon the brave
The children of 'morrows dead
Their parents had met

In the shade of the wooden crosses
The armies began their battle
Aside... the banner of creedance flattered
White and clean
Like the cleanest white men have seen

And the blasphemic flag of madness
Safely embedded in each human skull
Was ready to unfold at the first
Subjugation of the royal white

On the same day, blackened by fumes
The heavens seem to be the ceiling
Of a collapsing cathedral, bleeding

And the fumes of the burning steeples
Opened in the celestial blue
The way of another fume
Blacker, heavier, and the blue
Has become black, too

So the horrified people
Hasten to the burning steeples
The brave behold whilst crying
Like the remnants of a defeated army

And the madmen stay aside
Grinning and humming: Blasphemy
And the tricolor of madness was sheltering
The conquerors!

2. Near Dark

Near Dark (...Und Der Tod Wird Vor Neid Erblassen)

[Part One]

This is a world blessed by the victims
Of carnal tragedy
The humans ritual of love and adoration
Dense-woven history

Sentiments decide existance, the artwork that I've bled
Bizarre she defined her presence
With the lament of the undead
When her eyes have bathed in danger
And the moon had new design
In the cradle of our desire all the blood has turned to wine
But the love no longer remained than just a stir to survive
In this labyrinth of perfidity for my mistress to recover
I'll forever strive...

[Part Two]

Dem Sterbenden - die Hoffnung
Dem Propheten - Der Fluch
Der Liebe - die Dichtung, die dem Sterben entsprung...

The night is crystal clear - words are sent from pictures
Sounds that I can't hear - as weakness wins my body
Selling cheap my soul - and its bleeding heart
Eclipsing the whole - planet, history and light...

[Part Three]

Sometimes, when the sun hides in the back of the earth
When the hungry souls, to whom pain gave birth
Embalm their coldness with the blood's warmth... then
I can clearly hear the calling of a lonely and distant star

In the shade of the abhorrent
Yet in the still of the nights - In the still of the moment
When the moment dies
There she gently approaches
With the new meaning of life...

In a haze of hazard, in the withering chill
Baleful's the passion, when hearts stand still

A flood of sentiments entwined
Rattle thru my falling soul
I slumber against the spirit of time
Like a stranger in a foreign world!

In a park, along the alleys, stained with blood and tears
In the hour, when dusk disperses
Its colors on the white statues

Then I'll wander as a phantom of the posthumous regrets
And my fiery lips I'll freeze
With the kiss of these unrivalled statues

"Si-n asta noapte sfirsese printr-un sarut
Poeme - agonizate de-un infinit si-un inceput"

[Part Four]

"The all-engulfing dawn of habitude shows his claws again-
Do you still remember our oath? - Til light do us part!?"

Come forth, Feline
Mere moment of melancholy
Drink deep of my desire
The quenchless fire
That unites our tameless embers...

Come forth, Feline
Tortured by our final duet
Let thy pale fingers slide on the petals of the flowers
That thee stained with mortal, coagulated blood...

On the walls, midnight closes even the stoical eyes
Of the unsleeping portraits
And the white-eye of a lonely candle falls asleep
Into its own startling solitude...

[Part Five]

Silent heart desires
The balm that drives away the human waste
Oh come, infidel duchess
Shrouds of frost fall furiously down... of thee I taste again

Deciphering eternity of its ruined scripts
Of the tenebrious river I pleasantly sip
Upon lifeless leaves autumn has banished
Arises my lovelorn aura's odyssey

"Un ornic cu rostiri funebre, suna amiaza-ndirjit
Iar ceru-mprastia tenebre, peste parcul amortit"

...Returned into that park as a whole
Under the questioning eyes of stars and heavens
Dreaming away on the lost love I've recovered

Death suddenly rises
Annoyed that he couldn't save me
He turns pale from envy

The seasons vanish and so does this story
As the same poets hand raises the pen
He pictured this spectacle with...

The actors fade on the dreary alleys of that elder park
Only two nightshades remaining -
Celebrating the sunset of ages while their sullen laughter
Lustfully haunts the mortal seeds of ruin...

Nights were crystal clear - words were sent from pictures
The colors have seared - these pages, whereas
The darkest hour revealed - the mysterious hand
Which dutifully sealed

This episode's arcane End.

3. Noaptea neființei

Ach, Nacht, wie lieb du mir warest
Wenn die Sterne du ausloschen wurdest
Ihre Strahlen murmeln unbekannte Gesange...
Und ich wunsche mir
alles Dustere und Stumme
alles Entblo?te und Verschwommene

All das Finstere liebend -
Meine Aura verangstigte
Als ein blinder Gedanke knabberte
An Raum und Zeit

Oh Seele, wanderndes Gebein, meinen Frieden du erbittest
Ich lege mich nieder, erfrischendes Dunkel
Von schweren Todestraumen durchdrungen
Und wickle mich in deinen Schleier

Mit meinen Gedanken trotze ich allem, was Sie Gott nennen
Ach, du Morder der Kunst, du falsche Lebensweisheit
Aus meinem atheistischen Glauben
Wirst Du gewi? sie nimmer rauben
Die entweihte Krone meiner wahren Unsterblichkeit

Ach Nacht, wie lieb du mir warest
Wenn die Sterne du ausloschen wurdest
Der Tumult der Existenz...
Fragwurdig, ungewohnlich edel
Dein Schatten murmelt unbekannte Gesange
Endlich, Nacht...
steck deine schwarze Flagge
In meinen stummen Schadel

In deinem teuflischen Blick - ein dusteres Paradies
Von tiefer, eingeschlafener Dunkelheit
Oh gottliche Vorstellung, die ich oft pries
Verstummter Jammer eines sanften Lachelns
Meine Seele geht verloren
Im nostalgischen Inferno
Visionen des Todes -
meiner Selbstverschwendung

Die Nacht wacht uber die Ikone der Geburt im Chaos
Ich wu?te nichts von ihrer Existenz
Nichts, bis sie mich anlachelte

Ach Nacht, wie lieb du mir warest
Mit deinem milden Weinen
Wenn Sterne die bittere Vergiftung ausloschen wurden
Welche dieses abstrakte Leben in mich hineinpumpt
Wie der erste Schmerz.
Jedoch trist und still
Ist der Leichnam
Der sich aus meinem Inneren davonschleicht
In die Nacht des Unwesens

4. Outro

Lyrics in plain text format

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