Aeon Winds

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Aeon (demo) (2010)
Aeon (demo) 1. Aeon 3:29
2. Za tmou sa poberal 6:02(To Darkness He Went)
3. Between the Dawn and the Dusk 6:48(Between The Dawn and Dusk)
4. Nechcená pravda 4:27(Unwanted Truth)
5. Z hviezd zrodený I (Planúci v popole vekov) 3:59(Born From The Stars I)
6. Z hviezd zrodený II (Miznúci v prachu hviezd) 2:47(Born From The Stars II)
7. Na krídlach havranov 3:04(On The Wings Of Ravens)
8. Long Dead Dreams 5:17bonus
9. The First Rays Of The Moon 4:30bonus
10. When The Lights Fade Out 5:04bonus
11. A Forest (The Cure cover) 6:42
12. On the Wings of Wind 4:33bonus
total time37:18Rerelease 54:11

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#3 in the Demo top 10 from 2010!

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#3 in the Demo top 10 from 2010!

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Those Who Will Remain Silent Forever (2012)
Those Who Will Remain Silent Forever 1. Through the Gates of Dying Memories 1:37
2. When the Dead Take Our Lives 2:13
3. Vládci Hôr 4:52
4. Aeons of Crime 3:19
5. Thorns of Destiny 4:12
6. Cold Night 2:48
7. Nechcená Pravda 4:33
8. On the Way to Oblivion 2:36
9. Black Spell of Destruction 4:39Burzum cover
10. In the Embrace of a Nameless Souls 1:00
11. Ancient Dream 3:11bonus
12. Sepulchral Whispers 4:56bonus
13. Reminiscence 6:27bonus
14. Wind Scatters the Ashes 5:40bonus
total time31:49

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Aeon Odyssey (2013)
Aeon Odyssey 1. The Tempest Entranced 12:19Midnight Odyssey
2. Vecnost (Eternum) 6:18
3. And to the Darkness He Went (Aeon Winds cover) 5:02
4. Your Silent Face (New Order cover) 7:45
5. Autumnal Sun 6:52Aeon Winds
6. Of Shadows and the Blind 5:08
7. Journey Across the Stars (Midnight Odyssey cover) 5:53
8. White Wedding (Billy Idol cover) 3:50
total time53:07

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#9 in Zenial's top 10 from Slovakia!

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#9 in Zenial's top 10 from Slovakia!

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And Night Shall Have Dominion (2014)
And Night Shall Have Dominion 1. Ruins 4:10
2. A noc bude mat nadvládu 2:50
3. Against the Dying of the Light 5:25
4. Slaget i skogen bortenfor 8:23Enslaved cover
5. Nechcená pravda (live) 4:00
total time24:48

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Split with Troll (ep) (2014)
Split with Troll (ep) 1. Tilbake til Trollberg 4:41Troll
2. Dead Speak Silence, Bones Speak Truth 6:29Aeon Winds
total time11:10

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On the Way to Oblivion (2015)
On the Way to Oblivion 1. Those Who Will Remain Silent Forever + Aeon CD 76:51

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Poslední Vlci (2016)
Poslední Vlci 1. Echoes of Battle 3:46Aeon Winds
2. The Path of Devouring Flames 5:24
3. In Times of Old 7:25
4. Inno a Satana (Emperor Cover) 4:57
5. Tok 3:05Concubia Nocte
6. Vlcou Krvou 3:57
7. Mociare 2:59
8. Vecná Vôla 4:27
9. S Posledným Lúcom Slnka 4:37
total time40:37

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The Ancient Queen (digital) (2018)
The Ancient Queen (digital) 1. The Ancient Queen 5:16Emperor cover

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Legacy of the Unconquered Sun (2018)
Legacy of the Unconquered Sun 1. Legacy of the Unconquered Sun 7:00
2. On the Moonlight Path 6:00Nokturnal Mortum cover
total time13:00

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Stormveiled (2019)
Stormveiled 1. Of Times Forgotten... 4:40
2. A Cosmic Sky Ablaze 5:49
3. Beyond All Empty Places 5:55
4. Dawn of the Untamed Moon 4:58
5. It Is Beneath Where the Mountains Sing 3:10
6. Legacy of the Unconquered Sun 7:01
7. Stormveiled 5:53
8. Dying Star Remembrance 3:15
9. To Embrace the Void 6:06
10. ...and Woods Forlorn 2:31
total time49:18

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Storming the Fortress (2020)
Storming the Fortress 1. Dead Speak Silence, Bones Speak Truth 7:31Live 2014-2019 at from Brutal Assault, Hellfast Attack and various Bratislava gigs
2. Legacy of Unconquered Sun 7:13
3. Vládci Hôr 4:33
4. Of Shadows and the Blind 4:01
5. Nechcená Pravda 4:07
6. Za Tmou sa Poberal 5:37
total time33:02

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Za prahom vzdialených svetov... (2021)
Za prahom vzdialených svetov... 1. Cesta horiacim obilím 7:03Algor
2. Something In The Way (Nirvana cover) 7:34
3. Castrum Desolatum 5:42Aeon Winds
4. Equinox (Prequel) 4:27
5. Equinox 4 (Jean Michel Jarre cover) 7:16
total time32:02

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Enshrouded by the Veil of Night (digital) (2021)
Enshrouded by the Veil of Night (digital) 1. Enshrouded by the Veil of Night 4:30
2. Sepulchral Whispers 4:55
total time9:25

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When the Lights Fade Out (digital) (2022)
When the Lights Fade Out (digital) 1. When the Lights Fade Out 5:04
2. One Hundred Years 6:36The Cure cover
total time11:40

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Extinguishing the Light (2022)
Extinguishing the Light 1. Eldritch Marshes Pt.I 4:01
2. The Arrows Shall Fall 4:41
3. Molpír 9:33
4. Eldritch Marshes Pt.II 9:36
5. Extinguishing the Light 5:21
total time33:12

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Reminiscence (digital) (2023)
Reminiscence (digital) 1. Aeon cd 54:11
2. Those Who Will Remain Silent Forever cd 52:02
3. And Night Shall Have Dominion cd 24:48
4. When the Lights Fade Out cd 6:36
total time2:24:49

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Primordial Fire (digital) (2023)
Primordial Fire (digital) 1. Primordial Fire 5:26
2. Illumination 5:28
3. Storm 5:05Antonion Vivaldi's "Summer" cover
total time15:59

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Night Sky Illuminations (2023)
Night Sky Illuminations 1. Night Sky Illuminations 6:49feat. Dis Pater (Midnight Odyssey)
2. Opus Coronation 6:25feat. Igric
3. Of Revenants and Apparitions 7:15feat. Strom (Windir) and Igric
4. Stellar Transcendence 4:49
5. Primordial Fire 5:26
6. Blazing Monuments 9:08feat. HV and As (Malokarpatan)
7. Moonglow 6:35feat. Dis Pater (Midnight Odyssey)
8. Nox Aeterna 6:15CD bonus
9. Storm (A.Vivaldi cover) 5:05Cassette bonus
total time52:42

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#4 in Zenial's top 10 from Slovakia!

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#4 in Zenial's top 10 from Slovakia!

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Echoes Of Wizard's Chamber: Tribute To Mortiis
Echoes Of Wizard's Chamber: Tribute To Mortiis
Emperial Tribute Ceremony Part I
Emperial Tribute Ceremony Part I
Grave Of Fire, Seal Of Stars (digital)
Grave Of Fire, Seal Of Stars (digital)
Nokturnal Mortum - 22 Years Among the Sheep
Nokturnal Mortum - 22 Years Among the Sheep
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> From Slovakia
> Members are:
Svarthen - vocals, guitars, bass, keyboards (since 2007) - also in Distant Shapes and Silva Nigra, was in Midnight Odyssey, Concubia Nocte, Evil Dead, Karpathia, Necroheresy, Ritual Spell, Stronghold, Dissvarth, and Krajiny Hmly
Odolen - bass, lyrics (since 2012) - was in Evil Dead, Karpathia, and Necroheresy
Vorth - drums (since 2019) - also in Catastrofy, was in Abort to Be Born and Porenut
> Previous members:
Skald - guitars (2013-2023) - was in Rotting Gutless Corpse and Krajiny Hmly
Gard - bass (2020-2023) - was in Silent Tears, Evil Dead, and Tinnitus
Askold - drums (2009-2019) - was in Evil Dead, Karpathia, Necroheresy, Ritual Spell, and Krajiny Hmly
Axoris - bass, guitars (2009-2017) - was in Necroheresy, Evil Dead, and Tinnitus
Namtar - guitars (2010-2013) - now in Krajiny Hmly, was in Imperium
Igric - drum programming (2008) - now in Igric, Distant Shapes, and Einsamtod, was in 612 Sacrifices and Alatyr
Dis Pater - vocals, lyrics - now in Midnight Odyssey, was in Tempestuous Fall, The Crevices Below, Death Comes Crawling, and Dissvarth
> Session musicians:
Lukáš Michálek - drums (since 2023) - plays in Modern Age Dying, Ravenarium, Revealing the Conscience, Samsara, and Vortex Unit, was in Apothecy
Sladuban - bass - was in Concubia Nocte, Krajiny Hmly, Cithara Sanctorum, and Karpathia
Gianna - keyboards - plays in Distant Shapes, was in Galadriel, Essence of Existence, and Depresy
Morhen - guitars (2012-2013) - plays in Cresset
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Aeon Winds

Last update: 08/07/24