Mar De Grises The Tatterdemalion Express 1. El Otro 2. To See Saturn Fall 3. Storm 4. Recklessness 5. Self Portrait No1 6. Be Welcome Oh Hideous Hell 7. Onírica 1. El Otro (Él) día pálido se encierra en mis manos rotas Se desliza quejumbroso y deshoja en un recuerdo (Yo) anonadado en pausas de memoria Y condenado a llantos sin dioses Escucho los gemidos Que desfallecen en la niebla (Él) Cabizbajo abre el cielo Con viento enclenque y harapiento Apaga una a una las estrellas sucias Y despierta a los sueños para que vivan en silencio (Yo) grito un grito enfermo Un grito solo Encerrado... En un constante ahora o nunca En un hoy día de hace tiempo (Él) se acurruca en crepúsculos sin sueño Y encerrado en aires asfixiados Camina sin rumbo ...vive sin sorpresa Y (Yo) no puedo cambiar la monotonía De una tarde sin riesgo... De mil noches sin descanso De una vida sin fuego! 2. To See Saturn Fall At the violet hour What should I resent? (As I) Die on empty A feeling crept by My sullen, sterile face Looks thee falling Beneath the tumbling waves What shall I do? What shall I ever do? Go south Down to my words My wounds Would it still feed fire? This noise -polluted amber Stares into my gone hours hours that mean years ...Mean life Are you the heartburn-bitter one? Could you pour my wounds on to them Could you heal this exhausted well A kaleidoscope of clean horizons The awful rain glommed into my fall What shall I do, what shall I ever do? No winter walk No search for... A nebular packing cloud A lost somewhere Implored me "Please... cease to exist" Empty voices leaning feverless as I 3. Storm My vertical scream becomes a horizontal pain As I pass the sun I go sober and drunk While I sit and play Or I love and burn Don't matter It's all the same (Why) Can't I hear the storm? If I can hear my soul... fall Will I taste your air? I hope I can still play The harvest is waiting... Fast I run But faster it comes... Sombra abundante (se viene ya la noche) Castigo perturbante (se viene ya la noche) ¿Por qué finges, que no sientes nada? ...¿Y por qué escribes? Solo quiero tu mirada alma muerta, destrozas mi ilusión como perro vago la mantengo..... Contigo, mi humilde cara inmóvil (mi horizonte desaparece contigo) como si yo mismo no existiese (y fuera, en realidad, parte de la calle) un haz de luz doblegado por el temprano crepúsculo de rodillas te confieso yo solo vivo en tu mirada 4. Recklessness Pretend my face is burning ... oohhh infinite Would you care? Pretend your hand could touch ... My meaningless life Would you save me? Are you there? In that grey horizon ... Were the sun sets peacefully and the light drips down by my eyes ... I'm drowning in my own thoughts Yet no one seem to care can you see me? I'm taking my black soul Away.... from this white world Can you hear me? (I'm so cold that I can hardly move) Timeless sins Will break me apart Oh, but no one knows Would you care? This is a torment More than what you can see Infinite has taken me I'm on my knees And it gets to me Even if I fly far Even if I run fast Even if I swim deep It still gets me Even if my heart stops Even if my tears remain ...Undry It still haunts me Nothing that I'll ever do Nothing that I'll ever say Will ever matter... Just tell me, why? 5. Self Portrait No1 Algunas veces soy la laguna quieta Algunas otras el crepúsculo seco Pero la mayoría soy desierto, deseo ...y tempestad 6. Be Welcome Oh Hideous Hell Choirs of light, They go shattering dreams Like dark voices of sluggish breath ...between drifted mind-lapses The winged one longed for heavens Crying tears of gods Numb the senses with hummed tenderness Voices, they are carcass Voices, I'm begging Fierce, wounded sweat Gathers between sonic blasts Caídas libres de suelo Sueños libres de cielo Among beasts, No corpses I smile within fire Screaming, blasting worlds 1000 stars were born Dried out flowers raise on glimpses Among those bleeding sounds Eroded, nowhere paths Are know slaves of wind Screaming: The world is no more! Voices, they seem rain As I hide behind my eyes Like shining senses Turned in to demon They'll worship my fury Turned in to rain They'll burn with my words! Be welcome Oh horrible heaven 7. Onírica Ángeles de arena Sumidos entre la bruma Despiertan secos, cegados ...yo despierto con ellos mi lánguida voz rezonga perezosa por sobre el viento siempre fuerte ...siempre A lo lejos... Mar de aguas sonámbulas, ausentes Olas de Silencio insomne Era tarde, Muy tarde para andar A lo lejos... Suplicas de dioses recluidos Sombras de aire asfixiado Fue corto Tal vez muy corto para mí A lo lejos... Mi vida