Cannibal Corpse (demo) (1989) |
1. Skull Full of Maggots | 2:08 |
2. The Undead will Feast | 2:57 |
3. Scattered Remains, Slattered Brains | 2:37 |
4. Put them to Death | 1:49 |
5. Bloody Chunks | 2:21 |
6.8 / 10 (29 votes)
2 reviews
6.8 / 10 (29 votes)
2 reviews
Eaten Back to Life (1990) |
1. Shredded humans | 5:12 |
2. Edible autopsy | 4:33 |
3. Put them to death | 1:50 |
4. Mangled | 4:30 |
5. Scattered remains, splattered brains | 2:34 |
6. Born in a casket | 3:21 |
7. Rotting head | 2:26 |
8. The undead will feast | 2:49 |
9. Bloody chunks | 1:54 |
10. A skull full of maggots | 2:07 |
11. Buried in the backyard | 5:12 |
total time | 36:24 |

7.5 / 10 (116 votes)
9 reviews
7.5 / 10 (116 votes)
9 reviews
Butchered at Birth (1991) |
1. Meat hook sodomy | 5:48 |
2. Gutted | 3:15 |
3. Living dissection | 3:59 |
4. Under the rotten flesh | 5:04 |
5. Covered with sores | 3:17 |
6. Vomit the soul | 4:29 |
7. Butchered at birth | 2:44 |
8. Rancid amputation | 3:16 |
9. Inwards decay | 4:36 |
total time | 36:28 |

7.2 / 10 (115 votes)
7 reviews
7.2 / 10 (115 votes)
7 reviews
Tomb of the Mutilated (1992) |
1. Hammer smashed face | 4:04 |
2. I cum blood | 3:42 |
3. Addicted to vaginal skin | 3:32 |
4. Split wide open | 3:02 |
5. Necropedophile | 4:06 |
6. The cryptic stench | 3:57 |
7. Entrails ripped from a virgin's cunt | 4:16 |
8. Post mortal ejaculation | 3:37 |
9. Beyond the cemetery | 4:55 |
total time | 35:06 |

8.0 / 10 (163 votes)
9 reviews
8.0 / 10 (163 votes)
9 reviews
Hammer Smashed Face (1993) |
1. Hammer smashes face | 4:04 |
2. The exorcist | 4:37 |
3. Zero the hero | 6:35 |
4. Meat hook sodomy | | | bonus |
5. Shredded humans | | | bonus |
total time | 15:16 |

6.5 / 10 (44 votes)
3 reviews
6.5 / 10 (44 votes)
3 reviews
The Bleeding (1994) |
1. Staring through the eyes of the dead | 3:31 |
2. Fucked with a knife | 2:16 |
3. Stripped, raped and strangled | 3:27 |
4. Pulverized | 3:36 |
5. Return to flesh | 4:21 |
6. The pick-axe murders | 3:04 |
7. She was asking for it | 4:34 |
8. The bleeding | 4:21 |
9. Force fed broken glass | 5:04 |
10. An experiment in homicide | 2:38 |
total time | 36:52 |

7.7 / 10 (130 votes)
13 reviews
7.7 / 10 (130 votes)
13 reviews
Vile (1996) |
1. Devoured By Vermin | 3:13 |
2. Mummified In Barbed Wire | 3:09 |
3. Perverse Suffering | 4:14 |
4. Disfigured | 3:49 |
5. Bloodlands | 4:21 |
6. Puncture Wound Massacre | 1:41 |
7. Relentless Beating | 2:14 |
8. Absolute Hatred | 3:06 |
9. Eaten From Inside | 3:43 |
10. Orgasm Through Torture | 3:42 |
11. Monolith | 4:30 |
12. Staring through the eyes of the dead (live) | 3:35 | | bonus |
13. Hammer smashed face (live) | 4:07 | | bonus |
total time | 45:24 |

7.2 / 10 (90 votes)
6 reviews
7.2 / 10 (90 votes)
6 reviews
The Bleeding / Vile (1996) |
1. The Bleeding & Vile cd | 74:24 |
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Deadly Tracks (1997) |
1. Shredded Humans | 5:30 |
2. Mangled | 4:29 |
3. A Skull Full of Maggots | 2:07 |
4. Gutted | 3:16 |
5. Covered with Sores | 3:18 |
6. Innards Decay | 4:39 |
7. Hammer Smashed Face | 4:05 |
8. Addicted to Vaginal Skin | 3:33 |
9. The Cryptic Stench | 4:00 |
10. Post Mortal Ejaculation | 3:39 |
11. Staring Through the Eyes of the Dead | 3:31 |
12. Stripped, Raped and Strangled | 3:29 |
13. The Bleeding | 4:22 |
14. Force Fed Broken Glass | 5:05 |
15. Zero the Hero | 6:38 | | Black Sabbath cover |
16. Hammer Smashed Face (live) | 4:11 |
total time | 65:52 |
5.1 / 10 (14 votes)
2 reviews
5.1 / 10 (14 votes)
2 reviews
Monolith of Death - Tour '96-'97 (video) (1997) |
1. Perverse Suffering | 4:14 | | Live October 10, 1996 in Studio TVP Leg, Kraków, Poland |
2. Monolith | 4:25 |
3. Pulverised | 3:35 |
4. Fucked With a Knife | 2:16 |
5. Bloodlands | 4:21 | | Live February 3, 1997 at Berkeley, California |
6. Gutted | 3:15 | | Live June 4, 1996 in Montreal, Canada |
7. A Skull Full of Maggots | 2:07 |
8. Mummified in Barbed Wire | 3:09 | | Live February 2, 1997 in Hollywood, California |
9. Orgasm Through Torture | 3:42 |
10. Devoured by Vermin | 3:13 |
11. Stripped, Raped and Strangled | 3:28 | | Live August 18, 1996 in San Francisco, California |
12. Hammer Smashed Face | 4:04 |
13. Devoured by Vermin | 3:13 | | Video clip |
total time | 45:02 |

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Gallery of Suicide (1998) |
1. I Will Kill You | 2:47 |
2. Disposal Of The Body | 1:54 |
3. Sentenced To Burn | 3:07 |
4. Blood Drenched Execution | 2:40 |
5. Gallery Of Suicide | 3:56 |
6. Dismembered And Molested | 1:54 |
7. From Skin To Liquid | 5:30 |
8. Unite The Dead | 3:05 |
9. Stabbed In The Throat | 3:26 |
10. Chambers Of Blood | 4:11 |
11. Headless | 2:22 |
12. Every Bone Broken | 3:18 |
13. Centuries Of Torment | 4:05 |
14. Crushing The Dispised | 1:57 |
15. Sacrifice | | | japanese bonus |
total time | 44:13 |

6.6 / 10 (103 votes)
3 reviews
6.6 / 10 (103 votes)
3 reviews
Bloodthirst (1999) |
1. Pounded into Dust | 2:17 |
2. Dead Human Collection | 2:30 |
3. Unleashing the Bloodthirsty | 3:51 |
4. The Spine Splitter | 3:10 |
5. Ecstacy in Decay | 3:12 |
6. Raped by the Beast | 2:34 |
7. Coffinfeeder | 3:05 |
8. Hacksaw Decapitation | 4:13 |
9. Blowtorch Slaughter | 2:34 |
10. Sickening Metamorphosis | 3:24 |
11. Condemned to Agony | 3:44 |
total time | 34:34 |

7.8 / 10 (94 votes)
6 reviews
7.8 / 10 (94 votes)
6 reviews
Live Cannibalism (2000) |
1. Staring through the eyes of the dead | 4:13 | | live on February 15 and 16, 2000 in Milwaukee, WI and Indianapolis, IN |
2. Blowtorch slaughter | 2:37 |
3. Stripped raped and strangled | 3:38 |
4. I cum blood | 4:12 |
5. Covered with sores | 3:43 |
6. Fucked with a knife | 2:26 |
7. Unleashing the bloodthirsty | 4:12 |
8. Dead human collection | 2:39 |
9. Gallery of suicide | 4:11 |
10. Meat hook sodomy | 5:10 |
11. Perverse suffering | 4:20 |
12. The spine splitter | 3:31 |
13. Gutted | 3:26 |
14. I will kill you | 2:47 |
15. Devoured by vermin | 3:38 |
16. Disposal of the body | 3:41 |
17. A skull full of maggots | 2:32 |
18. Hammer smashed face | 4:45 |
total time | 65:41 |

7.8 / 10 (71 votes)
#4 in the Live top 10 from 2000!
4 reviews
7.8 / 10 (71 votes)
#4 in the Live top 10 from 2000!
4 reviews
Sacrifice / Confessions (2000) |
1. Sacrifice | 3:03 | | Sacrifice cover |
2. Confessions | 2:58 | | Possessed cover |
total time | 6:01 |
6.8 / 10 (10 votes)
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6.8 / 10 (10 votes)
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Gore Obsessed (2002) |
1. Savage Butchery | 1:50 |
2. Hatchet to the Head | 3:33 |
3. Pit of Zombies | 3:58 |
4. Dormant Bodies Bursting | 2:00 |
5. Compelled to Lacerate | 3:28 |
6. Drowning in Viscera | 3:36 |
7. Hung and Bled | 4:12 |
8. Sanded Faceless | 3:51 |
9. Mutation of the Cadaver | 3:09 |
10. When Death Replaces Life | 4:58 |
11. Grotesque | 3:42 |
12. No remorse | 6:15 | | bonus |
total time | 44:32 |
6.9 / 10 (82 votes)
3 reviews
6.9 / 10 (82 votes)
3 reviews
Classic Cannibal Corpse (2002) |
1. Eaten Back to Life cd | 39:50 |
2. Butchered at Birth cd | 40:32 |
3. Tomb of the Mutilated cd | 39:23 |
4. Hammer Smashed Face cd | 15:18 |
total time | 2:15:03 |
4.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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4.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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Worm Infested (2002) |
1. Systematic Elimination | 2:53 |
2. Worm Infested | 3:30 |
3. Demon's Night | 4:16 | | Accept cover |
4. The Undead Will Feast (re-recording) | 2:54 |
5. Confessions | 2:56 | | Possessed cover |
6. No Remorse | 6:15 | | Metallica cover |
total time | 22:44 |
4.2 / 10 (36 votes)
4 reviews
4.2 / 10 (36 votes)
4 reviews
15 Year Killing Spree (2003) |
1. Shredded Humans | 5:11 |
2. Put Them To Death | 1:48 |
3. Born in A Casket | 3:19 |
4. Skull Full of Maggots | 2:06 |
5. Gutted | 3:15 |
6. Covered With Sores | 3:17 |
7. Vomit The Soul | 4:30 |
8. Hammer Smashed Face | 4:04 |
9. Addicted to Vaginal Skin | 3:32 |
10. The Cryptic Stench | 3:58 |
11. Staring Through The Eyes Of The Dead | 3:30 |
12. Stripped, Raped and Strangled | 3:27 |
13. The Pick-Axe Murders | 3:03 |
14. The Bleeding | 4:20 |
15. Zero The Hero | 6:35 | | Black Sabbath cover |
--- Disk Two --- |
1. Devoured By Vermin | 3:12 |
2. Disfigured | 3:49 |
3. Monolith | 4:25 |
4. I Will Kill You | 2:48 |
5. Sentenced To Burn | 3:07 |
6. Gallery Of Suicide | 3:56 |
7. Dead Human Collection | 2:30 |
8. The Spine Splitter | 3:10 |
9. Pounded Into Dust | 2:17 |
10. I Cum Blood-Live | 4:06 |
11. Fucked With A Knife-Live | 2:27 |
12. Unleashing The Bloodthirsty | 4:15 |
13. Meat Hook Sodomy-Live | 5:16 |
14. Savage Butchery | 1:51 |
15. Pit Of Zombies | 3:59 |
16. Sanded Faceless | 3:52 |
17. Systematic Elimination | 2:52 |
--- Disk Three --- |
1. Skull Full of Maggots | 2:25 | | '89 Demo |
2. The Undead Will Feast | 3:01 |
3. Scattered Remains, Splattered Brains | 2:41 |
4. Put Them To Death | 1:53 |
5. Bloody Chunks | 2:26 |
6. Unburied Horror | 3:28 | | Created To Kill sessions |
7. Mummified in Barbed Wire | 3:07 |
8. Gallery of the Obscene | 3:37 |
9. To Kill Myself | 3:41 |
10. Bloodlands | 4:29 |
11. Picture Wound Massacre | 1:43 |
12. Devoured By Vermin | 3:11 |
13. Chambers of Blood | 4:10 | | Gallery Of Suicide demo |
14. Dismembered And Molested | 1:57 |
15. Gallery Of Suicide | 3:58 |
16. Unite The Dead | 3:04 |
17. Crushing The Despised | 1:50 |
18. Headless | 2:26 |
19. Bethany Home (A Place To Die) | 3:19 | | The Accüsed cover |
20. Endless Pain | 3:10 | | Kreator cover |
21. Behind Bars | 2:19 | | Razor cover |
--- DVD Disk --- |
1. Scattered Remains, Splattered Brains | | | First Live Cannibal Corpse Show 1989 |
2. The Undead Will Feast |
3. Escape the Torment |
4. Bloody Chunks |
5. Enter at Your Own Risk |
6. Put Them to Death |
7. A Skull Full of Maggots |
8. Drum Sessions & Bass Guitar Overdub | | | "Butchered At Birth" Studio Footage 1991 |
9. Shredded Humans | | | Cannibal Corpse Eats Moscow Alive 1993 |
10. The Cryptic Stench |
11. Meathook Sodomy |
12. Edible Autopsy |
13. I Cum Blood |
14. Gutted |
15. Entrails Ripped From a Virgin's Cunt |
16. Beyond the Cemetery |
17. A Skull Full of Maggots |
18. From Skin to Liquid | | | Live at The Palace in Hollywood, CA 2002 |
19. Savage Butchery |
20. Devoured by Vermin |
21. Stripped, Raped and Strangled |
22. Disposal of the Body |
23. Pounded into Dust |
24. Addicted to Vaginal Skin |
25. Meathook Sodomy |
26. Pit Of Zombies |
27. Hammer Smashed Face |
total time | 2:55:42 |

7.3 / 10 (10 votes)
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7.3 / 10 (10 votes)
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The Wretched Spawn (2004) |
1. Severed Head Stoning | 1:45 |
2. Psychotic Precision | 2:56 |
3. Decency Defied | 2:59 |
4. Frantic Disembowelment | 2:50 |
5. The Wretched Spawn | 4:09 |
6. Cyanide Assassin | 3:11 |
7. Festering in the Crypt | 4:38 |
8. Nothing Left to Mutilate | 3:49 |
9. Blunt Force Castration | 3:27 |
10. Rotted Body Landslide | 3:24 |
11. Slain | 3:32 |
12. Bent Backwards and Broken | 2:58 |
13. They Deserve to Die | 4:44 |
total time | 44:22 |

7.7 / 10 (71 votes)
7 reviews
7.7 / 10 (71 votes)
7 reviews
Kill (2006) |
1. The Time To Kill Is Now | 2:04 |
2. Make Them Suffer | 2:50 |
3. Murder Worship | 3:57 |
4. Necrosadistic Warning | 3:28 |
5. Five Nails Through The Neck | 3:46 |
6. Purification By Fire | 2:57 |
7. Death Walking Terror | 3:32 |
8. Barbaric Bludgeonings | 3:43 |
9. The Discipline Of Revenge | 3:39 |
10. Brain Removal Device | 3:15 |
11. Maniacal | 2:13 |
12. Submerged In Boiling Flesh | 2:52 |
13. Infinite Misery | 4:01 |
total time | 42:11 |
6.4 / 10 (33 votes)
2 reviews
6.4 / 10 (33 votes)
2 reviews
Centuries of Torment: The First 20 Years (video) (2008) |
1. Intro | 14:35 | | History 1987-1995 |
2. Demo | 24:27 |
3. Eaten Back to Life | 11:18 |
4. Butchered at Birth | 16:47 |
5. Tomb of the Mutilated | 19:46 |
6. The Bleeding | 22:52 |
7. Vile | 14:04 | | History 1996-2007 |
8. Gallery of Suicide | 4:00 |
9. Bloodthirst | 1:55 |
10. Gore Obsessed / The Wretched Spawn | 13:41 |
11. Kill | 31:26 |
--- Disk Two --- |
1. Unleashing the Bloodthirsty | 4:27 | | With Full Force 2007 |
2. Murder Worship | 4:04 |
3. Disposal of the Body | 2:10 |
4. The Time to Kill Is Now | 2:20 | | Toronto 2006 |
5. Disfigured | 3:27 |
6. Death Walking Terror | 3:49 |
7. Covered With Sores | 3:55 |
8. Born in a Casket | 3:23 |
9. I Cum Blood | 4:19 |
10. Decency Defied | 3:37 |
11. Make Them Suffer | 3:18 |
12. Dormant Bodies Bursting | 2:36 |
13. Five Nails Through the Neck | 3:57 |
14. Devoured by Vermin | 4:43 |
15. Hammer Smashed Face | 4:30 |
16. Stripped, Raped and Strangled | 4:44 |
17. Puncture Wound Massacre | 2:29 | | Party.San 2005 |
18. Sentenced to Burn | 3:31 |
19. Fucked With a Knife | 3:02 |
20. Psychotic Precision | 3:25 |
21. Pulverized | 3:30 |
22. Pounded into Dust | 2:19 |
23. The Wretched Spawn | 4:14 |
24. The Spine Slitter | 3:36 | | New York 2000 |
25. Dead Human Collection | 2:51 |
26. Mummified in Barbed Wire | 3:40 | | Jacksonville 1996 |
27. Entrails Ripped from a Virgin's Cunt | 4:41 | | Nashville 1994 |
28. Pulverized | 3:39 |
29. Shredded Humans | 5:10 | | Buffalo 1989 |
30. Rotting Head | 2:50 |
31. Staring Through the Eyes of the Dead | 3:29 | | Music Videos |
32. Devoured by Vermin | 3:12 |
33. Sentenced to Burn | 3:06 |
34. Decency Defied | 3:04 |
35. Make Them Suffer | 2:50 |
36. Death Walking Terror | 3:52 |
37. Stripped, Raped and Strangled 2007 | 4:34 |
--- Disk Three --- |
1. Compelled to Illustrate | 10:55 | | Bonus Chunks |
2. Every Ban Broken | 9:58 |
3. Covered With Ink | 1:34 |
4. Maniacal Merch | 2:40 |
5. Relentless Touring | 29:10 |
6. Word Infested | 9:04 |
7. Sickening Metalocalypse | 3:44 |
8. Diverse Offerings | 6:17 |
9. Staring Through the Eyes of the Band | 32:26 |
10. Kill Crane | 4:58 |
total time | 6:58:00 |

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Evisceration Plague (2009) |
1. Priests of Sodom | 3:31 |
2. Scalding Hail | 1:46 |
3. To Decompose | 3:03 |
4. A Cauldron of Hate | 5:43 |
5. Beheading and Burning | 2:15 |
6. Evidence in the Furnace | 2:48 |
7. Carnivorous Swarm | 3:36 |
8. Evisceration Plague | 4:30 |
9. Shatter Their Bones | 3:35 |
10. Carrion Sculpted Entity | 2:33 |
11. Unnatural | 2:22 |
12. Skewered from Ear to Eye | 3:49 |
total time | 39:31 |
3.8 / 10 (17 votes)
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3.8 / 10 (17 votes)
No reviews yet...
Digital Box Set (digital) (2009) |
1. Eaten Back to Life cd | 36:28 |
2. Butchered at Birth cd | 36:35 |
3. Tomb of the Mutilated cd | 35:11 |
4. Hammer Smashed Face ep | 15:18 |
5. The Bleeding cd | 36:52 |
6. Vile cd | 37:37 |
7. Gallery of Suicide cd | 44:13 |
8. Bloodthirst cd | 34:34 |
9. Live Cannibalism cd | 65:52 |
10. Gore Obsessed cd | 38:27 |
11. Worm Infested ep | 22:44 |
12. The Wretched Spawn cd | 44:27 |
13. Kill cd | 42:17 |
14. Evisceration Plague cd | 38:48 |
15. Rare Demos cd | 53:04 |
16. Live Tracks cd | 81:12 |
total time | 11:03:39 |
1.0 / 10 (10 votes)
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1.0 / 10 (10 votes)
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Global Evisceration (video) (2011) |
1. Evisceration Plague | 4:32 |
2. Scattered Remains, Splattered Brains | 3:12 |
3. Make Them Suffer | 3:06 |
4. Death Walking Terror | 3:34 |
5. Devoured by Vermin | 3:15 |
6. Priests of Sodom | 3:34 |
7. Scalding Hail | 1:46 |
8. I Will Kill You | 2:39 |
9. Staring Through the Eyes of the Dead | 3:28 |
10. Hammer Smashed Face | 4:22 |
11. Stripped, Raped and Strangled | 4:18 |
12. The Cryptic Stench | 3:50 |
13. Disfigured | 3:27 |
14. Pit of Zombies | 4:11 |
15. Pounded into Dust | 3:04 |
16. A Skull Full of Maggots | 2:28 |
17. The Wretched Spawn | 4:01 |
18. Prepare To Die | | | bonus |
19. The Gas Chamber | | | bonus |
20. Peregrination | | | bonus |
21. Metal Brothers | | | bonus |
22. Eaten Back To Life on the Road | | | bonus |
23. Fan Photos | | | bonus |
24. The Throne Room | | | bonus |
25. Savage Sobriquets | | | bonus |
26. Code Words and Comedy | | | bonus |
27. Rest for the Wicked | | | bonus |
28. Gifts of Gore | | | bonus |
total time | 58:47 |

6.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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6.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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Torture (2012) |
1. Demented Aggression | 3:14 |
2. Sarcophagic Frenzy | 3:42 |
3. Scourge of Iron | 4:44 |
4. Encased in Concrete | 3:13 |
5. As Deep As the Knife Will Go | 3:25 |
6. Intestinal Crank | 3:54 |
7. Followed Home then Killed | 3:36 |
8. The Strangulation Chair | 4:09 |
9. Caged… Contorted | 3:53 |
10. Crucifier Avenged | 3:46 |
11. Rabid | 3:04 |
12. Torn Through | 3:11 |
total time | 43:51 |

5.6 / 10 (14 votes)
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5.6 / 10 (14 votes)
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Torturing and Eviscerating Live (2013) |
1. A Skull Full of Maggots | 2:20 | | Live May 2010 at The State Theater in Tampa, Florida |
2. Gutted | 3:24 |
3. I Cum Blood | 4:12 |
4. Staring Through the Eyes of the Dead | 3:43 |
5. Devoured by Vermin | 3:20 |
6. I Will Kill You | 2:52 |
7. Pounded into Dust | 2:29 |
8. Pit of Zombies | 4:21 |
9. The Wretched Spawn | 4:06 |
10. Make Them Suffer | 3:18 |
11. Evisceration Plague | 4:47 |
12. Scourge of Iron | 4:53 |
total time | 43:45 |
3.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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3.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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Dead Human Collection: 25 Years of Death Metal (2013) |
1. Eaten Back to Life cd | 35:56 |
2. Butchered at Birth cd | 36:31 |
3. Tomb of the Mutilated cd | 34:55 |
4. The Bleeding cd | 36:42 |
5. Vile cd | 37:32 |
6. Gallery of Suicide cd | 44:07 |
7. Bloodthirst cd | 34:30 |
8. Gore Obsessed cd | 38:21 |
9. The Wretched Spawn cd | 44:22 |
10. Kill cd | 42:10 |
11. Evisceration Plague cd | 39:31 |
12. Torture cd | 43:51 |
13. Torturing and Eviscerating Live cd |
14. Torturing and Eviscerating Live picture lp |
total time | 7:48:28 |
1.5 / 10 (2 votes)
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1.5 / 10 (2 votes)
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Make Them Suffer (live) (ep) (2013) |
1. Make Them Suffer (live) | 2:56 |
1.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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1.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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A Skeletal Domain (2014) |
1. High Velocity Impact Spatter | 4:06 |
2. Sadistic Embodiment | 3:17 |
3. Kill or Become | 3:50 |
4. A Skeletal Domain | 3:38 |
5. Headlong into Carnage | 3:01 |
6. The Murderer's Pact | 5:05 |
7. Funeral Cremation | 3:41 |
8. Icepick Lobotomy | 3:16 |
9. Vector of Cruelty | 3:25 |
10. Bloodstained Cement | 3:41 |
11. Asphyxiate to Resuscitate | 3:47 |
12. Hollowed Bodies | 3:05 |
total time | 43:52 |

7.0 / 10 (7 votes)
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7.0 / 10 (7 votes)
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When Death Replaces Life (2017) |
1. Eaten Back to Life tape | 35:56 |
2. Butchered at Birth tape | 36:32 |
3. Tomb of the Mutilated tape | 34:55 |
4. The Bleeding tape | 36:42 |
5. Vile tape | 37:38 |
6. Gallery of Suicide tape | 44:12 |
7. Bloodthirst tape | 34:34 |
total time | 4:20:29 |
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Red Before Black (2017) |
1. Only One Will Die | 3:24 |
2. Red Before Black | 3:12 |
3. Code of the Slashers | 4:45 |
4. Shedding My Human Skin | 3:28 |
5. Remaimed | 4:13 |
6. Firestorm Vengeance | 3:43 |
7. Heads Shoveled Off | 3:37 |
8. Corpus Delicti | 3:29 |
9. Scavenger Consuming Death | 4:33 |
10. In the Midst of Ruin | 3:25 |
11. Destroyed Without a Trace | 4:01 |
12. Hideous Ichor | 4:33 |
--- Bonus Disk: Blood Covered --- |
1. Sacrifice | 3:04 | | Sacrifice cover |
2. Confessions | 2:58 | | Possessed cover |
3. No Remorse | 6:16 | | Metallica cover |
4. Demon's Night | 4:17 | | Accept cover |
5. Bethany Home (A Place To Die) | 3:20 | | The Accused cover |
6. Endless Pain | 3:11 | | Kreator cover |
7. Behind Bars | 2:20 | | Razor cover |
total time | 46:23 |

8.3 / 10 (4 votes)
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8.3 / 10 (4 votes)
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The Undead will Feast (2019) |
1. Gore Obsessed tape | 38:30 |
2. Worm Infested tape | 22:44 |
3. The Wretched Spawn tape | 44:22 |
4. Kill tape | 42:08 |
5. Evisceration Plague tape | 39:31 |
6. Torture tape | 43:51 |
7. A Skeletal Domain tape | 43:52 |
8. Red Before Black tape | 46:23 |
total time | 5:21:21 |
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Inhumane Harvest (digital) (2021) |
1. Inhumane Harvest | 4:32 |
Violence Unimagined (2021) |
1. Murderous Rampage | 4:07 |
2. Necrogenic Resurrection | 3:06 |
3. Inhumane Harvest | 4:32 |
4. Condemnation Contagion | 4:17 |
5. Surround, Kill, Devour | 4:10 |
6. Ritual Annihilation | 3:48 |
7. Follow the Blood | 4:39 |
8. Bound and Burned | 4:04 |
9. Slowly Sawn | 3:30 |
10. Overtorture | 2:28 |
11. Cerements of the Flayed | 4:07 |
total time | 42:48 |

9.0 / 10 (1 vote)
#9 in User vote top 10 from 2021!
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9.0 / 10 (1 vote)
#9 in User vote top 10 from 2021!
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Blood Blind (digital) (2023) |
1. Blood Blind | 4:34 |
Chaos Horrific (2023) |
1. Overlords of Violence | 3:07 |
2. Frenzied Feeding | 3:33 |
3. Summoned for Sacrifice | 4:05 |
4. Blood Blind | 4:34 |
5. Vengeful Invasion | 4:44 |
6. Chaos Horrific | 3:32 |
7. Fracture and Refracture | 3:36 |
8. Pitchfork Impalement | 3:16 |
9. Pestilential Rictus | 4:13 |
10. Drain You Empty | 4:35 |
total time | 39:15 |
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Created to Kill (1996) |
1. To Kill Myself (A.K.A. "Eaten From Inside") |
2. Bloodlands |
3. Created to kill (A.K.A. "Orgasm Through Torture") |
4. Mummified in barbed-wire |
5. Unburied (A.K.A. "Disfigured") |
6. Exorcist (Possessed cover) |
7. Zero the Hero (Black Sabbath cover) |
8. Sacrifice (Sacrifice cover, with George on vox, rough mix) |
9. Confessions (Possessed cover, with George on vox, rough mix) |
total time | 36:50 |
6.0 / 10 (11 votes)
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6.0 / 10 (11 votes)
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Dead Forever |
1. Meat Hook Sodomy |
2. Put Them To Death |
3. Covered With Sores |
4. Edible Autopsy |
5. Living Disection |
6. Shredded Humans |
7. Skull Full Of Maggots |
6.6 / 10 (7 votes)
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6.6 / 10 (7 votes)
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Born in a Casket (1991) |
1. Born In a Casket | | | Butchery at Apocalypse Club, Toronto, Ontario 14/12/90 |
2. Shredded Humans |
3. Put them to Death |
4. Buried in The Backyard |
5. Rotting Head |
6. Inner Decay |
7. Skull full of Maggots | | | Skull Full of Maggots demo |
8. The Undead will Feast |
9. Scattered Remains, Splattered Brains |
10. Put them to Death |
11. Bloody Chunks |
6.0 / 10 (5 votes)
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6.0 / 10 (5 votes)
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Meat Hook Sodomy (Live '93) |
1. Buried In The Backyard |
2. Vomit The Soul |
3. Put Them To Death |
4. Hammer Smashed Face |
5. The Cryptic Stench |
6. Meat Hook Sodomy |
7. Edible Autopsy |
8. Entrails Ripped From A Virgin's Cunt |
9. Shredded Humans |
10. I Cum Blood |
11. Covered With Sores |
12. Innards Decay |
13. Addicted To Vaginal Skin |
14. A Skull Full Of Maggots |
4.3 / 10 (6 votes)
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4.3 / 10 (6 votes)
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