Blaze Of Perdition

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Hard Recording Seassions (as Perdition) (demo) (2004)
Hard Recording Seassions (as Perdition) (demo) 1. Nihilistic Worship of Death
2. Destruction of Reality
3. Inhuman Desires
4. Nihilistic Worship of Death (1st version)

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Necromessiah (as Perdition) (demo) (2005)
Necromessiah (as Perdition) (demo) 1. Invocation of Armageddon 2:08
2. Inhuman Desires 5:48
3. Destruction of Reality 3:52
4. Necromessiah 2:33
5. Incantated Selfdestruction 5:45
6. Nihilistic Worship of Death (2004) 2:37
total time22:43

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Pure Fucking Degradation (as Perdition) (demo) (2005)
Pure Fucking Degradation (as Perdition) (demo) 1. Possession 1:03
2. Total Massmurder 3:31
3. Incantated Selfdestruction 4:24
4. Necromessiah 1:48
5. Genocide Sodomy 4:51
6. Inhuman Desires 2:42
7. Destruction of Reality (Live) 3:46
total time22:05

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Jesus Cunt (as Perdition) (2006)
Jesus Cunt (as Perdition) 1. Prelúdio à Guerra (War Prelude) 1:04Ravendark's Monarchal Canticle
2. Campos de Concentração (Concentrations Camps) 3:46
3. Lobos Sul-Americanos (Southamerican Wolves) 5:06
4. Hades (Bathory cover) 3:07
5. Infantaria Bélica (Warlike Infantry) 4:52
6. Invocation of Armageddon 2:07Perdition
7. Inhuman Desires 5:48
8. Destruction of Reality 3:51
9. Necromessiah 2:33
10. Incantated Selfdestruction 5:44
11. Nihilistic Worship of Death 2:39
12. Possession 1:03
13. Total Massmurder 3:31
14. Incantated Self-Destruction 4:24
15. Necromessiah 1:48
16. Genocide Sodomy 4:51
17. Inhuman Desires 2:42
total time58:56

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Dominion Antihuman (as Perdition) (demo) (2007)
Dominion Antihuman (as Perdition) (demo) 1. Son of Man 4:10
2. Theology of Tyrant 4:31
3. Ouch on Theos 3:59
4. Kampf! 4:25
total time17:05

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Antihuman Divinity (as Perdition) (2007)
Antihuman Divinity (as Perdition) 1. Total Massmurder 4:41
2. Genocide Sodomy 2:37
3. Ostateczne rozwiazanie... 3:55
4. Incantated Selfdestruction 4:51
5. Warfare 7:49Zyklon-B cover
total time23:53

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In Void and Serpent the Spirit Is One (2009)
In Void and Serpent the Spirit Is One 1. Branded by Hornz 7:54Pseudogod
2. The Firstborn of Abhorrence 4:49
3. Illusion of Salvation 4:44
4. Son of Man 4:06Blaze Of Perdition
5. Decay of God's Creation 4:36
6. Ouch on Theos 6:02
total time32:11

HD cover

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Deus Rex Nihilum Est (2009)
Deus Rex Nihilum Est 1. Son of Man 4:06
2. Decay of God's Creation 6:02
3. Ouch on Theos 4:36
total time14:44

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Towards the Blaze of Perdition (2010)
Towards the Blaze of Perdition 1. 156 2:05
2. Misterium Kliffoth 4:57
3. Kénôme 5:09
4. The Scarlet Woman 4:30
5. Alchemy of Flesh 3:41
6. Son of Dawn 3:41
7. Królestwo twoje 4:21
8. The Great Work 6:26
9. Towards the Blaze of Perdition 5:50
total time40:40

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The Burning Will of Expansion (ep) (2010)
The Burning Will of Expansion (ep) 1. Into the Nothingness Divine 4:25
2. Zatracenia Blask 5:04
total time9:29

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The Hierophant (2011)
The Hierophant 1. The Hierophant 6:43
2. Back to the Womb 5:05
3. Into the Hidden Light 1:22
4. Let There Be Darkness 4:43
5. Gospel of the Serpent's Kin 7:08
6. I Am Thy Plague 5:03
7. The Tower of Loss 5:23
8. Speak of Me Not 4:24
9. The Grail of Transfiguration 6:25
total time46:16

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Necrosophist (ep) (2013)
Necrosophist (ep) 1. Necrosophist 7:12
2. Night's Blood 6:44Dissection cover
total time13:56

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418 - ATh IAV (2013)
418 - ATh IAV 1. The Venomous Advent 6:47Devathorn
2. Diadema MMXII 6:32
3. Abbey of the New Aeon 6:45Blaze Of Perdition
4. Between Two Crescent Moons 8:17
total time28:21

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Accession of Fire (2013)
Accession of Fire 1. Deathless Sin 8:53Erebus Enthroned
2. The Night of Nights 8:30Blaze of Perdition
total time17:23

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Near Death Revelations (2015)
Near Death Revelations 1. Królestwo niczyje 9:18
2. Into the Void Again 7:49
3. When Mirrors Shatter 7:14
4. Dreams Shall Flesh 9:01
5. Cold Morning Fears 8:17
6. The Tunnel 1:23
7. Of No Light 11:38
total time54:40

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Incarnations (as Perdition) (2016)
Incarnations (as Perdition) 1. Entering the Alatar of Chaos 0:58Antihuman Divinity ep
2. Total Massmurder 3:45
3. Genocide Sodomy 2:41
4. Ostateczne rozwiazanie 3:57
5. Incantation of Selfdestruction 4:53
6. Warfare (Zyklon B cover) 7:51
7. Annihilation Passage 0:27new track
8. Inhuman Desires 5:53from Necromessiah demo
9. Destruction of Reality 4:08
10. Necromessiah 2:05
11. Incantation of Selfdestruction 4:54
12. Odium 0:54new track
13. Son of Man 3:21from Dominion Antihuman demo
14. Ouhon Theos 4:02
15. Theology of Tyrany 4:33
16. Kampf - Ostateczne rozwiazanie 3:58
total time58:20

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Reincarnations (2016)
Reincarnations 1. Necrosophist 7:13Necrosophist ep
2. Night's Blood (Dissection cover) 6:46
3. Into the Nothingness Divine 4:28The Burning Will of Expansion ep
4. Zatracenia Blask 5:07
5. The Night of Nights 8:32from Accession of Fire split
6. Son of Man 4:09Deus Rex Nihilum Est
7. Decay of God's Creation 4:39
8. Ouch on Theos 6:04
total time46:58

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Incarnations / Reincarnations (2016)
Incarnations / Reincarnations 1. Incarnations cd
2. Reincarnations cd

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Conscious Darkness (2017)
Conscious Darkness 1. A Glimpse of God 10:59
2. Ashes Remain 14:48
3. Weight of the Shadow 7:58
4. Detachment Brings Serenity 9:18
total time43:03

HD cover

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Transmutation of Sins (ep) (2019)
Transmutation of Sins (ep) 1. Transmutation of Sins 5:59
2. Moonchild 5:42Fields of the Nephilim cover
total time11:41

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The Harrowing of Hearts (2020)
The Harrowing of Hearts 1. Suffering Made Bliss 7:51
2. With Madman's Faith 7:19
3. Transmutation of Sins 5:59
4. Królestwo Niebieskie 6:54
5. What Christ Has Kept Apart 8:14
6. The Great Seducer 9:29
7. Moonchild 5:42Fields of the Nephilim cover
total time51:28

HD cover

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Upharsin (2024)
Upharsin 1. W kwiecie rozlamu 8:25
2. Przez rany 7:18
3. Niezmywalne 8:26
4. Architekt 7:23
5. Mlot, miecz i bat 9:29
total time41:01

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Blaze Of Perdition

Last update: 07/01/24