Disment of Soul (demo) (1991) |
1. Disment of soul | 4:02 |
2. Excursing from existence | 3:27 |
3. Privilege of evil | 4:05 |
4. Vulgar necrolatry | | | bonus |
5. Pestilential mists | | | bonus |
total time | 11:34 |
8.5 / 10 (13 votes)
1 review
8.5 / 10 (13 votes)
1 review
Amorphis (ep) (1991) |
1. Vulgar necrolatry | 3:59 |
2. Misery path | 4:17 |
total time | 8:16 |

7.7 / 10 (9 votes)
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7.7 / 10 (9 votes)
No reviews yet...
The Karelian Isthmus (1992) |
1. Karelia | 0:45 |
2. The gathering | 4:15 |
3. Grails mysteries | 3:05 |
4. Warriors trail | 5:07 |
5. Black embrace | 3:42 |
6. Exile of the sons of uisliu | 3:46 |
7. The lost name of god | 5:33 |
8. The pilgrimage | 4:42 |
9. Misery path | 4:20 |
10. Signs from the north side | 4:57 |
11. Vulgar necrolatry | 4:22 |
total time | 45 min |

8.3 / 10 (132 votes)
2 reviews
8.3 / 10 (132 votes)
2 reviews
Privilege of Evil (1993) |
1. Pilgrimage from darkness | 4:30 |
2. Black embrace | 3:24 |
3. Privilege of evil | 3:50 |
4. Misery path | 4:16 |
5. Vulgar necrolatry | 3:58 |
6. Excursing from existence | 3:06 |
total time | 23:04 |

8.4 / 10 (40 votes)
1 review
8.4 / 10 (40 votes)
1 review
Tales from the Thousand Lakes (1994) |
1. Thousand lakes | 2:03 |
2. Into hiding | 3:46 |
3. The castaway | 5:33 |
4. First doom | 3:52 |
5. Black winter day | 3:51 |
6. Drowned maid | 4:23 |
7. In the beginning | 3:38 |
8. Forgotten sunrise | 4:54 |
9. To fathers cabin | 3:50 |
10. Magic and mayhem | 4:28 |
total time | 40:18 |

9.3 / 10 (273 votes)
#5 in User vote top 10 from 1994!
#3 in Zenial's top 10 from 1994!
12 reviews
9.3 / 10 (273 votes)
#5 in User vote top 10 from 1994!
#3 in Zenial's top 10 from 1994!
12 reviews
Black Winter Day (1995) |
1. Black winter day | 3:50 |
2. Folk of the north | 1:20 |
3. Moon and sun | 3:37 |
4. Moon and sun part II: north's sun | 5:10 |
5. Light my fire (The Doors cover) | 2:52 | | bonus on LP |
total time | 13:52 |

9.0 / 10 (74 votes)
1 review
9.0 / 10 (74 votes)
1 review
Split with Gorefest (1995) |
1. Black Winter Day | 3:48 | | Amorphis - Black Winter Day |
2. Folk of the North | 1:19 |
3. Moon and Sun | 3:35 |
4. Moon and Sun Pt II: North's Son | 5:10 |
5. Fear | 4:31 | | Gorefest - Fear |
6. Raven | 3:07 |
7. Horrors in a Retarded Mind '94 | 3:54 |
8. Fear (live) | 4:28 |
total time | 29:52 |
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Elegy (1996) |
1. Better unborn | 5:52 |
2. Against widows | 4:06 |
3. The orphan | 5:18 |
4. On rich and poor | 5:19 |
5. My kantele | 5:02 |
6. Cares | 4:30 |
7. Song of the troubled one | 4:08 |
8. Weeper on the shore | 4:52 |
9. Elegy | 7:22 |
10. Relief | 4:09 |
11. My kantele (acoustic reprise) | 5:55 |
total time | 57 min |

8.8 / 10 (167 votes)
7 reviews
8.8 / 10 (167 votes)
7 reviews
My Kantele (1997) |
1. My kantele (acoustic reprise) | 5:55 |
2. Brother's slayer | 3:36 |
3. Lost son (brother's slayer part II) | 4:35 |
4. Levitation | 5:51 |
5. And I hear you call | 4:40 |
total time | 24:37 |

8.0 / 10 (43 votes)
1 review
8.0 / 10 (43 votes)
1 review
Tuonela (1999) |
1. The Way | 4:34 |
2. Morning Star | 3:51 |
3. Nightfall | 3:52 |
4. Tuonela | 4:31 |
5. Greed | 4:17 |
6. Divinity | 4:55 |
7. Shining | 4:24 |
8. Withered | 5:43 |
9. Rusty Moon | 4:54 |
10. Summer's End | 5:37 |
11. Northern lights | 3:17 | | bonus |
total time | 46:38 | | (digipack 49:55) |

8.0 / 10 (142 votes)
5 reviews
8.0 / 10 (142 votes)
5 reviews
Divinity / Northern Lights (1999) |
1. Divinity | 4:57 |
2. Northern Lights | 3:18 |
total time | 8:15 |
7.5 / 10 (11 votes)
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7.5 / 10 (11 votes)
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Story - 10th Anniversary (2000) |
1. Black Winter Day | 3:48 |
2. Against Widows | 4:04 |
3. Tuonela | 4:37 |
4. Grail's Mysteries | 3:04 |
5. Castaway | 5:30 |
6. My Kantele | 5:51 |
7. Way | 4:36 |
8. Brother Slayer | 3:41 |
9. The Orphan | 5:16 |
10. Exile Of The Sons Uisliu | 3:45 |
11. On Rich And Poor | 5:17 |
12. Divinity | 4:56 |
13. The Gathering | 4:14 |
14. Drowned Maid | 4:11 |
15. Summer's End | 5:29 |
16. Caress (live) | 4:21 |
total time | 72:40 |

6.5 / 10 (13 votes)
#4 in the Compilation top 10 from 2000!
1 review
6.5 / 10 (13 votes)
#4 in the Compilation top 10 from 2000!
1 review
Alone (2001) |
1. Alone (Radio Edit) | 4:23 |
2. Too Much To See | 3:39 |
3. Alone (Album Version) | 6:18 |
total time | 14:20 |
8.3 / 10 (13 votes)
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8.3 / 10 (13 votes)
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Am Universum (2001) |
1. Alone | 6:18 |
2. Goddess (Of The Sad Man) | 4:00 |
3. The Night Is Over | 4:04 |
4. Shatters Within | 5:22 |
5. Crimson Wave | 4:45 |
6. Drifting Memories | 4:24 |
7. Forever More | 4:33 |
8. Veil Of Sin | 5:10 |
9. Captured State | 4:28 |
10. Grieve Stricken Heart | 6:43 |
total time | 49:48 |

7.8 / 10 (98 votes)
2 reviews
7.8 / 10 (98 votes)
2 reviews
Mourning Soil (2003) |
1. Mourning Soil | 3:47 |
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Chapters (2003) |
1. Alone (radio edit) | 4:23 |
2. Drifting memories | 4:25 |
3. Too much to see | 3:41 |
4. The way | 4:36 |
5. Northern lights | 3:17 |
6. Summer's end | 5:38 |
7. The brother-slayer | 3:37 |
8. Better unborn | 5:52 |
9. My kantele | 5:04 |
10. Weeper on the shore | 4:53 |
11. Moon and sun | 3:37 |
12. Black winter day | 3:51 |
13. The castaway | 5:33 |
14. Drowned maid | 4:23 |
15. Warrior's trail | 5:05 |
16. The exile of the sons of uisliu | 3:44 |
17. The lost name of god | 5:32 |
--- DVD disk --- |
1. Alone | 4:40 |
2. Divinity | 3:39 |
3. My Kantele | 5:42 |
4. Against Widows | 4:07 |
5. Black Winter Day | 3:50 |
total time | 77:11 |

7.9 / 10 (14 votes)
#5 in the Compilation top 10 from 2003!
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7.9 / 10 (14 votes)
#5 in the Compilation top 10 from 2003!
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Far From The Sun (2003) |
1. Day Of Your Beliefs | 5:03 |
2. Planetary Misfortune | 4:27 |
3. Evil Inside | 3:57 |
4. Mourning Soil | 3:47 |
5. Far From The Sun | 4:00 |
6. Ethereal Solitude | 4:30 |
7. Killing Goodness | 3:55 |
8. God Of Deception | 3:39 |
9. Higher Ground | 5:39 |
10. Smithereens | 4:51 |
total time | 43:48 |

7.1 / 10 (61 votes)
1 review
7.1 / 10 (61 votes)
1 review
Day of Your Beliefs (2003) |
1. Day Of Your Beliefs (edit) | 4:08 |
2. Day Of Your Beliefs | 5:03 |
3. Darkrooms | 3:21 |
total time | 12:32 |
6.6 / 10 (10 votes)
1 review
6.6 / 10 (10 votes)
1 review
Evil Inside (2003) |
1. Evil Inside | 3:58 |
2. Shining turns to grey | 2:58 |
3. Follow me into the fire | 5:24 |
total time | 12:20 |
7.3 / 10 (10 votes)
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7.3 / 10 (10 votes)
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Eclipse (2006) |
1. Two Moons | 3:26 |
2. House Of Sleep | 4:17 |
3. Leaves Scar | 3:24 |
4. Born From Fire | 4:09 |
5. Under A Soil And Black Stone | 4:14 |
6. Perkele (The God Of Fire) | 3:29 |
7. The Smoke | 3:40 |
8. Same Flesh | 4:39 |
9. Brother Moon | 5:12 |
10. Empty Opening | 7:41 |
11. Stonewoman (Bonus) | 3:38 |
total time | 47:49 |

8.7 / 10 (45 votes)
5 reviews
8.7 / 10 (45 votes)
5 reviews
The Smoke (2006) |
1. The Smoke | 3:41 |
2. House of Sleep | 4:21 | | video |
total time | 8:02 |
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House of Sleep (2006) |
1. House of sleep | 4:16 |
2. Stonewoman | 3:38 |
total time | 7:54 |
6.0 / 10 (2 votes)
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6.0 / 10 (2 votes)
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Silent Waters (2007) |
1. Weaving the incantation | 4:57 |
2. A servant | 3:54 |
3. Silent waters | 4:50 |
4. Towards and against | 4:59 |
5. I of crimson blood | 5:05 |
6. Her alone | 6:01 |
7. Enigma | 3:34 |
8. Shaman | 4:55 |
9. The white swan | 4:50 |
10. Black river | 3:45 |
total time | 46:50 |

8.0 / 10 (9 votes)
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8.0 / 10 (9 votes)
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Silver Bride (2009) |
1. Silver Bride (edit) | 3:29 |
2. Silver Bride (album version) | 4:13 |
3. Separated | 4:17 |
total time | 11:59 |

6.0 / 10 (2 votes)
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6.0 / 10 (2 votes)
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Skyforger (2009) |
1. Sampo | 6:08 |
2. Silver Bride | 4:13 |
3. From The Heaven Of My Heart | 5:20 |
4. Sky Is Mine | 4:20 |
5. Majestic Beast | 4:19 |
6. My Sun | 4:04 |
7. Highest Star | 4:44 |
8. Skyforger | 5:15 |
9. Course Of Fate | 4:15 |
10. From Earth I Rose | 5:04 |
total time | 47:42 |

7.8 / 10 (6 votes)
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7.8 / 10 (6 votes)
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From the Heaven of My Heart (2009) |
1. From the Heaven of My Heart (edit) | 4:15 |
2. Sky Is Mine | 4:21 |
3. From the Heaven of My Heart (album version) | 5:20 |
total time | 13:56 |

6.0 / 10 (2 votes)
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6.0 / 10 (2 votes)
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Split with Epica (2009) |
1. From the Heaven of My Heart (single edit) | 4:15 | | Amorphis |
2. Martyr of the Free World | 5:03 | | Epica |
total time | 9:18 |
6.0 / 10 (2 votes)
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6.0 / 10 (2 votes)
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Forging the Land of Thousand Lakes (video) (2010) |
1. Silver Bride | 4:23 |
2. Sampo | 6:02 |
3. Towards And Against | 5:39 |
4. The Castaway | 6:00 |
5. Smithereens / The Smoke | 5:19 |
6. Majestic Beast | 4:22 |
7. Alone | 6:31 |
8. Silent Waters | 5:07 |
9. Divinity | 4:27 |
10. Elegy Medley (Against Widows / Cares / On Rich and Poor) | 8:17 |
11. From The Heaven Of My Heart | 5:09 |
12. Sky Is Mine | 4:34 |
13. Magic And Mayhem / Black Winter Day | 6:16 |
14. Sign From The Northside | 5:54 |
15. House Of Sleep | 5:08 |
16. My Kantele | 8:47 |
--- Disk Two --- |
1. Leaves Scar | 3:28 |
2. Towards And Against | 5:17 |
3. From The Heaven Of My Heart | 5:20 |
4. Against Widows | 4:47 |
5. The Castaway | 6:04 |
6. Sampo | 6:01 |
7. Silver Bride | 4:20 |
8. Alone | 6:21 |
9. The Smoke | 4:04 |
10. My Kantele | 5:40 |
11. House Of Sleep | 4:22 |
12. Magic And Mayhem | 5:49 |
13. Tales From the 20 Years (documentary) |
--- Video Clips --- |
1. Black Winter Day |
2. My Kantele |
3. Against Widows |
4. Divinity |
5. Alone |
6. Evil Inside |
7. House of Sleep |
8. The Smoke |
9. Silent Waters |
10. Silver Bride |
11. From the Heaven of My Heart |
--- Jyrki TV show, 1996 --- |
1. My Kantele |
2. Amorphis interview |
3. Photo gallery |
total time | 2:33:28 |

9.0 / 10 (2 votes)
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9.0 / 10 (2 votes)
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Magic & Mayhem - Tales from the Early Years (2010) |
1. Magic And Mayhem | 5:22 |
2. Vulgar Necrolatry | 4:43 | | Abhorrence cover |
3. Into Hiding | 3:52 |
4. Black Winter Day | 3:54 |
5. On Rich and Poor | 5:23 |
6. Exile of the Sons of Uisliu | 3:56 |
7. The Castaway | 5:55 |
8. Song of the Troubled One | 4:13 |
9. Sign from the North Side | 5:03 |
10. Drowned Maid | 4:10 |
11. Against Widows | 4:18 |
12. My Kantele | 6:48 |
total time | 57:37 |

9.5 / 10 (2 votes)
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9.5 / 10 (2 votes)
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Two Originals (2010) |
1. Eclipse cd | 47:49 |
2. Silent Waters cd | 46:50 |
total time | 1:34:39 |
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You I Need (2011) |
1. You I Need | 4:22 |

10.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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10.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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The Beginning of Times (2011) |
1. Battle For Light | 5:35 |
2. Mermaid | 4:24 |
3. My Enemy | 3:25 |
4. You I Need | 4:22 |
5. Song of the Sage | 5:26 |
6. Three Words | 3:55 |
7. Reformation | 4:33 |
8. Soothsayer | 4:09 |
9. On a Stranded Shore | 4:12 |
10. Escape | 3:51 |
11. Crack in a Stone | 4:55 |
12. Beginning of Time | 5:50 |
13. Heart's Song | 4:07 | | bonus |
total time | 54:42 |

7.0 / 10 (4 votes)
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7.0 / 10 (4 votes)
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Hopeless Days (2013) |
1. Hopeless Days | 5:08 |
6.7 / 10 (3 votes)
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6.7 / 10 (3 votes)
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Mission (2013) |
1. Mission | 4:33 |
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Circle (2013) |
1. Shades of Gray | 5:28 |
2. Mission | 4:33 |
3. The Wanderer | 4:44 |
4. Narrow Path | 4:23 |
5. Hopeless Days | 5:08 |
6. Nightbird’s Song | 5:01 |
7. Into the Abyss | 5:37 |
8. Enchanted by the Moon | 5:32 |
9. A New Day | 6:00 |
10. Dead Man’s Dream | 4:03 | | bonus |
total time | 46:22 |

7.6 / 10 (5 votes)
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7.6 / 10 (5 votes)
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The Wanderer (2013) |
1. The Wanderer | 4:43 |

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Best Of (digital) (2013) |
1. The Wanderer | 4:43 |
2. Hopeless Days | 5:08 |
3. Into the Abyss | 5:36 |
4. You I Need | 4:22 |
5. Beginning of Time | 5:50 |
6. Silver Bride | 4:12 |
7. From the Heaven of My Heart | 5:20 |
8. Silent Waters | 4:52 |
9. House of Sleep | 4:15 |
10. The Smoke | 3:38 |
11. Two Moons | 3:24 |
12. Born from Fire | 4:07 |
13. Skyforger | 5:15 |
14. My Sun | 4:04 |
15. From Earth I Rose | 5:04 |
total time | 69:50 |

5.0 / 10 (2 votes)
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5.0 / 10 (2 votes)
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Death of a King (digital) (2015) |
1. Death of a King | 5:14 |

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Sacrifice (digital) (2015) |
1. Sacrifice | 3:56 |

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Under the Red Cloud (2015) |
1. Under the Red Cloud | 5:33 |
2. The Four Wise Ones | 4:40 |
3. Bad Blood | 5:23 |
4. The Skull | 5:04 |
5. Death of a King | 5:14 |
6. Sacrifice | 3:56 |
7. Dark Path | 5:08 |
8. Enemy at the Gates | 5:07 |
9. Tree of Ages | 4:36 |
10. White Night | 5:15 |
total time | 49:56 |

10.0 / 10 (1 vote)
#7 in User vote top 10 from 2015!
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10.0 / 10 (1 vote)
#7 in User vote top 10 from 2015!
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Tales from Lake Bodom (2015) |
1. Suicide Bomber | 3:32 | | Children of Bodom |
2. Halo of Blood (live) | 3:19 |
3. Black Winter Day (Amorphis cover) | 3:43 |
4. Illusion | 4:19 | | Amorphis |
5. Hopeless Days (live) | 5:26 |
6. Every Time I Die (Children of Bodom cover) | 4:25 |
total time | 24:44 |
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Separated (ep) (2016) |
1. Separated | 4:17 |
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His Story - Best of Amorphis (2016) |
1. Karelia | 0:45 |
2. The Gathering | 4:14 |
3. Exile Of The Sons Of Uisliu | 3:46 |
4. Into Hiding | 3:45 |
5. Black Winter Day | 3:49 |
6. In The Beginning | 3:36 |
7. Against Widows | 4:06 |
8. On Rich And Poor | 5:20 |
9. My Kantele | 5:02 |
10. Elegy | 7:21 |
11. Tuonela | 4:34 |
12. Divinity | 4:57 |
13. Rusty Moon | 4:58 |
14. Alone | 6:20 |
15. Veil Of Sin | 5:12 |
16. Day Of Your Beliefs | 5:03 |
17. Killing Goodness | 3:57 |
--- Disk Two --- |
1. House Of Sleep | 4:12 |
2. Under A Soil And Black Stone | 4:15 |
3. The Smoke | 3:41 |
4. A Servant | 3:55 |
5. Silent Waters | 4:50 |
6. Towards And Against | 5:00 |
7. Silver Bride | 4:13 |
8. Sky Is Mine | 4:21 |
9. Skyforger | 5:15 |
10. Mermaid | 4:26 |
11. You I Need | 4:23 |
12. On A Stranded Shore | 4:14 |
13. The Wanderer | 4:43 |
14. Hopeless Days | 5:09 |
15. Under The Red Cloud | 5:34 |
16. Death Of A King | 5:15 |
17. Dark Path | 5:10 |
--- Disk Three --- |
1. My Future | 7:12 |
2. Illusion | 4:19 |
3. His Story | 4:34 |
4. Winter's Sleep | 6:36 |
total time | 2:57:43 |
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#10 in the Compilation top 10 from 2016!
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#10 in the Compilation top 10 from 2016!
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An Evening with Friends at Huvila (digital) (2017) |
1. Enigma | 5:33 | | Live at Huvila-tent during Helsinki Festival 2017 |
2. Far from the Sun | 5:00 |
3. Silent Waters | 5:53 |
4. My Kantele | 5:09 |
5. Silver Bride | 4:56 |
6. Sampo | 6:54 |
7. Alone | 6:57 |
8. The Wanderer | 4:54 |
9. Her Alone | 7:46 |
total time | 53:02 |
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Legacy of Time (2018) |
1. The Bee | 5:30 | | New Tracks |
2. Wrong Direction | 5:11 |
3. Hopeless Days | 5:42 | | Live at The Circus, Helsinki, Sep 2017 |
4. Bad Blood | 5:24 |
5. Death of a King | 6:12 |
6. Four Wise Ones | 5:38 |
7. Black Winter Day | 3:49 |
8. My Kantele | 7:39 |
total time | 45:05 |

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Decibel Flexi Series (ep) (2018) |
1. Honeyflow | 5:16 |

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Queen of Time (2018) |
1. The Bee | 5:30 |
2. Message in the Amber | 6:44 |
3. Daughter of Hate | 6:20 |
4. The Golden Elk | 6:22 |
5. Wrong Direction | 5:09 |
6. Heart of the Giant | 6:32 |
7. We Accursed | 4:59 |
8. Grain of Sand | 4:44 |
9. Amongst Stars | 4:50 | | feat. Anneke van Giersbergen (The Gathering) |
10. Pyres on the Coast | 6:19 |
11. As Mountains Crumble | 6:17 | | bonus |
12. Brother and Sister | 6:03 | | bonus |
13. Honeyflow | 5:15 | | Japanese bonus feat. Akira Takasaki (Loudness) |
total time | 69:49 |

9.0 / 10 (2 votes)
#3 in User vote top 10 from 2018!
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9.0 / 10 (2 votes)
#3 in User vote top 10 from 2018!
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Brother and Sister (ep) (2020) |
1. Brother and Sister | 6:03 |
2. As Mountains Crumble | 6:17 |
total time | 12:20 |

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Live at Helsinki Ice Hall (2021) |
1. Intro & The Bee | 7:06 | | Live at Helsinki Icehall at December 7th 2019 |
2. Heart Of The Giant | 6:17 |
3. Bad Blood | 5:23 |
4. The Four Wise Ones | 5:32 |
5. Into Hiding | 4:14 |
6. Sampo | 7:25 |
7. Wrong Direction | 5:07 |
8. Daughter Of Hate | 6:43 |
--- Disk Two --- |
1. Against Widows | 4:43 |
2. My Kantele | 6:59 |
3. The Golden Elk | 6:28 |
4. Pyres On The Coast | 6:27 |
5. Skyforger Intro & Silver Bride | 5:17 |
6. Black Winter Day | 4:26 |
7. House of Sleep | 5:45 |
total time | 1:27:52 |

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#7 in the Live top 10 from 2021!
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#7 in the Live top 10 from 2021!
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Daughter Of Hate / House Of Sleep (ep) (2021) |
1. Daughter Of Hate | 6:43 |
2. House Of Sleep | 5:45 |
total time | 12:28 |
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Vinyl Collection 2006 - 2020 (2021) |
1. Eclipse lp | 41:47 |
2. Silent Waters lp | 46:49 |
3. Skyforger lp | 47:42 |
4. Magic and Mayhem - Tales from the Early Years lp | 57:37 |
5. The Beginning of Times lp | 58:49 |
6. Circle lp | 46:22 |
7. Under the Red Cloud lp | 49:56 |
8. Queen of Time lp | 69:49 |
9. Live at Helsinki Ice Hall lp |

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On the Dark Waters (ep) (2022) |
1. On the Dark Waters |
2. We Accursed (Live) |
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The Moon & More EP (2022) |
1. The Moon | 6:00 | | from Halo |
2. On The Dark Waters | 4:49 |
3. Brother And Sister | 6:05 | | bonus from Queens of Time |
4. Into Hiding | 4:16 | | from Live at Helsinki Ice Hall |
5. The Golden Elk | 6:08 |
6. House Of Sleep | 5:17 |
total time | 32:35 |
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Halo (2022) |
1. Northwards | 5:30 |
2. On the Dark Waters | 4:47 |
3. The Moon | 5:57 |
4. Windmane | 4:49 |
5. A New Land | 4:36 |
6. When the Gods Came | 4:56 |
7. Seven Roads Come Together | 5:38 |
8. War | 5:24 |
9. Halo | 4:40 |
10. The Wolf | 4:46 |
11. My Name Is Night | 4:43 | | feat. Petronella Nettermalm (Paatos) |
12. The Well | 4:50 | | Bonus |
total time | 55:46 |

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Queen Of Time - Live At Tavastia (2023) |
1. The Bee | 6:57 | | Live in Helsinki at Tavastia club on June 22, 2021 |
2. Message in the Amber | 6:43 |
3. Daughter of Hate | 6:19 |
4. The Golden Elk | 6:05 |
5. Wrong Direction | 4:59 |
6. Heart of the Giant | 6:28 |
7. We Accursed | 4:58 |
8. Grain of Sand | 4:44 |
9. Amongst Stars | 4:47 | | feat. Anneke van Giersbergen (The Gathering) |
10. Pyres on the Coast | 6:57 |
total time | 58:57 |

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#9 in the Live top 10 from 2023!
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#9 in the Live top 10 from 2023!
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Tales from the Thousand Lakes - Live at Tavastia (2024) |
1. Thousand Lakes | 1:54 | | Live at Tavastia, Helsinki Finland, 23.06.2021 |
2. Into Hiding | 4:11 |
3. The Castaway | 5:34 |
4. First Doom | 3:49 |
5. Black Winter Day | 3:52 |
6. Drowned Maid | 4:07 |
7. In the Beginning | 3:41 |
8. Forgotten Sunrise | 4:28 |
9. To Father's Cabin | 3:54 |
10. Magic and Mayhem | 5:24 |
11. Vulgar Necrolatry | 4:26 |
12. My Kantele | 8:38 |
total time | 53:58 |

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#3 in Zenial's top 10 from the twenties!
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#3 in Zenial's top 10 from the twenties!
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Isle of Joy |
1. And I hear you call | 5:08 | | Live Ilosaarirock, Joensuu Finnland, 12.07.1997 |
2. Against windows | 4:39 |
3. Into hiding | 5:46 |
4. The brother slayer | 3:50 |
5. Better unborn | 6:11 |
6. In the beginning | 3:23 |
7. My kantele | 3:44 |
8. Levitation | 5:00 |
9. The castaway | 4:54 |
10. Black winter day | 3:38 |
11. Cares | 4:25 |
total time | 50:38 |
8.4 / 10 (11 votes)
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8.4 / 10 (11 votes)
1 review