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Eternal Realm (demo) (1997)
Eternal Realm (demo) 1. Beyond The Dark Graves 2:44
2. The Queen Of Blood & Lust 5:02
3. The Land Of The Troll 7:51
4. Eternal Realm 4:57
5. Derision For Jesus 5:51
total time26:25

8.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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8.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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Blessed Be the Darkness (demo) (1998)
Blessed Be the Darkness (demo) 1. Saatanan Varjon Synkkyydessä 5:59
2. The Flames Of The Blasphemer 5:58
3. Blessed Be The Darkness 5:10
total time17:07

9.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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9.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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Rituale Satanum (2000)
Rituale Satanum 1. The Summoning 1:05
2. Sota Valon Jumalaa Vastaan 3:33
3. Night Of The Blasphemy 4:47
4. Christ Forever Die 5:31
5. Towards The Father 3:55
6. Saatanan Varjon Synkkyydessä 5:56
7. Baphomets Call 5:42
8. The Flames Of The Blasphemer 5:45
9. Blessed Be The Darkness 4:20
10. Rituale Satanum 4:02
total time44:36

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3 Versions
8.5 / 10 (2 votes)

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8.5 / 10 (2 votes)

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Split with Horna (2004)
Split with Horna 1. Näkyjen Tuhkasta 4:59Horna
2. Rautamyrsky 4:20
3. Kätketyn Jumaluuden Vartija 5:13
4. Verta Koirille 3:31
5. Ritual of Flesh & Blood 7:01Behexen
6. Beyond the Shadow of My Lord 6:30
7. Distant Call from Darkness 8:16
total time39:50

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By The Blessing Of Satan (2004)
By The Blessing Of Satan 1. By The Blessing Of Satan 4:25
2. Fist Of The Satanist 7:43
3. Sieluni Saatanan Vihasta Roihuten 6:36
4. Celebration Of Christ's Fall 5:42
5. Black Metal Baptism 7:16
6. Watchers Of My Black Temple 8:26
7. Under The Eye Of Lord 7:17
total time47:25

Lyrics **********
7.5 / 10 (2 votes)

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7.5 / 10 (2 votes)

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From the Devil's Chalice (2008)
From the Devil's Chalice 1. Canto I - Invocation of Zabulus 5:00first ep
2. Canto II - Melancholic remembrances of dark times 5:15
3. Canto III - From the Devils chalice 4:48second ep
4. Canto IV - Void... 4:47
5. Canto V - Holy foul 5:05third ep
6. Canto VI - Canticle (for ye Lord) 5:08
total time30:03

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My Soul For His Glory (2008)
My Soul For His Glory 1. Let the Horror and Chaos Come 6:40
2. Born in the Serpent of the Abyss 4:36
3. Demonic Fleshtemple 4:45
4. O.O.O. 3:17
5. Cathedral of the Ultimate Void 5:02
6. My Soul For His Glory 5:52
7. And All Believers Shall Be Damned 3:14
8. My Stigmas Bleeding Black 5:17
total time38:43

HD cover
1.7 / 10 (3 votes)

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1.7 / 10 (3 votes)

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Split with Satanic Warmaster (2008)
Split with Satanic Warmaster 1. Mouth of Leviathan 6:33Behexen
2. Where the Devil Spoke 4:41
3. Where Eternity Awaits 7:38Satanic Warmaster
4. The Burning Eyes of the Werewolf 5:16
total time24:08

Lyrics **********
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Nightside Emanations (2012)
Nightside Emanations 1. Intro 1:13
2. Wrathfull Dragon Hau-Hra 4:05
3. Death´s Black light 3:33
4. Circle Me... 5:41
5. We Burn With Serpent Fire 6:17
6. Luciferian Will 5:13
7. Awaken Tiamat 6:08
8. Temple Of The Silent Curses 5:24
9. Shining Death 4:37
10. Kiss Of Our Dark Mother 7:14
total time49:25

Lyrics **********
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The Poisonous Path (2016)
The Poisonous Path 1. The Poisonous Path 5:59
2. The Wand of Shadows 3:56
3. Cave of the Dark Dreams 3:48
4. A Sword of Promethean Fire 5:17
5. Umbra Luciferi 5:37
6. Tyrant of Luminous Darkness 6:33
7. Chalice of the Abyssal Water 7:05
8. Pentagram of the Black Earth 5:00
9. Gallows of Inversion 4:04
10. Rakkaudesta Saatanaan 8:40
total time55:59

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Metallirovio (Ensimmäinen Kiusaus)
Metallirovio (Ensimmäinen Kiusaus)
Servants Of Chaos
Servants Of Chaos
Servants Of Chaos II
Servants Of Chaos II
Talvisota - Finnish Dark / Black Metal Compilation
Talvisota - Finnish Dark / Black Metal Compilation
Twilight Compilation Vol. II
Twilight Compilation Vol. II

Voices of the Underground III
Voices of the Underground III
Fear Candy 03
Fear Candy 03
Zero Tolerance Audio 48
Zero Tolerance Audio 48
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> From Finland
> Members are:
Hoath Torog - vocals (since 1994) - also in Sargeist
Horns - drums (since 1994) - also in Sargeist
Shatraug - guitars (since 2009) - also in Horna, Black Stench, Finnentum, Foudre Noire, Hoath, Morbid Savouring, Mortualia, My Torments, Necroslut, Sargeist, Sinisterite, Striges, Uhraus, and Vritra, was in Mirkhall, Skullcrusher, Tyrannium, Battle, Blutschrei, and Ravening
Wraath - guitars (since 2009) - also in Mare, Dark Sonority, One Tail, One Head, and Celestial Bloodshed, was in Kaosritual and Aptorian Demon
> Previous members:
Reaper - guitars, bass (1994-2009)
Lunatic - bass (1998-2004) - now in Ominous, was in Korgonthurus and Wolfthrone
Gargantum - guitars (1998-2009) - now in Garcharot, Ominous, and Bestial Torture, was in Kaliban and Rocking Corpses
Veilroth - guitars (1999-2004) - was in Alghazanth, Funeris Nocturnum, Calvarium, and Soulstream
> Session musicians:
Evisc - bass (since 2013)
Sargofagian - bass (2009-2013) - plays in Baptism, Ymir, and Valonsurma, was in Horna, Ravine, Trotzreich, Black Death Ritual, Calvarium, and Uncreation's Dawn
Infection - guitars (2009) - plays in Horna, Empyrean Bane, and Sotajumala, was in Ajattara, Alghazanth, Obscurant, and Unveiled
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Last update: 12/05/23