Visceral Evisceration Savour of the Seething Meat At the Epicurean Gynaecologist Pregnant women awaiting their child Poutinly inspection turns into fell fright Fresh... arrivals get slashed first A notorious... doctor slakes his thirst Osscous remains totally gnawn Lying... astride he amputates her shanks Followed... by fingers, arms, legs and hands With a hammer the baby gets shattered Reprobating frig it until it is tattered Excise his blue eyes out of the sockets To drench them in this bloody mess Consume omphalic string of the newborn Eructate shreds of ribald flesh Veneral organs - smirched with sabulous urine Ropy rectum - bisecred, blotchy innards inbetween Abreast with those two torsos Sated of this beefy meal Finally slobbering her boony mamilla Embalm the boob with faccal excreta Grunes cling on the gynaccological chair Stench of decay creates mortuary flair After... the room is cleaned up again Another... woman awaits her bloodshed But tables are turned now To an orgy in blood-red Elegant she emasculates him Genital dinner with knife & fork Ketch-up on the severed scrotums Salacious scrunch his well-proportioned cock Tender Flesh... on the Bier Stench of decay spreads in the air Faccal bespattered bodies cold & bare A passioned undertaker exhibits his darned corpses Decorated dainty - pictures of distress A cleaver sticks in the costal bones Palatable ordure of a palid body Habit forming nosologic interest Fragrant numb victuals to digest Clip his prepuce, skin the scrotums totally Using the turgid cock anal, as usual A friend of him visited the mortuary A kook, keen to watch this lunacy He consumed the undertakers regurgitations While nourishing on a meager creature Provided with surgical instruments Exquisite supper of excrements Lonely obsequies for a vacant coffin (Atrocious) gratification for a (prurient) voluptary Pasty mulligan exquisite An obese creature to hash With mayonnaise decorated Lunch of human flesh Tender flesh... on the bier Knee-deep in Blood I Wade Knee-deep in blood I wade My defecation is spilled all over Tons of viscera swoop down on me As I start to nourish, I involuntarily begin... to burst Gangling Menstrual Blood-broth for Supper A doctor of medicine he is Incontrovertible well-off man Owner of a luxurious free-hold flat Unfortunately insane Libidinous opening the door to paradise Where the winsome bodies lie Loathing mouth-to-mouth resuscitation Stiff & cold intercourse improvisation With a quick gash Her throat was rift Deepen the wound and exhaust Last liquids of the tattered corpse Spermy soup on lacerated skin Thoracic cavity divided into Nipples excise out of the breasts Deep-red female flesh to digest Endeavour to consume the pudendal cleft Urine juices gushing forth A nurse pops in by surprise Just has signed a contract to demise Pangs of thirst overcome him Menstrual blood-broth makes him grin\m Sucking out the torn vagina Fuzz mixed with blood paraphernalia With a body-axe she gets halved Jellied fluids and organs appear Sack the remains in body bags For further necrophile satisfaction Preservate the impassioned shreds Completing his morbid collection