Impaled Nazarene Vigorous and Liberating Death 1. King Reborn Castrate the man so he cannot breed So he cannot spread his semen Stone the man so he cannot stand So he cannot defend his belongings With sadistic pressure we crush and destroy We burn everything to the ground And the legacy of the weeping man Engulfs in the sea of flames Burning hatred and the flames of hate Light the eternal darkness Everybody and everything are ready For the return of the king Flood the lands of the nonbelievers We watch their children drown Bottomless sea swallow sanctuaries False idols swept away With sadistic pleasure we kill and rape Perfecting the apocalypse And the legacy of the dying man Is wholly rewritten Burning hatred and the flames of hate Light the eternal darkness Everybody and everything are ready For the return of the king At the seventh layer of hell Thru the magick and human sacrifice At the seventh layer of hell Rebirth of the king Burning hatred and the flames of hate Light the eternal darkness Everybody and everything are ready For the return of the king At the seventh layer of hell We hail the goat king reborn At the seventh layer of hell We celebrate the goat king reborn And so the world burns! 2. Flaming Sword Of Satan Graverobbers, sodomites, charlatans Bloodsuckers, filthy rats, necrophiliacs Backstabbers, harlots, agitators The netherworld will shine again Pig's blood drips from the walls Triplets born without heads Reflection of planet Mars War ever so evident When Venus hides her charm Bloodred nebula rises Poisons the nonbelievers Attacks without mercy Flaming sword of Satan Fire eats mankind Warmongers, lepers, necromancers Hanged me, lost souls, impostors Rapists, deniers, masturbators Your world is dead Morning star the merciless Burns to give rebirth Salvation thru metling man Whips to kill again and again Flaming sword of Satan Fire kills everything Onward towards death Surrender your soul 3. Pathological Hunger For Violence I need no reasons to let off steam Yet I have my reasons for every kill Blunt force trauma, multiple stab wounds A bullet in the chest and four into the head Concrete boots and electroshocks I use zip ties and meat hooks Coat hanger abortions, thou shalt not breed Smashed skulls and carved skin Pathological hunger for Murder, pain and torture Enter the realm of death Pathological hunger for Rape, hate and violence Enter the realm of death 4. Vestal Virgins Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt Sacred flame lights the temple They gather to satisfy gods Illusions and perversions And thirst for human blood Vestal virgins Virgin sacrifice Sacred blood flows in the temple Mortal goddess must die For gods are bloodthirsty Her hymen must be intact Vestal virgins Virgin sacrifice Purification through blood Bloodshed rituals Purified through blood Cosmic catharses Vestal virgins Virgin sacrifice Blood washes away their sins Mors vincit omnia!!! 5. Martial Law The powers that be have failed totally They refuse to take hard action Existing laws full of loopholes This country has sunk deep We will declare martial law Reinstate death penalty Appointment with the gallows At the Senate Square Capital punishment for treason End of their reign of terror One by one you will be hanged In televised spectacle We will declare martial law Reinstate death penalty Appointment with the gallows At the Senate Square We have declared martial law No crime goes unpunished Appointment with the gallows For green is the new red You can run, you can hide Death squads will find you Appointment with the gallows At the Senate Square 6. Riskiarvio Yliopistojen tiedekunnissa vasemmistosikojen Karvaiset kainalot ja genitaalit hikoilevat jännityksestä Uusi lukuvuosi alkaa, maalta muutetaan kaupunkiin Päästään joukolla aivopesemään ja käännyttämään Syvään suohon upotaan, yhteiskuntaa yhdessä tuhotaan Varastettujen polkupyörien korjauspajoissa uhotaan Liitytään terroristijärjestöihin ja ikinä ei mennä töihin Sosiaalitukien avulla käyhää kotona kasvatetaan Kukkamekot ja rintaliivit poltetaan, unohdetaan hygienia Kajaalit poskilla lutkamarssille raivoamaan Kadut ja talot vallataan, autoja poltetaan Valtakunnan päämedian toimesta uutiset sensuroidaan Kansalaistotettelemattomuus on paskasakin termi Terrorismille jolla hyökätään elinkeinoja vastaan Jotka ovat legaaleja ja tuovat rahaa valtiolle Orjalaivojen terva oikeuttaa mihin vaan Syvään kuoppaan pudotaan, julkiset paikat töhritään Vankilassa itketään kun ei ole vegaaniruokaa Itärajan puolustus tuhottiin, kerjääminen sallittiin Ihmishenki ei ole tässä maassa minkään arvoinen Omaisuuttasi jos puolustat niin olet todella kusessa "Väärinymmärretyn nuorison" oma turvasatama Tässä maassa ei ole tahoa tai edes mitään tahtoa Joka voisi mumisa terrorin tuhot korjata Tämä on riskiarvio Tämä maa tuhoutuu sisältäpäin Tämä on riskiarvio Tämä maa tuhotaan sisältäpäin 7. Apocalypse Principle Winds of war are blowing cold The hour of judgement draws near With diabolic spells and armed to the teeth We kill everything on our way Torching the lands where holy men walk Nothing but ashes will be left Souls are screaming in agony In eternal hell they burn Apocalypse principle Lords of war unleash the wolves Sharp claws maul your throats Relentless attack by Satan's hounds Sadistic rites till death Possessed by burning hellfire We spread our hate without mercy Satan shall rule the world again Just like it has been written Apocalypse principle Satan's cross points to Hell forever!!! Apocalypse principle 8. Kuoleman Varjot Herran armosta raajasi tänään katkotaan Ja kielesi tulisilla pihdeillä irti leikataan Herran armosta sinut elävältä kynitään Ja ruhosi riekaleet sioille syötetään Pimeys levittää siipensä ympäri maailman Kuoleman varjot eivät armoa langeta Saatana, Luciferi Ja sielut tuomitaan ikuiseen kadotukseen Herran armosta sinut tänään seivästetään Ja häväisty raatosi tuhanneksi palaksi pilkotaan Herran armosta sinut alttarilla uhrataan Sillä herran armo on kuoleman loputon varjo Pimeys levittää siipensä ympäri maailman Kuoleman varjot eivät armoa langeta Saatana, Luciferi Ja palaa helvetin liekkimeri helvetin ikuisesti 9. Vigorous And Liberating Death I am the dark shadow their fear The terror in their innocent eyes I am the reek of overpowering death The nauseating stench of rotten I am the chilling shriek they hear The reason why they tear off ears I am the mirror to your soul I am why you blind your eyes Vigorous Vicious Vile I am the bringer of black plague The horror in darkened skies I am why vermins crawl Why pitch black oceans storm I am the reason behind rotten harvest Why earth grows no more food You are the reason why I am here I am hate, revenge and death Vigorous Venomous Violent Vigorous Liberating Entertaining Death 10. Drink Consultation Things will be done my way A single fuck will be given Accomplishments and aftershocks This is all about consumption I raise my goat brews and bottles of Jack To honour the living among the dead To those who know how to party like hell I Raise my glasses of vodka and gin To those who know how to bath in sin To all children of the underworld Disasters and mental mudslides Superhuman blazing mindfuck Drink consultation gone wrong What the fuck have I done My feet are bleeding I am in pain Walls are covered with red wine Pates and glasses are all smashed Broken glass is everywhere Just to think what it takes To clean this mess I'd rather drink again I raise my goat brews and bottles of Jack To forget my own stupidness To sweep away this catastrophe I raise my glasses of vodka and gin I am back on the track once again I am superhuman, now fuck off ! 11. Dystopia A. S. Trapezoid Vertical hell, twisted dimensions Without exit, shattered minds Bleeding skies, fire and war Enter your hell Disgust and filth, decaying bodies Burnt down cities, castrated masses Headless children, worm ridden torsos Chaos and pain, Satan's new reign Lasciate ogne sperance, voi ch entrate Dystopia Anno Satanas Hypernova Horizontal hell, mechanism of doom Pain enchantment Luscious torment succulent evil Breeding the plague of Satan's new reign Lasciate ogne sperance, voi ch entrate Dystopia Anno Satanas 12. Sananvapaus Suvaitsevaisuus Vastenmielisyys Kuvottavuus Likaisuus Sananvapaus 13. Hostis Humani Generis Eternal quest for enlightenment Rapture is what you keep looking for Here mentality controlled by idiots You are like a human version of hemorrhoids If you choke one, three more pop up Blindly believing brainwashed retards Hostis humani generis, that is what you are Deny every possible science proven fact Rewrite fairylates, modernize them Cross your fingers that sheep will eat them up You are like a human version of hemorrhoids If you choke one, three more pop up Blindly believing brainwashed retards Hostis humani generis, just fucking die Fuck off and die! Slutti666 — Vocals Repe Misanthrope — Drums Arc v 666 — Bass Tomi UG Ullgren — Guitars