Lux Divina Paganature (demo) 1. Riding to the End of Flesh (Magic Final) Riding to the end of flesh magic final, magic death... Open my eyes to life and death, back ws the path of the lights. Sweet tears in earth of wisdom. I will be teached in the great battle and equilibrium of the woods. I will ride the horse of fire. I will dropped in the deep dirt ARISE! In the water I will see the reflect of life embracing death. Crying the skies, the earth speak, the seas dance. I know that my disappearance will never arrive. The awaking of conscience will be revelated to me. No one will survive from the great battle. I listen to my learned body riding to my magic death with no fear. Dancing with my free spirit, even find (the path of the light). 2. The Druid Master from beyond and of firm ground Caress the wind and waves converse with the beast. In the name of the Druid. You give energy to the arm of the warriors, you evade yourself in the bottomless forest, meditate on the top of the ancient stone, whisper to the trees. In the name of the Druid. Shout to the great thunder, the flash of the ray reflects himself in learned eyes. Lord of the hidden world and of mystic arts, you possess the wisdom of the immortal cult. Ground, water and blood in your hands. Fire in your head, wind in your breath, liquid crystal in your heart. In the name of the Druid. 3. The Emptiness of the Snow The sweet solitude of death is life The excited waters of life are death Return to the eternal light Nothing is all Listen to the sound of an hand punching the wind The emptiness of the snow is death leave of invisible world to come back to a perfect concience To dimensions of ecstasy... of pure light... and perfection The emptiness of the snow The world is empty 4. Atman I am reality into the silence, the power inside you. Atman or the power of the great inside god. I flow in the universe into the silence I flow in the abysss... ATMAN! I possess the cosmic key, in the gate I await for you. You will choose the way to the trascendence, is our mystic union. Maybe the warmest hell where hammer your sword? Maybe the biggest sky where shout to the winds? Or maybe you will prefer to navigate in a sea without ATMAN Energy inside you meditate and flow with me, cause I am superior own. Or continue to kneel in presence of your idols. Repeat chorus. 5. The Funeral of Night (Outro)