Glorior Belli Ô Laudate Dominvs 1. Dictum Audiens 2. Ô Laudate Dominvs Sanctus Satanas! Praised be the Lord, the raging Beast! He who deceived the whole world. The first and the last. Alpha and Omega. I acknowledge thee as my lodestar! Your will, my burden, yet greeted with the utmost bliss. My body, your temple, a grotesque shell, limbs deformed. Veins dried out but my heart burns with Luciferian pride. For the abiding of His will calls for the negation of the self. Sanctus Satanas! Praised be the Lord, the omnipotent Eye! He who defeated the whole world. Blinded by his glory, for when they worship Jahweh they worship Him! Crushing the cosmos, crawling corruption in the garden of Eden; Flesh and soul conquered, still reaching for salvation... O Laudate Dominus! Patris et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti. Ponit altare sacrileges. Behold he cometh with clouds and every eye shall see Him; An ominous sign, the seals are broken. Behold he cometh with a pale horse and every heart shall fear Him! O Laudate Dominus! Patris et Filii, et Spritus Sancti. Ponit altare sacrileges: Devu in Grat blasphemus, O Laudate Dominus. Sanctus Satanas! Astral columns are swaying, and Void is unleashed. 3. Poisoned Flesh I feel the poison seeping in my veins, I've drunk the Liquer through the flesh of Hell. His throat is never satisfied! Desire of the Horned needs a sinful delight. A holy divine journey within His blessing light. The birth of a malign tumour, rewarding Betrayal. I stole the chalice, I ate the bread. Mystery revealed. His nectar runs into my heart, my sweet blessing wine! Visions out of Mine, through the deepest stars; Neither light nor heat, neither cold nor dark. Father, I'm home! I'll remain without light! Diving deep into my decline, feeling your hands down my spine. Submitting myself to all your pleasures, I've drunk the blood of your fallen child. And I will obey your every words for you are my glory and joy. Shall I hear the sound of the growing darkness and the voice of the one who died? Let this world believe its prophecy never reveal the swindle... I stole the chalice, I ate the bread. Mystery revealed. His nectar runs into my heart, my sweet blessing wine! Visions out of Mine, through the deepest stars; Neither light nor heat, neither cold nor dark. Unholy journey within His blessing light. 4. Celestial Phenomena Words of Satan came expressly to me, His hand was there upon all. We looked, and behold a whirlwind came out. A great cloud, and an infinite fire. So bright! And inside the mist has the colour of blood. And then came darkness. Four living creatures. With rings full of eyes; They went straight forward. Burning coals of Hate. Witnessing the treason. For we're impudent children, angels who shall perish! He was our light and our salvation; Now we dewll in the house of man. The anger stretched forth, over our heads above. Words of Satan came expressly to us. His eye was there upon all; Serve the lord with fear. Rejoice with trembling. The Wheel is upon the earth. And blessed are all men! When they trust in me they trust in the void of the Almighty! Though briars and thorns be with thee, my son has transgressed agains Men. May the seven churches burn, and through liars I will stand... Eternally. Celestial Phenomena. Let's burn my eyes. For I will foresee! Let's burn my eyes. For I will forgive! 5. In Paradisum... 6. Eternal Torments 7. Darkened Shroud Spectres fall across the shadow flames of void; Fly from spheres they shan't dwell in forever. Rushing down, engulfed by putrid texture; The unseen ... The masterrule supreme! Enter black living Robe fabric of the insane. Swarming horror, million tails of the Beast. They are outcast so restless, Diminished yet been. Remnants, gathering quickly to restitute realms. Like the wormseed that nests in a dead infant's brain; Morbid shell great vast proud over skin flesh and vein. Darkened shroud over an armour of all colours of light. Darkened shroud, emperor's investiture garnments divine! Like the sparks of a fire on the inside of beyond; Twisted faces and long emerald horns. Darkened shroud over an armour of all colours of light! Darkened shroud emperor's investiture garnments divine! Below the creeping cannot see the essence true; They shan't discern the rotten purple now renewed. Unless He hath returned and done His great revenge! Unless he hath fulfilled his fate and heavens bend! Like the rays of a sun, thousandfold strong and high; Bursting cloud breaking out at the end of all time. Darkened shroud over an armour of all colours of light! Darkened shroud emperor's investiture garnments divine! 8. Stigma Diaboli Psalm savour has faded but the evil abide for ever; The world is exhausted so come forth and rise...Father! May your thorns pierce the flesh ov men! And may sinners live above ashes ov your glory. Trumpets! Resound to toll the knell of their death. Mercy unto you and hate and plague be multiplied. To those who are sanctified by Satan the Lord, He'll write unto you of the common salvation. To contend with the faith which was delivered to the...Saints! who were once ordained angels. This condemnation turning the grace of our Lord into Lasciviousness. Denying! The only true words of our malefactor; For there are certain men who crawl in awe. Filthy dreamers, we defile the flesh and speak evil of dignities. Giving ourselves to strange fornication, we are set for suffering and destruction. Woe unto us! for we have gone in the way of Cain. He hath reserved everlasting chains, under darkness to the judgment ov the great day. Psalm saviour has faded but the evil abide for ever; The world is exhausted so come forth and RISE! Rebuke thee.