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Dark Age of Reason (1996)
Dark Age of Reason 1. Our god weeps 2:02
2. Angel of sorrow 3:11
3. Source of light 3:06
4. The calm before the storm 2:58
5. Dark age of reason 7:08
6. Like statues in the garden of dreaming 3:01
7. The oath 3:34
8. ...For my love 2:21
9. Serenity 6:05
10. The song of mourning 3:47
11. Eternal Sleep 5:13bonus
12. Spirits Of The Past 3:26bonus
total time36:44

Lyrics **********
9.2 / 10 (46 votes)

#2 in the Non-Metal top 10 from 1996!

3 reviews

9.2 / 10 (46 votes)

#2 in the Non-Metal top 10 from 1996!

3 reviews

Lizabeth (1997)
Lizabeth 1. Cantar de Procella (The Opening Of The Wound) 6:22
2. The Dreams Made Of Sand 4:28
3. Emperor Of The Sun 3:24
total time14:14

9.4 / 10 (10 votes)

1 review

9.4 / 10 (10 votes)

1 review

Cantar De Procella (1997)
Cantar De Procella 1. The opening of the wound 3:32
2. Chant of the awakening 4:22
3. The song of solitude (the cry of isolde) 2:57
4. Void of silence 3:24
5. Cantar de procella 6:27
6. Aeterna doloris 2:55
7. The song of preparation 0:43
8. God of the winds 4:46
9. The dreams made of sand 4:43
10. Gathering of the storm 4:16
11. La salve de profundis 5:29
12. The tree within 3:39
13. Emperor Of The Sun 3:26bonus
total time47:13

Lyrics **********
9.2 / 10 (43 votes)

#6 in the Non-Metal top 10 from 1997!

2 reviews

9.2 / 10 (43 votes)

#6 in the Non-Metal top 10 from 1997!

2 reviews

Isabel (1999)
Isabel 1. Eclipse of the soul 1:55
2. Love eternal 2:38
3. Hymn of absolute deceit 3:30
total time8:03

9.3 / 10 (8 votes)

1 review

9.3 / 10 (8 votes)

1 review

The Last Embrace (2000)
The Last Embrace 1. The Last Embrace 4:47
2. Hymn Of Absolute Deceit 3:34
3. Diadema 4:50
4. Winds Of The Lost Soul 4:34
5. Love Eternal 2:34
6. Repentance 4:12
7. March Of Loss 5:16
8. The Ascending Of A New Dawn 3:27
9. Sono La Salva 5:14
10. Lorica Vite 4:35
11. Eclipse of the soul 1:56bonus
total time44:59

Lyrics **********
9.1 / 10 (34 votes)

1 review

9.1 / 10 (34 votes)

1 review

Body of Sin (2002)
Body of Sin 1. We rise above 4:43
2. Body of Sin 4:21
total time9:04

9.4 / 10 (10 votes)

1 review

9.4 / 10 (10 votes)

1 review

Inner pale sun (2002)
Inner pale sun 1. My cold sea 4:29
2. Lovelorn 5:23
3. Icons 4:35
4. We rise above 4:43
5. Innocent child 5:18
6. Song of the dead sun 4:08
7. Season of thought 4:15
8. Closure 5:05
9. Body Of Sin 4:26bonus
total time37:56

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9.2 / 10 (23 votes)

#7 in the Non-Metal top 10 from 2002!

4 reviews

9.2 / 10 (23 votes)

#7 in the Non-Metal top 10 from 2002!

4 reviews

The New Light (2004)
The New Light 1. The Opening (2001) 2:17
2. Reminiscence (unreleased demo, 1994) 3:26
3. Source of Light (unreleased demo, 1994) 2:25
4. Fade Away (unreleased demo, 1994) 3:50
5. Wound (unreleased demo, 1994) 4:25
6. Lament (unreleased demo, 1998) 5:37
7. Prophecy of the Inevitable (alt. recording, 1998) 2:43
8. Eclipse of the soul (alt. recording, 1999) 1:53
9. Like Statues in the garden of dreaming (alt. recording) 4:00
10. Through the grey horizon (new song, 2003) 5:34
11. Wings of Gabriel (new song, 2003) 4:00
total time40:10

9.1 / 10 (13 votes)

1 review

9.1 / 10 (13 votes)

1 review

Le Serpent Rouge (2004)
Le Serpent Rouge 1. In Search of The Divine 3:08
2. Le Serpent Rouge 4:37
3. Cathar 5:03
4. Under the Sun 5:45
5. Amber 5:34
6. Seductive Flame 4:40
7. Serpents Dance 4:40
8. The Passage 2:00
9. The Nemesis 5:27
total time40:54

8.1 / 10 (10 votes)

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8.1 / 10 (10 votes)

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Raspail (2008)
Raspail 1. Abrakt 5:02
2. Sight of relief 2:49
3. Invisible motions 4:01
4. Outside your world 4:27
5. Parisal 3:26
6. Autumnal 4:29
7. Out of the gray ashes 2:50
8. Lost in time 4:37
9. In remembrance 2:52
10. Circumspection 3:27
total time38:00

HD cover
9.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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9.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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The First Era 1996-2002 (2010)
The First Era 1996-2002 1. Dark Age Of Reason cd 45:37
2. Cantar De Procella cd 50:59
3. ...The Last Embrace cd 46:28
4. Inner Pale Sun cd 42:44
total time3:05:48

HD cover
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Un Passage Silencieux (2011)
Un Passage Silencieux 1. Part I 5:35
2. Part II, Part III, Part IV - A New Amber 15:46
total time21:21

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Emerald (2012)
Emerald 1. As the End Draws Near 4:17
2. A Cage 4:35
3. Precious Stone 4:40
total time13:32

HD cover
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As Bright as a Thousand Suns (2012)
As Bright as a Thousand Suns 1. Somnolence 1:53
2. As the End Draws Near 4:16
3. Inceptus 6:31
4. Medea 4:10
5. Leave Me Be 4:23
6. Infinity 5:33
7. In Memoriam 6:09
8. The Fading Shadow 4:01
9. As Bright as a Thousand Suns 5:00
10. Vinter 3:01
total time44:57

HD cover
10.0 / 10 (2 votes)

#10 in User vote top 10 from 2012!

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10.0 / 10 (2 votes)

#10 in User vote top 10 from 2012!

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The Extra Songs Of Arcana (digital) (2014)
The Extra Songs Of Arcana (digital) 1. This Big Hush 4:35
2. A Cage 4:35
3. For Our Continuity 4:10
4. As Night Turns To Day 4:19
5. Dehkbala 3:06
6. Enigma Of The Absolute 3:54
7. The Arcane 3:31
8. Intro 2:26
9. Precious Stone 4:40
10. The Irreversible Truth 4:29
11. Body Of Sin 4:23
12. Eclipse Of The Soul 1:56
13. Emperor Of The Sun 3:26
14. Eternal Sleep 5:10
15. Spirits Of The Past 3:59
16. Part I-II-III 15:48
17. Part IV - A New Amber 5:35
18. Perdidit Cantus - Live In Portugal 3:59
total time84:39

HD cover
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Petrichor (2017)
Petrichor 1. Intro 2:26
2. Emperor Of The Sun 3:28
3. Eclipse Of The Soul 1:54
4. Body Of Sin 4:26
5. As Night Turns To Day 4:22
6. Part I - II - III 15:50
7. Part IV - A New Amber 5:38
8. The Irreversible Truth / Raspail 4:31
9. A Cage 5:02
10. Precious Stone 4:43
11. Dehkbala 3:09
12. For Our Continuity 4:10
total time59:39

HD cover
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> Formed in 1993 in Sweden
> Members are:
Peter Petterson Bjärgö - music and instruments (since 1993) - also in Crypt Of Kerberos and Sophia, was in Chronic Decay, Ileus, Macrodex, Tyrant (SWE), Karjalan Sissit, Meanwhile, and Victoria
Ann-Mari Thim - vocals (since 2001) - also in Angelic Foe and Seventh Harmonic
Cecilia Bjärgö - choir (since 2003)
Mattias Borgh - percussion (since 2006) - also in Crypt Of Kerberos, was in Embryo and Blood Mortized
Sergio Gamez Martinez - keyboards (since 2010) - also in Der Blaue Reiter, Endless Asylum, Narsilion, and Ordo Funebris
Lady Nott - violin (since 2010) - was in Channeling, Las Sombras, Der Blaue Reiter, Endless Asylum, Narsilion, Embellish, Godlethe, Nocturn, Aranmanoth, and Ordo Funebris
> Previous members:
Stefan Eriksson - choir, keyboard
Ida Bengtsson - vocals
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Last update: 11/08/22