Phobos / Deimos (demo) (1994) |
1. Last belltoll ever |
2. Phobos / Deimos |
3. Grave's depth is yours |
4. Bloody decade |
6.0 / 10 (2 votes)
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6.0 / 10 (2 votes)
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Wapen (demo) (1995) |
1. Völüspa |
2. Dishonourable Fiendblood |
3. An elder battlecraft |
4. The burning blood of an inner might |
5. Spatha |
6. Undisclosed treasure of the mortal |
7. In blues I persieve blatency |
8. Wapen |
9. The return from Walstatt |
10.0 / 10 (3 votes)
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10.0 / 10 (3 votes)
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Hiltia (1996) |
1. Intro | 1:26 |
2. For honour and land | 4:50 |
3. Hiltia | 6:08 |
4. Unehrenhaftes Feindesblut | 7:39 |
5. Furor Teutonicus | 4:20 |
6. Donerhamer | 2:48 |
7. Undisclosed Treasures of the mortal | 5:16 |
8. Adora | 5:01 |
9. Kissing the heathen amulet | 4:40 |
10. Die rede des Erhabenen | 8:04 |
11. Outro | 2:06 |
total time | 52:18 |

8.4 / 10 (18 votes)
1 review
8.4 / 10 (18 votes)
1 review
Wigand (1998) |
1. Völüspa | 1:10 |
2. The Way of the Sword | 5:48 |
3. Spiritual Weaponry | 6:27 |
4. Wapen | 10:29 |
5. The Oath | 6:01 |
6. Wigand | 8:03 |
7. Zeichen von Zauberkraft | 10:31 |
8. Lord Dvalin | 9:56 |
total time | 58:25 |

8.3 / 10 (13 votes)
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8.3 / 10 (13 votes)
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Asgard (2000) |
1. Intro | 1:26 |
2. A god ruled time | 4:52 |
3. Asgard | 6:19 |
4. Black beasts | 9:22 |
5. Twilight in midgard | 1:56 |
6. Pride was my desire | 4:37 |
7. The ambush | 6:32 |
8. Magic nights | 4:37 |
9. Mighty swords | 4:40 |
10. Arrival | 0:50 |
11. Die wiederkehr | 4:32 |
total time | 49:43 |

8.5 / 10 (22 votes)
2 reviews
8.5 / 10 (22 votes)
2 reviews
Erdenkraft (2002) |
1. Welcome our friends | 5:31 |
2. Totenmarsch | 2:39 |
3. Lebenslied | 4:13 |
4. Old great master | 5:40 |
5. Erdenkraft | 3:52 |
6. Der fluch | 5:19 |
7. Göttersehnsucht | 3:48 |
8. Enchantment | 1:36 |
9. Uar | 4:36 |
10. Jenseits des horizonts | 2:35 |
total time | 39:49 |

9.3 / 10 (24 votes)
1 review
9.3 / 10 (24 votes)
1 review
Heldentat (2006) |
1. Es ist zeit... | 0:51 |
2. Tanze mit dem tod | 4:50 |
3. In vitro | 3:31 |
4. Farewell | 3:57 |
5. Sandmann | 3:29 |
6. Der albetraum | 4:18 |
7. 7 tage lang | 3:37 |
8. Tierra del fuego | 2:54 |
9. Gezeichnet | 4:42 |
10. Felidae | 4:12 |
11. Heldentat | 3:37 |
12. ...sie ist erwacht | 9:34 |
total time | 49:32 |

7.5 / 10 (2 votes)
#9 in the Non-Metal top 10 from 2006!
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7.5 / 10 (2 votes)
#9 in the Non-Metal top 10 from 2006!
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Noor (2008) |
1. Intro | 2:39 |
2. Storm | 5:39 |
3. Am Grunde Des Meeres | 3:52 |
4. Sons of the Damned | 5:32 |
5. Noor | 5:42 |
6. Adorned Brood | 4:24 |
7. Schiff Der Toten | 5:25 |
8. Trollmelody | 3:55 |
9. Under Yggdrasil | 5:26 |
10. Drunken Sailor | 2:29 |
total time | 44:54 |

8.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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8.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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Hiltia / Wigand (2008) |
1. Hiltia cd | 52:18 |
2. Wigand cd | 58:25 |
total time | 1:50:43 |
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Hammerfeste (2010) |
1. Intro | 3:59 |
2. Hammerfeste | 5:17 |
3. Pagan Knights | 3:59 |
4. In Battle | 3:53 |
5. Death In Disguise | 4:18 |
6. Triumph | 5:15 |
7. Hellea | 5:56 |
8. Lead My Ship | 4:25 |
9. Kaperfahrt | 5:21 |
10. Bless Our Warriors | 4:50 |
total time | 47:13 |

7.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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7.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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Victory or Valhall (digital) (2012) |
1. Victory or Valhall | 5:32 |

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Kuningaz (2012) |
1. Einkehr | 2:42 |
2. Kuningaz | 6:22 |
3. My Tranquility | 4:52 |
4. Victory or Valhall | 5:31 |
5. Hugin | 1:41 |
6. We´re Men | 5:41 |
7. Kreuzes Last | 5:55 |
8. Just A Fight | 3:29 |
9. Munin | 1:34 |
10. A War Poem | 6:03 |
11. We Are Legion | 5:55 |
12. Wigand 2012 | | | bonus |
total time | 49:45 |

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