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Disment of Soul (demo) (1991)
Disment of Soul (demo) 1. Disment of soul 4:02
2. Excursing from existence 3:27
3. Privilege of evil 4:05
4. Vulgar necrolatry bonus
5. Pestilential mists bonus
total time11:34

8.5 / 10 (13 votes)

1 review

8.5 / 10 (13 votes)

1 review

Amorphis (ep) (1991)
Amorphis (ep) 1. Vulgar necrolatry 3:59
2. Misery path 4:17
total time8:16

HD cover
7.7 / 10 (9 votes)

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7.7 / 10 (9 votes)

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The Karelian Isthmus (1992)
The Karelian Isthmus 1. Karelia 0:45
2. The gathering 4:15
3. Grails mysteries 3:05
4. Warriors trail 5:07
5. Black embrace 3:42
6. Exile of the sons of uisliu 3:46
7. The lost name of god 5:33
8. The pilgrimage 4:42
9. Misery path 4:20
10. Signs from the north side 4:57
11. Vulgar necrolatry 4:22
total time45 min

HD cover
8.3 / 10 (132 votes)

2 reviews

8.3 / 10 (132 votes)

2 reviews

Privilege of Evil (1993)
Privilege of Evil 1. Pilgrimage from darkness 4:30
2. Black embrace 3:24
3. Privilege of evil 3:50
4. Misery path 4:16
5. Vulgar necrolatry 3:58
6. Excursing from existence 3:06
total time23:04

HD cover
8.4 / 10 (40 votes)

1 review

8.4 / 10 (40 votes)

1 review

Tales from the Thousand Lakes (1994)
Tales from the Thousand Lakes 1. Thousand lakes 2:03
2. Into hiding 3:46
3. The castaway 5:33
4. First doom 3:52
5. Black winter day 3:51
6. Drowned maid 4:23
7. In the beginning 3:38
8. Forgotten sunrise 4:54
9. To fathers cabin 3:50
10. Magic and mayhem 4:28
total time40:18

HD cover
2 Versions
9.3 / 10 (273 votes)

#5 in User vote top 10 from 1994!
#3 in Zenial's top 10 from 1994!

12 reviews

9.3 / 10 (273 votes)

#5 in User vote top 10 from 1994!
#3 in Zenial's top 10 from 1994!

12 reviews

Black Winter Day (1995)
Black Winter Day 1. Black winter day 3:50
2. Folk of the north 1:20
3. Moon and sun 3:37
4. Moon and sun part II: north's sun 5:10
5. Light my fire (The Doors cover) 2:52bonus on LP
total time13:52

HD cover
9.0 / 10 (74 votes)

1 review

9.0 / 10 (74 votes)

1 review

Split with Gorefest (1995)
Split with Gorefest 1. Black Winter Day 3:48Amorphis - Black Winter Day
2. Folk of the North 1:19
3. Moon and Sun 3:35
4. Moon and Sun Pt II: North's Son 5:10
5. Fear 4:31Gorefest - Fear
6. Raven 3:07
7. Horrors in a Retarded Mind '94 3:54
8. Fear (live) 4:28
total time29:52

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Elegy (1996)
Elegy 1. Better unborn 5:52
2. Against widows 4:06
3. The orphan 5:18
4. On rich and poor 5:19
5. My kantele 5:02
6. Cares 4:30
7. Song of the troubled one 4:08
8. Weeper on the shore 4:52
9. Elegy 7:22
10. Relief 4:09
11. My kantele (acoustic reprise) 5:55
total time57 min

HD cover
8.8 / 10 (167 votes)

7 reviews

8.8 / 10 (167 votes)

7 reviews

My Kantele (1997)
My Kantele 1. My kantele (acoustic reprise) 5:55
2. Brother's slayer 3:36
3. Lost son (brother's slayer part II) 4:35
4. Levitation 5:51
5. And I hear you call 4:40
total time24:37

HD cover
8.0 / 10 (43 votes)

1 review

8.0 / 10 (43 votes)

1 review

Tuonela (1999)
Tuonela 1. The Way 4:34
2. Morning Star 3:51
3. Nightfall 3:52
4. Tuonela 4:31
5. Greed 4:17
6. Divinity 4:55
7. Shining 4:24
8. Withered 5:43
9. Rusty Moon 4:54
10. Summer's End 5:37
11. Northern lights 3:17bonus
total time46:38(digipack 49:55)

HD cover
8.0 / 10 (142 votes)

5 reviews

8.0 / 10 (142 votes)

5 reviews

Divinity / Northern Lights (1999)
Divinity / Northern Lights 1. Divinity 4:57
2. Northern Lights 3:18
total time8:15

7.5 / 10 (11 votes)

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7.5 / 10 (11 votes)

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Story - 10th Anniversary (2000)
Story - 10th Anniversary 1. Black Winter Day 3:48
2. Against Widows 4:04
3. Tuonela 4:37
4. Grail's Mysteries 3:04
5. Castaway 5:30
6. My Kantele 5:51
7. Way 4:36
8. Brother Slayer 3:41
9. The Orphan 5:16
10. Exile Of The Sons Uisliu 3:45
11. On Rich And Poor 5:17
12. Divinity 4:56
13. The Gathering 4:14
14. Drowned Maid 4:11
15. Summer's End 5:29
16. Caress (live) 4:21
total time72:40

HD cover
6.5 / 10 (13 votes)

#4 in the Compilation top 10 from 2000!

1 review

6.5 / 10 (13 votes)

#4 in the Compilation top 10 from 2000!

1 review

Alone (2001)
Alone 1. Alone (Radio Edit) 4:23
2. Too Much To See 3:39
3. Alone (Album Version) 6:18
total time14:20

8.3 / 10 (13 votes)

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8.3 / 10 (13 votes)

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Am Universum (2001)
Am Universum 1. Alone 6:18
2. Goddess (Of The Sad Man) 4:00
3. The Night Is Over 4:04
4. Shatters Within 5:22
5. Crimson Wave 4:45
6. Drifting Memories 4:24
7. Forever More 4:33
8. Veil Of Sin 5:10
9. Captured State 4:28
10. Grieve Stricken Heart 6:43
total time49:48

HD cover
7.8 / 10 (98 votes)

2 reviews

7.8 / 10 (98 votes)

2 reviews

Mourning Soil (2003)
Mourning Soil 1. Mourning Soil 3:47

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Chapters (2003)
Chapters 1. Alone (radio edit) 4:23
2. Drifting memories 4:25
3. Too much to see 3:41
4. The way 4:36
5. Northern lights 3:17
6. Summer's end 5:38
7. The brother-slayer 3:37
8. Better unborn 5:52
9. My kantele 5:04
10. Weeper on the shore 4:53
11. Moon and sun 3:37
12. Black winter day 3:51
13. The castaway 5:33
14. Drowned maid 4:23
15. Warrior's trail 5:05
16. The exile of the sons of uisliu 3:44
17. The lost name of god 5:32
--- DVD disk ---
1. Alone 4:40
2. Divinity 3:39
3. My Kantele 5:42
4. Against Widows 4:07
5. Black Winter Day 3:50
total time77:11

HD cover
7.9 / 10 (14 votes)

#5 in the Compilation top 10 from 2003!

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7.9 / 10 (14 votes)

#5 in the Compilation top 10 from 2003!

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Far From The Sun (2003)
Far From The Sun 1. Day Of Your Beliefs 5:03
2. Planetary Misfortune 4:27
3. Evil Inside 3:57
4. Mourning Soil 3:47
5. Far From The Sun 4:00
6. Ethereal Solitude 4:30
7. Killing Goodness 3:55
8. God Of Deception 3:39
9. Higher Ground 5:39
10. Smithereens 4:51
total time43:48

HD cover
7.1 / 10 (61 votes)

1 review

7.1 / 10 (61 votes)

1 review

Day of Your Beliefs (2003)
Day of Your Beliefs 1. Day Of Your Beliefs (edit) 4:08
2. Day Of Your Beliefs 5:03
3. Darkrooms 3:21
total time12:32

6.6 / 10 (10 votes)

1 review

6.6 / 10 (10 votes)

1 review

Evil Inside (2003)
Evil Inside 1. Evil Inside 3:58
2. Shining turns to grey 2:58
3. Follow me into the fire 5:24
total time12:20

Lyrics **********
7.3 / 10 (10 votes)

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7.3 / 10 (10 votes)

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Eclipse (2006)
Eclipse 1. Two Moons 3:26
2. House Of Sleep 4:17
3. Leaves Scar 3:24
4. Born From Fire 4:09
5. Under A Soil And Black Stone 4:14
6. Perkele (The God Of Fire) 3:29
7. The Smoke 3:40
8. Same Flesh 4:39
9. Brother Moon 5:12
10. Empty Opening 7:41
11. Stonewoman (Bonus) 3:38
total time47:49

HD cover
8.7 / 10 (45 votes)

5 reviews

8.7 / 10 (45 votes)

5 reviews

The Smoke (2006)
The Smoke 1. The Smoke 3:41
2. House of Sleep 4:21video
total time8:02

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House of Sleep (2006)
House of Sleep 1. House of sleep 4:16
2. Stonewoman 3:38
total time7:54

6.0 / 10 (2 votes)

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6.0 / 10 (2 votes)

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Silent Waters (2007)
Silent Waters 1. Weaving the incantation 4:57
2. A servant 3:54
3. Silent waters 4:50
4. Towards and against 4:59
5. I of crimson blood 5:05
6. Her alone 6:01
7. Enigma 3:34
8. Shaman 4:55
9. The white swan 4:50
10. Black river 3:45
total time46:50

HD cover
8.0 / 10 (9 votes)

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8.0 / 10 (9 votes)

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Silver Bride (2009)
Silver Bride 1. Silver Bride (edit) 3:29
2. Silver Bride (album version) 4:13
3. Separated 4:17
total time11:59

HD cover
6.0 / 10 (2 votes)

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6.0 / 10 (2 votes)

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Skyforger (2009)
Skyforger 1. Sampo 6:08
2. Silver Bride 4:13
3. From The Heaven Of My Heart 5:20
4. Sky Is Mine 4:20
5. Majestic Beast 4:19
6. My Sun 4:04
7. Highest Star 4:44
8. Skyforger 5:15
9. Course Of Fate 4:15
10. From Earth I Rose 5:04
total time47:42

HD cover
7.8 / 10 (6 votes)

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7.8 / 10 (6 votes)

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From the Heaven of My Heart (2009)
From the Heaven of My Heart 1. From the Heaven of My Heart (edit) 4:15
2. Sky Is Mine 4:21
3. From the Heaven of My Heart (album version) 5:20
total time13:56

HD cover
6.0 / 10 (2 votes)

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6.0 / 10 (2 votes)

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Split with Epica (2009)
Split with Epica 1. From the Heaven of My Heart (single edit) 4:15Amorphis
2. Martyr of the Free World 5:03Epica
total time9:18

6.0 / 10 (2 votes)

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6.0 / 10 (2 votes)

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Forging the Land of Thousand Lakes (video) (2010)
Forging the Land of Thousand Lakes (video) 1. Silver Bride 4:23
2. Sampo 6:02
3. Towards And Against 5:39
4. The Castaway 6:00
5. Smithereens / The Smoke 5:19
6. Majestic Beast 4:22
7. Alone 6:31
8. Silent Waters 5:07
9. Divinity 4:27
10. Elegy Medley (Against Widows / Cares / On Rich and Poor) 8:17
11. From The Heaven Of My Heart 5:09
12. Sky Is Mine 4:34
13. Magic And Mayhem / Black Winter Day 6:16
14. Sign From The Northside 5:54
15. House Of Sleep 5:08
16. My Kantele 8:47
--- Disk Two ---
1. Leaves Scar 3:28
2. Towards And Against 5:17
3. From The Heaven Of My Heart 5:20
4. Against Widows 4:47
5. The Castaway 6:04
6. Sampo 6:01
7. Silver Bride 4:20
8. Alone 6:21
9. The Smoke 4:04
10. My Kantele 5:40
11. House Of Sleep 4:22
12. Magic And Mayhem 5:49
13. Tales From the 20 Years (documentary)
--- Video Clips ---
1. Black Winter Day
2. My Kantele
3. Against Widows
4. Divinity
5. Alone
6. Evil Inside
7. House of Sleep
8. The Smoke
9. Silent Waters
10. Silver Bride
11. From the Heaven of My Heart
--- Jyrki TV show, 1996 ---
1. My Kantele
2. Amorphis interview
3. Photo gallery
total time2:33:28

HD cover
2 Versions
9.0 / 10 (2 votes)

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9.0 / 10 (2 votes)

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Magic & Mayhem - Tales from the Early Years (2010)
Magic & Mayhem - Tales from the Early Years 1. Magic And Mayhem 5:22
2. Vulgar Necrolatry 4:43Abhorrence cover
3. Into Hiding 3:52
4. Black Winter Day 3:54
5. On Rich and Poor 5:23
6. Exile of the Sons of Uisliu 3:56
7. The Castaway 5:55
8. Song of the Troubled One 4:13
9. Sign from the North Side 5:03
10. Drowned Maid 4:10
11. Against Widows 4:18
12. My Kantele 6:48
total time57:37

HD cover
9.5 / 10 (2 votes)

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9.5 / 10 (2 votes)

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Two Originals (2010)
Two Originals 1. Eclipse cd 47:49
2. Silent Waters cd 46:50
total time1:34:39

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You I Need (2011)
You I Need 1. You I Need 4:22

HD cover
10.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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10.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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The Beginning of Times (2011)
The Beginning of Times 1. Battle For Light 5:35
2. Mermaid 4:24
3. My Enemy 3:25
4. You I Need 4:22
5. Song of the Sage 5:26
6. Three Words 3:55
7. Reformation 4:33
8. Soothsayer 4:09
9. On a Stranded Shore 4:12
10. Escape 3:51
11. Crack in a Stone 4:55
12. Beginning of Time 5:50
13. Heart's Song 4:07bonus
total time54:42

HD cover
7.0 / 10 (4 votes)

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7.0 / 10 (4 votes)

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Hopeless Days (2013)
Hopeless Days 1. Hopeless Days 5:08

6.7 / 10 (3 votes)

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6.7 / 10 (3 votes)

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Mission (2013)
Mission 1. Mission 4:33

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Circle (2013)
Circle 1. Shades of Gray 5:28
2. Mission 4:33
3. The Wanderer 4:44
4. Narrow Path 4:23
5. Hopeless Days 5:08
6. Nightbird’s Song 5:01
7. Into the Abyss 5:37
8. Enchanted by the Moon 5:32
9. A New Day 6:00
10. Dead Man’s Dream 4:03bonus
total time46:22

HD cover
7.6 / 10 (5 votes)

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7.6 / 10 (5 votes)

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The Wanderer (2013)
The Wanderer 1. The Wanderer 4:43

HD cover
No votes yet...

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Best Of (digital) (2013)
Best Of (digital) 1. The Wanderer 4:43
2. Hopeless Days 5:08
3. Into the Abyss 5:36
4. You I Need 4:22
5. Beginning of Time 5:50
6. Silver Bride 4:12
7. From the Heaven of My Heart 5:20
8. Silent Waters 4:52
9. House of Sleep 4:15
10. The Smoke 3:38
11. Two Moons 3:24
12. Born from Fire 4:07
13. Skyforger 5:15
14. My Sun 4:04
15. From Earth I Rose 5:04
total time69:50

HD cover
5.0 / 10 (2 votes)

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5.0 / 10 (2 votes)

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Death of a King (digital) (2015)
Death of a King (digital) 1. Death of a King 5:14

HD cover
No votes yet...

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Sacrifice (digital) (2015)
Sacrifice (digital) 1. Sacrifice 3:56

HD cover
No votes yet...

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Under the Red Cloud (2015)
Under the Red Cloud 1. Under the Red Cloud 5:33
2. The Four Wise Ones 4:40
3. Bad Blood 5:23
4. The Skull 5:04
5. Death of a King 5:14
6. Sacrifice 3:56
7. Dark Path 5:08
8. Enemy at the Gates 5:07
9. Tree of Ages 4:36
10. White Night 5:15
total time49:56

HD cover
10.0 / 10 (1 vote)

#7 in User vote top 10 from 2015!

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10.0 / 10 (1 vote)

#7 in User vote top 10 from 2015!

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Tales from Lake Bodom (2015)
Tales from Lake Bodom 1. Suicide Bomber 3:32Children of Bodom
2. Halo of Blood (live) 3:19
3. Black Winter Day (Amorphis cover) 3:43
4. Illusion 4:19Amorphis
5. Hopeless Days (live) 5:26
6. Every Time I Die (Children of Bodom cover) 4:25
total time24:44

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Separated (ep) (2016)
Separated (ep) 1. Separated 4:17

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His Story - Best of Amorphis (2016)
His Story - Best of Amorphis 1. Karelia 0:45
2. The Gathering 4:14
3. Exile Of The Sons Of Uisliu 3:46
4. Into Hiding 3:45
5. Black Winter Day 3:49
6. In The Beginning 3:36
7. Against Widows 4:06
8. On Rich And Poor 5:20
9. My Kantele 5:02
10. Elegy 7:21
11. Tuonela 4:34
12. Divinity 4:57
13. Rusty Moon 4:58
14. Alone 6:20
15. Veil Of Sin 5:12
16. Day Of Your Beliefs 5:03
17. Killing Goodness 3:57
--- Disk Two ---
1. House Of Sleep 4:12
2. Under A Soil And Black Stone 4:15
3. The Smoke 3:41
4. A Servant 3:55
5. Silent Waters 4:50
6. Towards And Against 5:00
7. Silver Bride 4:13
8. Sky Is Mine 4:21
9. Skyforger 5:15
10. Mermaid 4:26
11. You I Need 4:23
12. On A Stranded Shore 4:14
13. The Wanderer 4:43
14. Hopeless Days 5:09
15. Under The Red Cloud 5:34
16. Death Of A King 5:15
17. Dark Path 5:10
--- Disk Three ---
1. My Future 7:12
2. Illusion 4:19
3. His Story 4:34
4. Winter's Sleep 6:36
total time2:57:43

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#10 in the Compilation top 10 from 2016!

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#10 in the Compilation top 10 from 2016!

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An Evening with Friends at Huvila (digital) (2017)
An Evening with Friends at Huvila (digital) 1. Enigma 5:33Live at Huvila-tent during Helsinki Festival 2017
2. Far from the Sun 5:00
3. Silent Waters 5:53
4. My Kantele 5:09
5. Silver Bride 4:56
6. Sampo 6:54
7. Alone 6:57
8. The Wanderer 4:54
9. Her Alone 7:46
total time53:02

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Legacy of Time (2018)
Legacy of Time 1. The Bee 5:30New Tracks
2. Wrong Direction 5:11
3. Hopeless Days 5:42Live at The Circus, Helsinki, Sep 2017
4. Bad Blood 5:24
5. Death of a King 6:12
6. Four Wise Ones 5:38
7. Black Winter Day 3:49
8. My Kantele 7:39
total time45:05

HD cover
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Decibel Flexi Series (ep) (2018)
Decibel Flexi Series (ep) 1. Honeyflow 5:16

HD cover
No votes yet...

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Queen of Time (2018)
Queen of Time 1. The Bee 5:30
2. Message in the Amber 6:44
3. Daughter of Hate 6:20
4. The Golden Elk 6:22
5. Wrong Direction 5:09
6. Heart of the Giant 6:32
7. We Accursed 4:59
8. Grain of Sand 4:44
9. Amongst Stars 4:50feat. Anneke van Giersbergen (The Gathering)
10. Pyres on the Coast 6:19
11. As Mountains Crumble 6:17bonus
12. Brother and Sister 6:03bonus
13. Honeyflow 5:15Japanese bonus feat. Akira Takasaki (Loudness)
total time69:49

HD cover
9.0 / 10 (2 votes)

#3 in User vote top 10 from 2018!

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9.0 / 10 (2 votes)

#3 in User vote top 10 from 2018!

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Brother and Sister (ep) (2020)
Brother and Sister (ep) 1. Brother and Sister 6:03
2. As Mountains Crumble 6:17
total time12:20

HD cover
No votes yet...

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Live at Helsinki Ice Hall (2021)
Live at Helsinki Ice Hall 1. Intro & The Bee 7:06Live at Helsinki Icehall at December 7th 2019
2. Heart Of The Giant 6:17
3. Bad Blood 5:23
4. The Four Wise Ones 5:32
5. Into Hiding 4:14
6. Sampo 7:25
7. Wrong Direction 5:07
8. Daughter Of Hate 6:43
--- Disk Two ---
1. Against Widows 4:43
2. My Kantele 6:59
3. The Golden Elk 6:28
4. Pyres On The Coast 6:27
5. Skyforger Intro & Silver Bride 5:17
6. Black Winter Day 4:26
7. House of Sleep 5:45
total time1:27:52

HD cover
No votes yet...

#7 in the Live top 10 from 2021!

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#7 in the Live top 10 from 2021!

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Daughter Of Hate / House Of Sleep (ep) (2021)
Daughter Of Hate / House Of Sleep (ep) 1. Daughter Of Hate 6:43
2. House Of Sleep 5:45
total time12:28

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Vinyl Collection 2006 - 2020 (2021)
Vinyl Collection 2006 - 2020 1. Eclipse lp 41:47
2. Silent Waters lp 46:49
3. Skyforger lp 47:42
4. Magic and Mayhem - Tales from the Early Years lp 57:37
5. The Beginning of Times lp 58:49
6. Circle lp 46:22
7. Under the Red Cloud lp 49:56
8. Queen of Time lp 69:49
9. Live at Helsinki Ice Hall lp

HD cover
No votes yet...

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On the Dark Waters (ep) (2022)
On the Dark Waters (ep) 1. On the Dark Waters
2. We Accursed (Live)

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The Moon & More EP (2022)
The Moon & More EP 1. The Moon 6:00from Halo
2. On The Dark Waters 4:49
3. Brother And Sister 6:05bonus from Queens of Time
4. Into Hiding 4:16from Live at Helsinki Ice Hall
5. The Golden Elk 6:08
6. House Of Sleep 5:17
total time32:35

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Halo (2022)
Halo 1. Northwards 5:30
2. On the Dark Waters 4:47
3. The Moon 5:57
4. Windmane 4:49
5. A New Land 4:36
6. When the Gods Came 4:56
7. Seven Roads Come Together 5:38
8. War 5:24
9. Halo 4:40
10. The Wolf 4:46
11. My Name Is Night 4:43feat. Petronella Nettermalm (Paatos)
12. The Well 4:50Bonus
total time55:46

HD cover
No votes yet...

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Queen Of Time - Live At Tavastia (2023)
Queen Of Time - Live At Tavastia 1. The Bee 6:57Live in Helsinki at Tavastia club on June 22, 2021
2. Message in the Amber 6:43
3. Daughter of Hate 6:19
4. The Golden Elk 6:05
5. Wrong Direction 4:59
6. Heart of the Giant 6:28
7. We Accursed 4:58
8. Grain of Sand 4:44
9. Amongst Stars 4:47feat. Anneke van Giersbergen (The Gathering)
10. Pyres on the Coast 6:57
total time58:57

HD cover
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#9 in the Live top 10 from 2023!

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#9 in the Live top 10 from 2023!

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Tales from the Thousand Lakes - Live at Tavastia (2024)
Tales from the Thousand Lakes - Live at Tavastia 1. Thousand Lakes 1:54Live at Tavastia, Helsinki Finland, 23.06.2021
2. Into Hiding 4:11
3. The Castaway 5:34
4. First Doom 3:49
5. Black Winter Day 3:52
6. Drowned Maid 4:07
7. In the Beginning 3:41
8. Forgotten Sunrise 4:28
9. To Father's Cabin 3:54
10. Magic and Mayhem 5:24
11. Vulgar Necrolatry 4:26
12. My Kantele 8:38
total time53:58

HD cover
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#3 in Zenial's top 10 from the twenties!

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#3 in Zenial's top 10 from the twenties!

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Isle of Joy
Isle of Joy 1. And I hear you call 5:08Live Ilosaarirock, Joensuu Finnland, 12.07.1997
2. Against windows 4:39
3. Into hiding 5:46
4. The brother slayer 3:50
5. Better unborn 6:11
6. In the beginning 3:23
7. My kantele 3:44
8. Levitation 5:00
9. The castaway 4:54
10. Black winter day 3:38
11. Cares 4:25
total time50:38

8.4 / 10 (11 votes)

1 review

8.4 / 10 (11 votes)

1 review


20 Años Nuclear Blast
20 Años Nuclear Blast

Dead By Dawn - Compilation No. 1
Dead By Dawn - Compilation No. 1

Relapse 30 Year Anniversary Sampler (digital)
Relapse 30 Year Anniversary Sampler (digital)

Rock Hard Explosion Vol.4
Rock Hard Explosion Vol.4


Apocalyptic Things 4
Apocalyptic Things 4

Death... Is Just the Beginning II
Death... Is Just the Beginning II


5 Years Nuclear Blast
5 Years Nuclear Blast

Nuclear Blast - 11 Song Promotional CD
Nuclear Blast - 11 Song Promotional CD

Nuclear Blast 100
Nuclear Blast 100


Death... Is Just the Beginning III
Death... Is Just the Beginning III

Destination Danger Nº 1
Destination Danger Nº 1

Nuclear Blast Limited Festival CD
Nuclear Blast Limited Festival CD

Summer Blast 1994
Summer Blast 1994


The Masters of Darkness
The Masters of Darkness

Metalopolis Vol. 2
Metalopolis Vol. 2

Tales Of Apocalypse
Tales Of Apocalypse



Beauty in Darkness
Beauty in Darkness

Death... Is Just the Beginning IV
Death... Is Just the Beginning IV

Independent Music For Independent People Vol 4
Independent Music For Independent People Vol 4

Nuclear Blast Soundcheck-series - Volume 7
Nuclear Blast Soundcheck-series - Volume 7


Dynamit Vol. 2
Dynamit Vol. 2



Rock Extremum 3/97
Rock Extremum 3/97

Close-up Magazine Promo
Close-up Magazine Promo


The Masters Of Darkness II
The Masters Of Darkness II


Brummkreisel Compilation Vol 2
Brummkreisel Compilation Vol 2


Darkness is Thy Kingdom volume 2
Darkness is Thy Kingdom volume 2

Demons Of The Night - From Gothic to Dark Metal
Demons Of The Night - From Gothic to Dark Metal

Fast Forward Rock Fall '99
Fast Forward Rock Fall '99

The Hard + The Heavy - Volume 1
The Hard + The Heavy - Volume 1

Metal Dreams
Metal Dreams

Metalliliitto 1999
Metalliliitto 1999

Mystic Productions cz. 2
Mystic Productions cz. 2

News From Nuclear Blast Volume 4
News From Nuclear Blast Volume 4

Nuclear Blast Clubhits Vol. 1
Nuclear Blast Clubhits Vol. 1

Radio Force 16
Radio Force 16

Welcome To The Subterranean Sect
Welcome To The Subterranean Sect

Whiplash Vol. 2
Whiplash Vol. 2

Knuckletracks XII
Knuckletracks XII

Knuckletracks XVIII
Knuckletracks XVIII

Soundcheck #33
Soundcheck #33

Hard N' Heavy Volume 13
Hard N' Heavy Volume 13

Off Road Tracks Vol. 18
Off Road Tracks Vol. 18

Metal Explosion N°12
Metal Explosion N°12

Mystic Art Vol. 6
Mystic Art Vol. 6

Psychosonic! Vol. 3
Psychosonic! Vol. 3

Dynamit Vol. 15
Dynamit Vol. 15

Terrorized vol. 2
Terrorized vol. 2

ZilloScope: New Signs & Sounds 07-08/99
ZilloScope: New Signs & Sounds 07-08/99

Zillo Festival Sampler 1999
Zillo Festival Sampler 1999


Blessed By The Night 1 - The Dark Metal Compilation
Blessed By The Night 1 - The Dark Metal Compilation

Contaminated 3.0
Contaminated 3.0

The Dark Side Of Wacken
The Dark Side Of Wacken


Beauty in Darkness Vol. 5
Beauty in Darkness Vol. 5

Contaminated 4.0
Contaminated 4.0

Darkness is Thy Kingdom volume 3
Darkness is Thy Kingdom volume 3

Israeli True Metal Force Vol.15
Israeli True Metal Force Vol.15

Large Bonus CD #3
Large Bonus CD #3

Metal Dreams Vol. 3
Metal Dreams Vol. 3

Metal Rocks
Metal Rocks

Nuclear Blast Soundcheck Series - Volume 25
Nuclear Blast Soundcheck Series - Volume 25

Knuckletracks XXX
Knuckletracks XXX

Let The Hammer Fall Vol. 6
Let The Hammer Fall Vol. 6

Hard N' Heavy Volume 35
Hard N' Heavy Volume 35

Mystic Art Vol. 14
Mystic Art Vol. 14

Psychosonic! Volume 27
Psychosonic! Volume 27

Dynamit Vol. 25
Dynamit Vol. 25

Cold Hands Seduction Vol. IX
Cold Hands Seduction Vol. IX

Cold Hands Seduction Vol. X
Cold Hands Seduction Vol. X

ZilloScope: New Signs & Sounds 04/01
ZilloScope: New Signs & Sounds 04/01

Zillo Festival Sampler 2001
Zillo Festival Sampler 2001


Darkness is Thy Kingdom volume 4
Darkness is Thy Kingdom volume 4

Death... Is Just the Beginning vol. 7
Death... Is Just the Beginning vol. 7

Death ...Is Just The Beginning Classics (video)
Death ...Is Just The Beginning Classics (video)

Full Metal Racket 2 - Three Hours Of Power
Full Metal Racket 2 - Three Hours Of Power


The Art Of Sysyphus Vol. 21
The Art Of Sysyphus Vol. 21

Monsters Of Metal - The Ultimate Metal Compilation (video)
Monsters Of Metal - The Ultimate Metal Compilation (video)

Hard Rock #75
Hard Rock #75

Rock Sound PT Volume 10
Rock Sound PT Volume 10

Cold Hands Seduction Vol. 28
Cold Hands Seduction Vol. 28

ZilloScope: New Signs & Sounds 6/03
ZilloScope: New Signs & Sounds 6/03


Aerodrome Rock Festival Wiener Neustadt
Aerodrome Rock Festival Wiener Neustadt

Beauty in Darkness Vol. 7 (video)
Beauty in Darkness Vol. 7 (video)

Monsters Of Metal - The Ultimate Metal Compilation Vol. 3 (video)
Monsters Of Metal - The Ultimate Metal Compilation Vol. 3 (video)


KnuckleTracks LXXXIV
KnuckleTracks LXXXIV

KnuckleTracks LXXXV
KnuckleTracks LXXXV

RockHard N°29
RockHard N°29


Cover It Up Vol. 2
Cover It Up Vol. 2

Metallic Files - A Christmas Collection
Metallic Files - A Christmas Collection

Monsters Of Death (video)
Monsters Of Death (video)

Hell Awaits N°65 ( CD Sampler N°50)
Hell Awaits N°65 ( CD Sampler N°50)

Zero Tolerance Audio 9
Zero Tolerance Audio 9


Cover It Up
Cover It Up

Dark Nights - Best In Gothic Metal
Dark Nights - Best In Gothic Metal

Gothic Spirits 3
Gothic Spirits 3

Gothic Spirits
Gothic Spirits

Gothic Spirits 4
Gothic Spirits 4

Heavy Metal Magazine DVD - Volumul 1 (video)
Heavy Metal Magazine DVD - Volumul 1 (video)

Heavy Metal Magazine - Volumul 10
Heavy Metal Magazine - Volumul 10

Metal For The Masses - EMI
Metal For The Masses - EMI

Metal For The Masses V
Metal For The Masses V

Monsters Of Metal - The Ultimate Metal Compilation Vol. 5 (video)
Monsters Of Metal - The Ultimate Metal Compilation Vol. 5 (video)

The Neckbreakers Ball
The Neckbreakers Ball

Nuclear Blast Kiittää Suomalaisia Metallikalloja!!! Stay Heavy!!!
Nuclear Blast Kiittää Suomalaisia Metallikalloja!!! Stay Heavy!!!

Rautakanki Metalli-DVD (video)
Rautakanki Metalli-DVD (video)

Rautakanki - Metallikokoelma Vol.2
Rautakanki - Metallikokoelma Vol.2

Rock Oracle #2 - 2006
Rock Oracle #2 - 2006

Scar Symmetry - Pitch Black Progress Promo
Scar Symmetry - Pitch Black Progress Promo

The Sound Of Mystery
The Sound Of Mystery

Teraz Rock - Outsiders
Teraz Rock - Outsiders

Trash Metal - Mülltausch CD
Trash Metal - Mülltausch CD

Weapons Of Musical Destruction
Weapons Of Musical Destruction

KnuckleTracks 95
KnuckleTracks 95

Soundcheck #81
Soundcheck #81

Let The Hammer Fall Vol. 43
Let The Hammer Fall Vol. 43

Maximum Metal Vol. 101
Maximum Metal Vol. 101

Metal Hammer Best Of 2006
Metal Hammer Best Of 2006

Nuclear Blast
Nuclear Blast

Dynamit Vol. 50
Dynamit Vol. 50

RockHard N°52
RockHard N°52

Fear Candy 25
Fear Candy 25

Zillo CD 03/06
Zillo CD 03/06


20 Years Nuclear Blast
20 Years Nuclear Blast

20 Years Of Nuclear Blast
20 Years Of Nuclear Blast

20 Years Vol. 1 - Two Decades Of Nuclear Blast (digital)
20 Years Vol. 1 - Two Decades Of Nuclear Blast (digital)

After Forever - Sampler
After Forever - Sampler

Gothic Spirits 6
Gothic Spirits 6

Hellfest Compilation - Volume Two
Hellfest Compilation - Volume Two

Large Compilation CD #17
Large Compilation CD #17

Metal-Train 2007
Metal-Train 2007

News From Dr. Blast Vol. 11 - Wacken 2008
News From Dr. Blast Vol. 11 - Wacken 2008

Nuclear Blast - 20 Years In Extreme Music
Nuclear Blast - 20 Years In Extreme Music

Nuclear Blast - Metal Assault 2007 Vol.3 (video)
Nuclear Blast - Metal Assault 2007 Vol.3 (video)

The Sound Of Mystery 4
The Sound Of Mystery 4

The World Of Gothic Rock / Gothica
The World Of Gothic Rock / Gothica

KnuckleTracks 106
KnuckleTracks 106

Let The Hammer Fall Vol. 58
Let The Hammer Fall Vol. 58

Let The Hammer Fall Vol. 62
Let The Hammer Fall Vol. 62

Maximum Metal Vol. 119
Maximum Metal Vol. 119

Maximum Metal Vol. 120 (video)
Maximum Metal Vol. 120 (video)

Dynamit Vol. 57
Dynamit Vol. 57

RockHard #69
RockHard #69

Rock Tribune CD Sampler #66 - September 2007
Rock Tribune CD Sampler #66 - September 2007

Fear Candy 45
Fear Candy 45

Zero Tolerance Audio 19
Zero Tolerance Audio 19

Zillo CD 05/07
Zillo CD 05/07

Zillo CD 09/07
Zillo CD 09/07

Dark Visions 2 (video)
Dark Visions 2 (video)


Gothic Spirits 7
Gothic Spirits 7

RockHard Live - Festival 2008
RockHard Live - Festival 2008

Maximum Metal Vol. 126 (video)
Maximum Metal Vol. 126 (video)


Gothic Spirits 10
Gothic Spirits 10

Metal For The Masses VIII
Metal For The Masses VIII

Monsters Of Metal - The Ultimate Metal Compilation Vol. 7 (video)
Monsters Of Metal - The Ultimate Metal Compilation Vol. 7 (video)

Nuclear Blast Music Assault 2009
Nuclear Blast Music Assault 2009

Suomimetallia 3
Suomimetallia 3

Sweden Rock Magazine #62
Sweden Rock Magazine #62

Sweden Rock Volume 2
Sweden Rock Volume 2

Let The Hammer Fall Vol. 76
Let The Hammer Fall Vol. 76

Hard Rock Magazine Sampler 18
Hard Rock Magazine Sampler 18

Maximum Metal Vol. 140
Maximum Metal Vol. 140

Maximum Metal Vol. 141 (video)
Maximum Metal Vol. 141 (video)

Dynamit Vol. 65
Dynamit Vol. 65

RockHard #88
RockHard #88

Cold Hands Seduction Vol. 95
Cold Hands Seduction Vol. 95

Fear Candy 67
Fear Candy 67

Dark Visions - Die Clip-Highlights Von 1989-2009 (video)
Dark Visions - Die Clip-Highlights Von 1989-2009 (video)


Blast! Presents - Issue 90
Blast! Presents - Issue 90

Blast! Presents - Issue 92
Blast! Presents - Issue 92

Metal-Train 2010
Metal-Train 2010

Summer Breeze 2009 (video)
Summer Breeze 2009 (video)

With Full Force XVII - DVD 2010
With Full Force XVII - DVD 2010

Maximum Metal Vol. 150 (video)
Maximum Metal Vol. 150 (video)

Maximum Metal Vol. 154
Maximum Metal Vol. 154

Lauschangriff Volume 005
Lauschangriff Volume 005


Dark Moon (A Black Tribute To The Gothic Spirit)
Dark Moon (A Black Tribute To The Gothic Spirit)

Gothic Spirits 14
Gothic Spirits 14

Kaikkien Aikojen Suomimetallit
Kaikkien Aikojen Suomimetallit

Noizefest Vol. IV
Noizefest Vol. IV

Nuclear Blast Clips Vol. 1 (video)
Nuclear Blast Clips Vol. 1 (video)

Promised Land Of Heavy Metal (video)
Promised Land Of Heavy Metal (video)

Legacy #72
Legacy #72

Maximum Metal Show Vol. 165 (video)
Maximum Metal Show Vol. 165 (video)

Metal Hammer 5/2011 - Nuclear Blast Track Attack
Metal Hammer 5/2011 - Nuclear Blast Track Attack

Metal Hammer 10/2011
Metal Hammer 10/2011

Lauschangriff Volume 010
Lauschangriff Volume 010


Monsters Of Metal - The Ultimate Metal Compilation Vol. 8 (video)
Monsters Of Metal - The Ultimate Metal Compilation Vol. 8 (video)

Summer Breeze 2011 (video)
Summer Breeze 2011 (video)



Noizefest Vol. IX
Noizefest Vol. IX

Nuclear Blast - Blast! Beats
Nuclear Blast - Blast! Beats

Nuclear Blast - The Blast Supper
Nuclear Blast - The Blast Supper

Maximum Metal Vol. 183
Maximum Metal Vol. 183

Lauschangriff Volume 019
Lauschangriff Volume 019

RockHard N°131
RockHard N°131

Fear Candy 119
Fear Candy 119


Dark Symphonies (The Ultimate Dark Metal Compilation) (video)
Dark Symphonies (The Ultimate Dark Metal Compilation) (video)

Monsters Of Metal - The Ultimate Metal Compilation Vol. 9 (video)
Monsters Of Metal - The Ultimate Metal Compilation Vol. 9 (video)


Metal-Train 2014
Metal-Train 2014

Noizefest Vol XVII
Noizefest Vol XVII

Nuclear Blast New Albums 2015
Nuclear Blast New Albums 2015

Relapse Records - 25 Years Of Contamination (digital)
Relapse Records - 25 Years Of Contamination (digital)

Maximum Metal Vol. 209
Maximum Metal Vol. 209

Lauschangriff Volume 038
Lauschangriff Volume 038

RockHard N°157
RockHard N°157

Rock Tribune 148
Rock Tribune 148


Gothic Spirits Box
Gothic Spirits Box

Live At Wacken 2015 (video)
Live At Wacken 2015 (video)

Monsters Of Metal - The Ultimate Metal Compilation Vol. 10 (video)
Monsters Of Metal - The Ultimate Metal Compilation Vol. 10 (video)


30 Years Of Nuclear Blast - The Ultimate Metal Collection
30 Years Of Nuclear Blast - The Ultimate Metal Collection


Nuclear Blast - 2018 Music Sampler
Nuclear Blast - 2018 Music Sampler

Summer Breeze 2017 (video)
Summer Breeze 2017 (video)

Maximum Metal Vol. 239
Maximum Metal Vol. 239

Metal Hammer CD 5/2018
Metal Hammer CD 5/2018

Lauschangriff 63
Lauschangriff 63

RockHard N°186
RockHard N°186

Rock Tribune #174
Rock Tribune #174


Maximum Metal Vol. 269
Maximum Metal Vol. 269

RockHard N°228
RockHard N°228


RockHard N°255
RockHard N°255

Official homepage

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> Formed in 1990 in Helsinki, Finland
> Members are:
Tomi Koivusaari - guitars (since 1990), vocals (1990-1993) - also in All Human Substitues and Verenpisara
Esa Holopainen - guitars, keyboards (since 1990) - also in Nagoetj
Jan Rechberger - drums (since 1990) - also in All Human Substitues
Santeri Kallio - keyboards (since 1998) - also in Kyyria and Verenpisara
Niclas Etelavuori - bass (since 2000) - also in Kyyria and Verenpisara
Tomi Joutsen - vocals (since 2005) - also in Corpse Molester Cult and Sinisthra, was in Käsi, Nevergreen, Feelings, Funeral Jacket, and The Candles Burning Blue
> Previous members:
Pasi Koskinen - vocals (1996-2004) - now in Ajattara and Shape of Despair
Pekka Kasari - drums (1996-...) - was in Stone
Kim Rantala - keyboards (1996-1998)
Olli-Pekka Laine - bass (1990-2000) - also in Mannhai
Kasper Martenson - keyboards (1993-1994)
> Session musicians:
Ville Tuomi - vocals on "Tales from the Thousand Lakes"
> The name "Amorphis" comes from "amorphous" which means 'no determinate form or shape'
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Last update: 09/03/24