Malist Of Scorched Earth 1. The Lone and Level Sands The desert whispers secrets Of deadlines, etched in sand, The wind sings a haunting melody, Of a fate that's yet to land. The storms brew in the distance, A harbinger of time's demise, The sands shift beneath our feet, As we march towards the skies. In the shadows of the dunes, We tread a path unknown, Fate and future, one in the same, As we journey alone. Symphonies of power in the wind Flowing through our very core. Bodies die for souls to join the pantheon, As we face the sandstorms' roar. We are the desert's children, Born of sand and fate, We'll rise above the storm, And seal our eternal gate. We call upon the primal deities, To guide us through the dunes, With their strength, we'll overcome, The suffering that looms. The ancient ones, of scorched earth, Whisper wisdom in our ears, Guide us through the arid land, And banish our fears. Voices echo in the wind, A relict from the past, Power flows within us, Making our spirits last. Symphonies of power in the wind Flowing through our very core. Bodies die for souls to join the pantheon, As we face the sandstorms' roar. 2. Ode to the Night Darkness falls, the night descends, Shrouding us in its midnight cloak, Hiding our flaws, our failures, Easing the pain of our broken souls. The stars shine bright, but in the night They are but a faint glimmer In the vast expanse of darkness, A reminder of our unworthiness. In the tarnish of the night, The sky unveils its mysteries. Torches of stars, burning bright, Echo wisdoms through cosmic dust. Thus in the night, we find solace. In the abyss, we find peace. For in the gloom, our secrets are safe And our wounds may heal in silence. 3. The Ship The ship sails on, through the dark and stormy sea. A vessel of man, in a world long drowned. They seek to conquer, but the ocean's wrath is fierce. Their arrogance, downfall and the curse. They are the ship, the masters with no soul, They seek to conquer all, with pointed steel and mesh. Sea salt erodes their flesh as the waves swallow them whole, The ocean reigns supreme, for eternity unclaimed. Behold the fury one cannot withstand, Drowning in the depths, as the ocean ascends. Creatures of the deep lurk beneath the waves, With teeth and tentacles, they hunger for the taste The ship and its whole crew, their next prey, But the men are blind to the dangers that lay. They are the ship, the masters with no soul, They seek to conquer all, with pointed steel and mesh. Sea salt erodes their flesh as the waves swallow them whole, The ocean reigns supreme, for eternity unclaimed. 4. Wind of Change, Carry Me Beneath the ashes of a dying world The flames of tyranny still burn Empires crumble, rise and fall But the chains remain upon as all. Carry us away, oh wind of change, Through the coldest land, the winter gates. With each gust, our spirits soar Towards a future yet untold. A crown of thorns upon our heads. Weight of the chains, a constant dread Forced to bow to the tyrant's will Our spirits crushed, our souls unfulfilled. With blackened hearts and souls on fire, We ascend to the cause in despair. Let our sons start the funeral pyre Upon the bones of calamity's favourite heir. Carry us away, oh wind of change, Through the coldest land, the winter gates. With each gust, our spirits soar Towards a future yet untold. 5. Rotting into Primal Verdant trees wilt, as the axe doth fall, Their screams echo, a mournful call. Reduced to embers in the blaze, Their kingdom, now a barren waste. The forest will rage, a force to behold, And in the end, our bones are interred. As the snow falls, the forest stands tall. Man loses the battle, they - merely the brawl. The storm rages on, In the forest, we are gone. Anew blooms the earth, Memories of man, for good undone. In our skulls, the worms do crawl. Nature's triumph, man's downfall. But as we fade into the past, The trees will stand, forever to last. Arctic glaciers moving Like indestructible armadas. Fires and floods raging, Mankind is rotting into primal. Elders of the woods, rise once more, Their spirits hold power formidable. The axe, it breaks, in the hands of man As the wilds reclaim their land. The storm rages on In the forest, we are gone. Anew blooms the earth, Memories of man, for good undone. 6. Clad in Black and Gold Eternal Autumn reigns in a world now cold, The beauty of decay, a story yet untold. A world once known now broke all chains, Only the Autumn remains, eternal story told. A deathly silence, Only the sound of leaves in compliance, A symphony of death, in the stillness of old, Beauty still resides, clad in black and gold. See her last waltz, vestment tattered and torn, Dance macabre, the final form. The cycle of life spiraling down. None claims the Autumn's throne, a twisted crown. In the heart of an October forest, where the trees stand tall, And the leaves fall slowly, like a ritualistic dance, There lies a haunting and eerie feeling, As if the very air is charged with a malevolent force. The rustling leaves whisper secrets of a bygone era, As the wind howls and screams like a tortured soul. Eternal Autumn reigns in a world now cold, The beauty of decay, a story yet untold. A world once known now broke all chains, Only the Autumn remains, eternal story told. As the trees touch the sky, The wind sings a requiem. But in this endless fall, Her golden grace still lives on. Let the leaves fall, in silence and grace, A final goodbye to the human race.