Cannibal Corpse

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Cannibal Corpse (demo) (1989)
Cannibal Corpse (demo) 1. Skull Full of Maggots 2:08
2. The Undead will Feast 2:57
3. Scattered Remains, Slattered Brains 2:37
4. Put them to Death 1:49
5. Bloody Chunks 2:21

6.8 / 10 (29 votes)

2 reviews

6.8 / 10 (29 votes)

2 reviews

Eaten Back to Life (1990)
Eaten Back to Life 1. Shredded humans 5:12
2. Edible autopsy 4:33
3. Put them to death 1:50
4. Mangled 4:30
5. Scattered remains, splattered brains 2:34
6. Born in a casket 3:21
7. Rotting head 2:26
8. The undead will feast 2:49
9. Bloody chunks 1:54
10. A skull full of maggots 2:07
11. Buried in the backyard 5:12
total time36:24

HD cover
7.5 / 10 (116 votes)

9 reviews

7.5 / 10 (116 votes)

9 reviews

Butchered at Birth (1991)
Butchered at Birth 1. Meat hook sodomy 5:48
2. Gutted 3:15
3. Living dissection 3:59
4. Under the rotten flesh 5:04
5. Covered with sores 3:17
6. Vomit the soul 4:29
7. Butchered at birth 2:44
8. Rancid amputation 3:16
9. Inwards decay 4:36
total time36:28

HD cover
7.2 / 10 (115 votes)

7 reviews

7.2 / 10 (115 votes)

7 reviews

Tomb of the Mutilated (1992)
Tomb of the Mutilated 1. Hammer smashed face 4:04
2. I cum blood 3:42
3. Addicted to vaginal skin 3:32
4. Split wide open 3:02
5. Necropedophile 4:06
6. The cryptic stench 3:57
7. Entrails ripped from a virgin's cunt 4:16
8. Post mortal ejaculation 3:37
9. Beyond the cemetery 4:55
total time35:06

HD cover
8.0 / 10 (163 votes)

9 reviews

8.0 / 10 (163 votes)

9 reviews

Hammer Smashed Face (1993)
Hammer Smashed Face 1. Hammer smashes face 4:04
2. The exorcist 4:37
3. Zero the hero 6:35
4. Meat hook sodomy bonus
5. Shredded humans bonus
total time15:16

HD cover
6.5 / 10 (44 votes)

3 reviews

6.5 / 10 (44 votes)

3 reviews

The Bleeding (1994)
The Bleeding 1. Staring through the eyes of the dead 3:31
2. Fucked with a knife 2:16
3. Stripped, raped and strangled 3:27
4. Pulverized 3:36
5. Return to flesh 4:21
6. The pick-axe murders 3:04
7. She was asking for it 4:34
8. The bleeding 4:21
9. Force fed broken glass 5:04
10. An experiment in homicide 2:38
total time36:52

HD cover
7.7 / 10 (130 votes)

13 reviews

7.7 / 10 (130 votes)

13 reviews

Vile (1996)
Vile 1. Devoured By Vermin 3:13
2. Mummified In Barbed Wire 3:09
3. Perverse Suffering 4:14
4. Disfigured 3:49
5. Bloodlands 4:21
6. Puncture Wound Massacre 1:41
7. Relentless Beating 2:14
8. Absolute Hatred 3:06
9. Eaten From Inside 3:43
10. Orgasm Through Torture 3:42
11. Monolith 4:30
12. Staring through the eyes of the dead (live) 3:35bonus
13. Hammer smashed face (live) 4:07bonus
total time45:24

HD cover
7.2 / 10 (90 votes)

6 reviews

7.2 / 10 (90 votes)

6 reviews

The Bleeding / Vile (1996)
The Bleeding / Vile 1. The Bleeding & Vile cd 74:24

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Deadly Tracks (1997)
Deadly Tracks 1. Shredded Humans 5:30
2. Mangled 4:29
3. A Skull Full of Maggots 2:07
4. Gutted 3:16
5. Covered with Sores 3:18
6. Innards Decay 4:39
7. Hammer Smashed Face 4:05
8. Addicted to Vaginal Skin 3:33
9. The Cryptic Stench 4:00
10. Post Mortal Ejaculation 3:39
11. Staring Through the Eyes of the Dead 3:31
12. Stripped, Raped and Strangled 3:29
13. The Bleeding 4:22
14. Force Fed Broken Glass 5:05
15. Zero the Hero 6:38Black Sabbath cover
16. Hammer Smashed Face (live) 4:11
total time65:52

5.1 / 10 (14 votes)

2 reviews

5.1 / 10 (14 votes)

2 reviews

Monolith of Death - Tour '96-'97 (video) (1997)
Monolith of Death - Tour '96-'97 (video) 1. Perverse Suffering 4:14Live October 10, 1996 in Studio TVP Leg, Kraków, Poland
2. Monolith 4:25
3. Pulverised 3:35
4. Fucked With a Knife 2:16
5. Bloodlands 4:21Live February 3, 1997 at Berkeley, California
6. Gutted 3:15Live June 4, 1996 in Montreal, Canada
7. A Skull Full of Maggots 2:07
8. Mummified in Barbed Wire 3:09Live February 2, 1997 in Hollywood, California
9. Orgasm Through Torture 3:42
10. Devoured by Vermin 3:13
11. Stripped, Raped and Strangled 3:28Live August 18, 1996 in San Francisco, California
12. Hammer Smashed Face 4:04
13. Devoured by Vermin 3:13Video clip
total time45:02

HD cover
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Gallery of Suicide (1998)
Gallery of Suicide 1. I Will Kill You 2:47
2. Disposal Of The Body 1:54
3. Sentenced To Burn 3:07
4. Blood Drenched Execution 2:40
5. Gallery Of Suicide 3:56
6. Dismembered And Molested 1:54
7. From Skin To Liquid 5:30
8. Unite The Dead 3:05
9. Stabbed In The Throat 3:26
10. Chambers Of Blood 4:11
11. Headless 2:22
12. Every Bone Broken 3:18
13. Centuries Of Torment 4:05
14. Crushing The Dispised 1:57
15. Sacrifice japanese bonus
total time44:13

HD cover
6.6 / 10 (103 votes)

3 reviews

6.6 / 10 (103 votes)

3 reviews

Bloodthirst (1999)
Bloodthirst 1. Pounded into Dust 2:17
2. Dead Human Collection 2:30
3. Unleashing the Bloodthirsty 3:51
4. The Spine Splitter 3:10
5. Ecstacy in Decay 3:12
6. Raped by the Beast 2:34
7. Coffinfeeder 3:05
8. Hacksaw Decapitation 4:13
9. Blowtorch Slaughter 2:34
10. Sickening Metamorphosis 3:24
11. Condemned to Agony 3:44
total time34:34

HD cover
7.8 / 10 (94 votes)

6 reviews

7.8 / 10 (94 votes)

6 reviews

Live Cannibalism (2000)
Live Cannibalism 1. Staring through the eyes of the dead 4:13live on February 15 and 16, 2000 in Milwaukee, WI and Indianapolis, IN
2. Blowtorch slaughter 2:37
3. Stripped raped and strangled 3:38
4. I cum blood 4:12
5. Covered with sores 3:43
6. Fucked with a knife 2:26
7. Unleashing the bloodthirsty 4:12
8. Dead human collection 2:39
9. Gallery of suicide 4:11
10. Meat hook sodomy 5:10
11. Perverse suffering 4:20
12. The spine splitter 3:31
13. Gutted 3:26
14. I will kill you 2:47
15. Devoured by vermin 3:38
16. Disposal of the body 3:41
17. A skull full of maggots 2:32
18. Hammer smashed face 4:45
total time65:41

HD cover
7.8 / 10 (71 votes)

#4 in the Live top 10 from 2000!

4 reviews

7.8 / 10 (71 votes)

#4 in the Live top 10 from 2000!

4 reviews

Sacrifice / Confessions (2000)
Sacrifice / Confessions 1. Sacrifice 3:03Sacrifice cover
2. Confessions 2:58Possessed cover
total time6:01

6.8 / 10 (10 votes)

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6.8 / 10 (10 votes)

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Gore Obsessed (2002)
Gore Obsessed 1. Savage Butchery 1:50
2. Hatchet to the Head 3:33
3. Pit of Zombies 3:58
4. Dormant Bodies Bursting 2:00
5. Compelled to Lacerate 3:28
6. Drowning in Viscera 3:36
7. Hung and Bled 4:12
8. Sanded Faceless 3:51
9. Mutation of the Cadaver 3:09
10. When Death Replaces Life 4:58
11. Grotesque 3:42
12. No remorse 6:15bonus
total time44:32

Lyrics **********
6.9 / 10 (82 votes)

3 reviews

6.9 / 10 (82 votes)

3 reviews

Classic Cannibal Corpse (2002)
Classic Cannibal Corpse 1. Eaten Back to Life cd 39:50
2. Butchered at Birth cd 40:32
3. Tomb of the Mutilated cd 39:23
4. Hammer Smashed Face cd 15:18
total time2:15:03

4.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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4.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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Worm Infested (2002)
Worm Infested 1. Systematic Elimination 2:53
2. Worm Infested 3:30
3. Demon's Night 4:16Accept cover
4. The Undead Will Feast (re-recording) 2:54
5. Confessions 2:56Possessed cover
6. No Remorse 6:15Metallica cover
total time22:44

Lyrics **********
4.2 / 10 (36 votes)

4 reviews

4.2 / 10 (36 votes)

4 reviews

15 Year Killing Spree (2003)
15 Year Killing Spree 1. Shredded Humans 5:11
2. Put Them To Death 1:48
3. Born in A Casket 3:19
4. Skull Full of Maggots 2:06
5. Gutted 3:15
6. Covered With Sores 3:17
7. Vomit The Soul 4:30
8. Hammer Smashed Face 4:04
9. Addicted to Vaginal Skin 3:32
10. The Cryptic Stench 3:58
11. Staring Through The Eyes Of The Dead 3:30
12. Stripped, Raped and Strangled 3:27
13. The Pick-Axe Murders 3:03
14. The Bleeding 4:20
15. Zero The Hero 6:35Black Sabbath cover
--- Disk Two ---
1. Devoured By Vermin 3:12
2. Disfigured 3:49
3. Monolith 4:25
4. I Will Kill You 2:48
5. Sentenced To Burn 3:07
6. Gallery Of Suicide 3:56
7. Dead Human Collection 2:30
8. The Spine Splitter 3:10
9. Pounded Into Dust 2:17
10. I Cum Blood-Live 4:06
11. Fucked With A Knife-Live 2:27
12. Unleashing The Bloodthirsty 4:15
13. Meat Hook Sodomy-Live 5:16
14. Savage Butchery 1:51
15. Pit Of Zombies 3:59
16. Sanded Faceless 3:52
17. Systematic Elimination 2:52
--- Disk Three ---
1. Skull Full of Maggots 2:25'89 Demo
2. The Undead Will Feast 3:01
3. Scattered Remains, Splattered Brains 2:41
4. Put Them To Death 1:53
5. Bloody Chunks 2:26
6. Unburied Horror 3:28Created To Kill sessions
7. Mummified in Barbed Wire 3:07
8. Gallery of the Obscene 3:37
9. To Kill Myself 3:41
10. Bloodlands 4:29
11. Picture Wound Massacre 1:43
12. Devoured By Vermin 3:11
13. Chambers of Blood 4:10Gallery Of Suicide demo
14. Dismembered And Molested 1:57
15. Gallery Of Suicide 3:58
16. Unite The Dead 3:04
17. Crushing The Despised 1:50
18. Headless 2:26
19. Bethany Home (A Place To Die) 3:19The Accüsed cover
20. Endless Pain 3:10Kreator cover
21. Behind Bars 2:19Razor cover
--- DVD Disk ---
1. Scattered Remains, Splattered Brains First Live Cannibal Corpse Show 1989
2. The Undead Will Feast
3. Escape the Torment
4. Bloody Chunks
5. Enter at Your Own Risk
6. Put Them to Death
7. A Skull Full of Maggots
8. Drum Sessions & Bass Guitar Overdub "Butchered At Birth" Studio Footage 1991
9. Shredded Humans Cannibal Corpse Eats Moscow Alive 1993
10. The Cryptic Stench
11. Meathook Sodomy
12. Edible Autopsy
13. I Cum Blood
14. Gutted
15. Entrails Ripped From a Virgin's Cunt
16. Beyond the Cemetery
17. A Skull Full of Maggots
18. From Skin to Liquid Live at The Palace in Hollywood, CA 2002
19. Savage Butchery
20. Devoured by Vermin
21. Stripped, Raped and Strangled
22. Disposal of the Body
23. Pounded into Dust
24. Addicted to Vaginal Skin
25. Meathook Sodomy
26. Pit Of Zombies
27. Hammer Smashed Face
total time2:55:42

HD cover
7.3 / 10 (10 votes)

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7.3 / 10 (10 votes)

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The Wretched Spawn (2004)
The Wretched Spawn 1. Severed Head Stoning 1:45
2. Psychotic Precision 2:56
3. Decency Defied 2:59
4. Frantic Disembowelment 2:50
5. The Wretched Spawn 4:09
6. Cyanide Assassin 3:11
7. Festering in the Crypt 4:38
8. Nothing Left to Mutilate 3:49
9. Blunt Force Castration 3:27
10. Rotted Body Landslide 3:24
11. Slain 3:32
12. Bent Backwards and Broken 2:58
13. They Deserve to Die 4:44
total time44:22

HD cover
7.7 / 10 (71 votes)

7 reviews

7.7 / 10 (71 votes)

7 reviews

Kill (2006)
Kill 1. The Time To Kill Is Now 2:04
2. Make Them Suffer 2:50
3. Murder Worship 3:57
4. Necrosadistic Warning 3:28
5. Five Nails Through The Neck 3:46
6. Purification By Fire 2:57
7. Death Walking Terror 3:32
8. Barbaric Bludgeonings 3:43
9. The Discipline Of Revenge 3:39
10. Brain Removal Device 3:15
11. Maniacal 2:13
12. Submerged In Boiling Flesh 2:52
13. Infinite Misery 4:01
total time42:11

Lyrics **********
6.4 / 10 (33 votes)

2 reviews

6.4 / 10 (33 votes)

2 reviews

Centuries of Torment: The First 20 Years (video) (2008)
Centuries of Torment: The First 20 Years (video) 1. Intro 14:35History 1987-1995
2. Demo 24:27
3. Eaten Back to Life 11:18
4. Butchered at Birth 16:47
5. Tomb of the Mutilated 19:46
6. The Bleeding 22:52
7. Vile 14:04History 1996-2007
8. Gallery of Suicide 4:00
9. Bloodthirst 1:55
10. Gore Obsessed / The Wretched Spawn 13:41
11. Kill 31:26
--- Disk Two ---
1. Unleashing the Bloodthirsty 4:27With Full Force 2007
2. Murder Worship 4:04
3. Disposal of the Body 2:10
4. The Time to Kill Is Now 2:20Toronto 2006
5. Disfigured 3:27
6. Death Walking Terror 3:49
7. Covered With Sores 3:55
8. Born in a Casket 3:23
9. I Cum Blood 4:19
10. Decency Defied 3:37
11. Make Them Suffer 3:18
12. Dormant Bodies Bursting 2:36
13. Five Nails Through the Neck 3:57
14. Devoured by Vermin 4:43
15. Hammer Smashed Face 4:30
16. Stripped, Raped and Strangled 4:44
17. Puncture Wound Massacre 2:29Party.San 2005
18. Sentenced to Burn 3:31
19. Fucked With a Knife 3:02
20. Psychotic Precision 3:25
21. Pulverized 3:30
22. Pounded into Dust 2:19
23. The Wretched Spawn 4:14
24. The Spine Slitter 3:36New York 2000
25. Dead Human Collection 2:51
26. Mummified in Barbed Wire 3:40Jacksonville 1996
27. Entrails Ripped from a Virgin's Cunt 4:41Nashville 1994
28. Pulverized 3:39
29. Shredded Humans 5:10Buffalo 1989
30. Rotting Head 2:50
31. Staring Through the Eyes of the Dead 3:29Music Videos
32. Devoured by Vermin 3:12
33. Sentenced to Burn 3:06
34. Decency Defied 3:04
35. Make Them Suffer 2:50
36. Death Walking Terror 3:52
37. Stripped, Raped and Strangled 2007 4:34
--- Disk Three ---
1. Compelled to Illustrate 10:55Bonus Chunks
2. Every Ban Broken 9:58
3. Covered With Ink 1:34
4. Maniacal Merch 2:40
5. Relentless Touring 29:10
6. Word Infested 9:04
7. Sickening Metalocalypse 3:44
8. Diverse Offerings 6:17
9. Staring Through the Eyes of the Band 32:26
10. Kill Crane 4:58
total time6:58:00

HD cover
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Evisceration Plague (2009)
Evisceration Plague 1. Priests of Sodom 3:31
2. Scalding Hail 1:46
3. To Decompose 3:03
4. A Cauldron of Hate 5:43
5. Beheading and Burning 2:15
6. Evidence in the Furnace 2:48
7. Carnivorous Swarm 3:36
8. Evisceration Plague 4:30
9. Shatter Their Bones 3:35
10. Carrion Sculpted Entity 2:33
11. Unnatural 2:22
12. Skewered from Ear to Eye 3:49
total time39:31

Lyrics **********
3.8 / 10 (17 votes)

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3.8 / 10 (17 votes)

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Digital Box Set (digital) (2009)
Digital Box Set (digital) 1. Eaten Back to Life cd 36:28
2. Butchered at Birth cd 36:35
3. Tomb of the Mutilated cd 35:11
4. Hammer Smashed Face ep 15:18
5. The Bleeding cd 36:52
6. Vile cd 37:37
7. Gallery of Suicide cd 44:13
8. Bloodthirst cd 34:34
9. Live Cannibalism cd 65:52
10. Gore Obsessed cd 38:27
11. Worm Infested ep 22:44
12. The Wretched Spawn cd 44:27
13. Kill cd 42:17
14. Evisceration Plague cd 38:48
15. Rare Demos cd 53:04
16. Live Tracks cd 81:12
total time11:03:39

1.0 / 10 (10 votes)

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1.0 / 10 (10 votes)

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Global Evisceration (video) (2011)
Global Evisceration (video) 1. Evisceration Plague 4:32
2. Scattered Remains, Splattered Brains 3:12
3. Make Them Suffer 3:06
4. Death Walking Terror 3:34
5. Devoured by Vermin 3:15
6. Priests of Sodom 3:34
7. Scalding Hail 1:46
8. I Will Kill You 2:39
9. Staring Through the Eyes of the Dead 3:28
10. Hammer Smashed Face 4:22
11. Stripped, Raped and Strangled 4:18
12. The Cryptic Stench 3:50
13. Disfigured 3:27
14. Pit of Zombies 4:11
15. Pounded into Dust 3:04
16. A Skull Full of Maggots 2:28
17. The Wretched Spawn 4:01
18. Prepare To Die bonus
19. The Gas Chamber bonus
20. Peregrination bonus
21. Metal Brothers bonus
22. Eaten Back To Life on the Road bonus
23. Fan Photos bonus
24. The Throne Room bonus
25. Savage Sobriquets bonus
26. Code Words and Comedy bonus
27. Rest for the Wicked bonus
28. Gifts of Gore bonus
total time58:47

HD cover
6.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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6.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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Torture (2012)
Torture 1. Demented Aggression 3:14
2. Sarcophagic Frenzy 3:42
3. Scourge of Iron 4:44
4. Encased in Concrete 3:13
5. As Deep As the Knife Will Go 3:25
6. Intestinal Crank 3:54
7. Followed Home then Killed 3:36
8. The Strangulation Chair 4:09
9. Caged… Contorted 3:53
10. Crucifier Avenged 3:46
11. Rabid 3:04
12. Torn Through 3:11
total time43:51

HD cover
5.6 / 10 (14 votes)

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5.6 / 10 (14 votes)

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Torturing and Eviscerating Live (2013)
Torturing and Eviscerating Live 1. A Skull Full of Maggots 2:20Live May 2010 at The State Theater in Tampa, Florida
2. Gutted 3:24
3. I Cum Blood 4:12
4. Staring Through the Eyes of the Dead 3:43
5. Devoured by Vermin 3:20
6. I Will Kill You 2:52
7. Pounded into Dust 2:29
8. Pit of Zombies 4:21
9. The Wretched Spawn 4:06
10. Make Them Suffer 3:18
11. Evisceration Plague 4:47
12. Scourge of Iron 4:53
total time43:45

3.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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3.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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Dead Human Collection: 25 Years of Death Metal (2013)
Dead Human Collection: 25 Years of Death Metal 1. Eaten Back to Life cd 35:56
2. Butchered at Birth cd 36:31
3. Tomb of the Mutilated cd 34:55
4. The Bleeding cd 36:42
5. Vile cd 37:32
6. Gallery of Suicide cd 44:07
7. Bloodthirst cd 34:30
8. Gore Obsessed cd 38:21
9. The Wretched Spawn cd 44:22
10. Kill cd 42:10
11. Evisceration Plague cd 39:31
12. Torture cd 43:51
13. Torturing and Eviscerating Live cd
14. Torturing and Eviscerating Live picture lp
total time7:48:28

1.5 / 10 (2 votes)

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1.5 / 10 (2 votes)

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Make Them Suffer (live) (ep) (2013)
Make Them Suffer (live) (ep) 1. Make Them Suffer (live) 2:56

1.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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1.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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A Skeletal Domain (2014)
A Skeletal Domain 1. High Velocity Impact Spatter 4:06
2. Sadistic Embodiment 3:17
3. Kill or Become 3:50
4. A Skeletal Domain 3:38
5. Headlong into Carnage 3:01
6. The Murderer's Pact 5:05
7. Funeral Cremation 3:41
8. Icepick Lobotomy 3:16
9. Vector of Cruelty 3:25
10. Bloodstained Cement 3:41
11. Asphyxiate to Resuscitate 3:47
12. Hollowed Bodies 3:05
total time43:52

HD cover
7.0 / 10 (7 votes)

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7.0 / 10 (7 votes)

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When Death Replaces Life (2017)
When Death Replaces Life 1. Eaten Back to Life tape 35:56
2. Butchered at Birth tape 36:32
3. Tomb of the Mutilated tape 34:55
4. The Bleeding tape 36:42
5. Vile tape 37:38
6. Gallery of Suicide tape 44:12
7. Bloodthirst tape 34:34
total time4:20:29

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Red Before Black (2017)
Red Before Black 1. Only One Will Die 3:24
2. Red Before Black 3:12
3. Code of the Slashers 4:45
4. Shedding My Human Skin 3:28
5. Remaimed 4:13
6. Firestorm Vengeance 3:43
7. Heads Shoveled Off 3:37
8. Corpus Delicti 3:29
9. Scavenger Consuming Death 4:33
10. In the Midst of Ruin 3:25
11. Destroyed Without a Trace 4:01
12. Hideous Ichor 4:33
--- Bonus Disk: Blood Covered ---
1. Sacrifice 3:04Sacrifice cover
2. Confessions 2:58Possessed cover
3. No Remorse 6:16Metallica cover
4. Demon's Night 4:17Accept cover
5. Bethany Home (A Place To Die) 3:20The Accused cover
6. Endless Pain 3:11Kreator cover
7. Behind Bars 2:20Razor cover
total time46:23

HD cover
8.3 / 10 (4 votes)

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8.3 / 10 (4 votes)

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The Undead will Feast (2019)
The Undead will Feast 1. Gore Obsessed tape 38:30
2. Worm Infested tape 22:44
3. The Wretched Spawn tape 44:22
4. Kill tape 42:08
5. Evisceration Plague tape 39:31
6. Torture tape 43:51
7. A Skeletal Domain tape 43:52
8. Red Before Black tape 46:23
total time5:21:21

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Inhumane Harvest (digital) (2021)
1. Inhumane Harvest 4:32

Violence Unimagined (2021)
Violence Unimagined 1. Murderous Rampage 4:07
2. Necrogenic Resurrection 3:06
3. Inhumane Harvest 4:32
4. Condemnation Contagion 4:17
5. Surround, Kill, Devour 4:10
6. Ritual Annihilation 3:48
7. Follow the Blood 4:39
8. Bound and Burned 4:04
9. Slowly Sawn 3:30
10. Overtorture 2:28
11. Cerements of the Flayed 4:07
total time42:48

HD cover
9.0 / 10 (1 vote)

#9 in User vote top 10 from 2021!

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9.0 / 10 (1 vote)

#9 in User vote top 10 from 2021!

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Blood Blind (digital) (2023)
1. Blood Blind 4:34

Chaos Horrific (2023)
Chaos Horrific 1. Overlords of Violence 3:07
2. Frenzied Feeding 3:33
3. Summoned for Sacrifice 4:05
4. Blood Blind 4:34
5. Vengeful Invasion 4:44
6. Chaos Horrific 3:32
7. Fracture and Refracture 3:36
8. Pitchfork Impalement 3:16
9. Pestilential Rictus 4:13
10. Drain You Empty 4:35
total time39:15

Lyrics **********
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Created to Kill (1996)
Created to Kill 1. To Kill Myself (A.K.A. "Eaten From Inside")
2. Bloodlands
3. Created to kill (A.K.A. "Orgasm Through Torture")
4. Mummified in barbed-wire
5. Unburied (A.K.A. "Disfigured")
6. Exorcist (Possessed cover)
7. Zero the Hero (Black Sabbath cover)
8. Sacrifice (Sacrifice cover, with George on vox, rough mix)
9. Confessions (Possessed cover, with George on vox, rough mix)
total time36:50

6.0 / 10 (11 votes)

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6.0 / 10 (11 votes)

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Dead Forever
Dead Forever 1. Meat Hook Sodomy
2. Put Them To Death
3. Covered With Sores
4. Edible Autopsy
5. Living Disection
6. Shredded Humans
7. Skull Full Of Maggots

6.6 / 10 (7 votes)

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6.6 / 10 (7 votes)

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Born in a Casket (1991)
Born in a Casket 1. Born In a Casket Butchery at Apocalypse Club, Toronto, Ontario 14/12/90
2. Shredded Humans
3. Put them to Death
4. Buried in The Backyard
5. Rotting Head
6. Inner Decay
7. Skull full of Maggots Skull Full of Maggots demo
8. The Undead will Feast
9. Scattered Remains, Splattered Brains
10. Put them to Death
11. Bloody Chunks

6.0 / 10 (5 votes)

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6.0 / 10 (5 votes)

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Meat Hook Sodomy (Live '93)
1. Buried In The Backyard
2. Vomit The Soul
3. Put Them To Death
4. Hammer Smashed Face
5. The Cryptic Stench
6. Meat Hook Sodomy
7. Edible Autopsy
8. Entrails Ripped From A Virgin's Cunt
9. Shredded Humans
10. I Cum Blood
11. Covered With Sores
12. Innards Decay
13. Addicted To Vaginal Skin
14. A Skull Full Of Maggots

Lyrics **********
4.3 / 10 (6 votes)

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4.3 / 10 (6 votes)

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Terrorized vol. 16
Terrorized vol. 16


Hard Rockin' Head Bangin' Sampler Cassette Volume 5 October '91

Masters Of Brutality
Masters Of Brutality

Masters Of Brutality II
Masters Of Brutality II


Metalopolis Vol. 2
Metalopolis Vol. 2


Independent Music For Independent People Vol 4
Independent Music For Independent People Vol 4

Metalmeister: A Metal Blade Compilation
Metalmeister: A Metal Blade Compilation


Metalmeister Volume #2: A Metal Blade Compilation
Metalmeister Volume #2: A Metal Blade Compilation

Metalmeister The Video - A Metal Blade Compilation (video)
Metalmeister The Video - A Metal Blade Compilation (video)


Deathmeister Volume 1
Deathmeister Volume 1

The Masters Of Darkness II
The Masters Of Darkness II

Pure Metal Sampler - Club Members' Edition 1998 Vol. 2
Pure Metal Sampler - Club Members' Edition 1998 Vol. 2

Route 666: The Best Of Shock Metal
Route 666: The Best Of Shock Metal

Thrash'em All 4/98 - Adrenalina Cz.2
Thrash'em All 4/98 - Adrenalina Cz.2

Urban Metal War
Urban Metal War

Hard N' Heavy Vol. 2
Hard N' Heavy Vol. 2

Hard Rock Extreme N°3
Hard Rock Extreme N°3

Off Road Tracks Vol. 9
Off Road Tracks Vol. 9

Metalmeister Volume #3: A Metal Blade Compilation
Metalmeister Volume #3: A Metal Blade Compilation


Metalized Sampler CD nr. 2
Metalized Sampler CD nr. 2

Noise Inc. Volume 2
Noise Inc. Volume 2

Novum Vox Mortis: Metal Blade Compilation
Novum Vox Mortis: Metal Blade Compilation

Thrash'em All 8/99 - Adrenalina Cz.6
Thrash'em All 8/99 - Adrenalina Cz.6

Whiplash Vol. 5
Whiplash Vol. 5

Knuckletracks XVI
Knuckletracks XVI

Soundcheck #36
Soundcheck #36

Metal X-Treme - Hard N' Heavy Hors-Série
Metal X-Treme - Hard N' Heavy Hors-Série

Off Road Tracks Vol. 25
Off Road Tracks Vol. 25

Metalmeister The Video Volume #2: A Metal Blade Compilation (video)
Metalmeister The Video Volume #2: A Metal Blade Compilation (video)

Mystic Art Vol. 8
Mystic Art Vol. 8

Psychosonic! Vol. 6
Psychosonic! Vol. 6

Dynamit Vol. 19
Dynamit Vol. 19

Hors-Série Rock US Volume 2
Terrorized vol. 4
Terrorized vol. 4


The Dark Side Of Wacken
The Dark Side Of Wacken

Metal Blade 2000 Sampler
Metal Blade 2000 Sampler

Route 666 Vol: 2
Route 666 Vol: 2

Spark 2000
Spark 2000

Knuckletracks XXV
Knuckletracks XXV

Let The Hammer Fall Vol. 73
Let The Hammer Fall Vol. 73

Hard N' Heavy Volume 27
Hard N' Heavy Volume 27

Mystic Art Vol. 12
Mystic Art Vol. 12

Terrorized v8
Terrorized v8


Death Campaign
Death Campaign

Hard N' Heavy Volume 31
Hard N' Heavy Volume 31


2002 Busan International Rock Festival
2002 Busan International Rock Festival

Metal Blade Records 20th Anniversary
Metal Blade Records 20th Anniversary

Metal Maniacs Presents... Deranged
Metal Maniacs Presents... Deranged

Metal Train vol. 1
Metal Train vol. 1

Rocková Nálož 3
Rocková Nálož 3

Uncorrupted Steel
Uncorrupted Steel

Knuckletracks XXXIX
Soundcheck #50
Soundcheck #50

Let The Hammer Fall Vol. 11
Let The Hammer Fall Vol. 11

Hard N' Heavy Volume 45
Hard N' Heavy Volume 45

Hard Rock #60
Hard Rock #60

Hell Awaits CD Sampler N° 7
Hell Awaits CD Sampler N° 7

Legacy #17
Legacy #17

Metal Hammer 2002
Metallian Sampler - Spécial Wacken N°1 (cd-rom)
Metallian Sampler - Spécial Wacken N°1 (cd-rom)

Mystic Art Vol. 18
Mystic Art Vol. 18

Dynamit Vol. 30
RockHard N°9
RockHard N°9

Very Metal III
Very Metal III


Metal Blade Records Rocks the Manatees
Metal Blade Records Rocks the Manatees

Uncorrupted Steel, Vol. 2
Uncorrupted Steel, Vol. 2


Insanity Sampler #2
Insanity Sampler #2

Metal Blade Records 20th Anniversary Party (video)
Metal-Train 2004
Seven Gates Of Horror - A Tribute To Possessed
Seven Gates Of Horror - A Tribute To Possessed

Spike - Murder v.2.04
Spike - Murder v.2.04

Let The Hammer Fall Vol. 24
Let The Hammer Fall Vol. 24

Hell Awaits CD Sampler N° 28
Hell Awaits CD Sampler N° 28

Legacy #29
Legacy #29

Off Road Tracks Vol. 77
Off Road Tracks Vol. 77

RockHard N°30
RockHard N°30

Rock Tribune - Maart 2004
Rock Tribune - Maart 2004

Fear Candy 02
Fear Candy 02


Armageddon Over Wacken - Live 2004 (video)
Armageddon Over Wacken - Live 2004 (video)

Heavy - DVD 01 (video)
Heavy - DVD 01 (video)

Monsters Of Death (video)
Monsters Of Death (video)

Party.San Metal Open Air 2005 (video)
Party.San Metal Open Air 2005 (video)

RockHard - Death Metal Special
RockHard - Death Metal Special

Metal Hammer 1/2005
Metal Hammer 1/2005


Death Metal Vol. 2
Death Metal Vol. 2

Heavy Metal Auf Dem Lande (video)
Heavy Metal Auf Dem Lande (video)

Metal: A Headbanger's Journey OST
Metal: A Headbanger's Journey OST

Metal Blade Summer Sampler 2006
Metal Blade Summer Sampler 2006

Monsters Of Metal - The Ultimate Metal Compilation Vol. 5 (video)
Monsters Of Metal - The Ultimate Metal Compilation Vol. 5 (video)

Sounds of the Underground Tour 2006: Live & Rare
Sounds of the Underground Tour 2006: Live & Rare

KnuckleTracks 96
KnuckleTracks 96

Let The Hammer Fall Vol. 45
Let The Hammer Fall Vol. 45

Hard N' Heavy Blaster #85
Hard N' Heavy Blaster 89
Hard N' Heavy Blaster 89

Maximum Metal Vol. 102
Maximum Metal Vol. 102

Rock Tribune - Maart 2006
Rock Tribune - Maart 2006

Fear Candy 26
Fear Candy 26

Fear Candy 35
Fear Candy 35


Mastertrax 20 Años 20 Temas
Mastertrax 20 Años 20 Temas

Metal Blade: Los Angeles 1982
Metal Blade: Los Angeles 1982

Metal Blade Records 2007 Sampler
Metal Blade Records 2007 Sampler

Monsters Of Death Vol.2 (video)
Monsters Of Death Vol.2 (video)

The Second Decade
The Second Decade

With Full Force DVD 2007 (video)
With Full Force DVD 2007 (video)

W:O:A Full Metal Juke Box - Vol. 2
W:O:A Full Metal Juke Box - Vol. 2

Maximum Metal Vol. 117 (video)
Maximum Metal Vol. 117 (video)


Heavy Metal Magazine - Compilatie 26
Heavy Metal Magazine - Compilatie 26

Live At Wacken 2007 (video)
Live At Wacken 2007 (video)

Metal Blade Records - 25th Anniversary (video)
Metal Blade Records - 25th Anniversary (video)

Metallian DVD Sampler N°3
Metallian DVD Sampler N°3

RockHard #73

Australia's Home Of Heavy Music Volume 11
Australia's Home Of Heavy Music Volume 11

Metal Blade Spring Sampler 2009
Metal Blade Spring Sampler 2009

Party.San Metal Open Air Apocalypse 2010 (Malum Argenumtiun Quoniam Venit Dies Magnus Irae Eius Quis Poterit Stare) (video)
Party.San Metal Open Air Apocalypse 2010 (Malum Argenumtiun Quoniam Venit Dies Magnus Irae Eius Quis Poterit Stare) (video)

Close-Up Magazine #108
Close-Up Magazine #108

Let The Hammer Fall Vol. 82 - Best Of 2009 (video)
Let The Hammer Fall Vol. 82 - Best Of 2009 (video)

Hard Rock Magazine Sampler 16
Hard Rock Magazine Sampler 16

Maximum Metal Vol. 136
Maximum Metal Vol. 136

Maximum Metal Vol. 141 (video)
Maximum Metal Vol. 141 (video)

RockHard #84
RockHard #84

Rock Tribune CD Sampler Januari 2009 Nr 81
Rock Tribune CD Sampler Januari 2009 Nr 81

Fear Candy 64
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Zero Tolerance Audio 27
Zero Tolerance Audio 27


Stay Brutal
Stay Brutal

Terrorizer's Secret History Of... Death Metal
Terrorizer's Secret History Of... Death Metal


BA 15 - Brutal Assault (video)
BA 15 - Brutal Assault (video)

Summer Breeze 2010 (video)
Summer Breeze 2010 (video)



Metal Blade 30 Los Angeles 1982 - 2012 (digital)
Metal Blade 30 Los Angeles 1982 - 2012 (digital)

Metal Blade 30th Anniversary
Metal Blade 30th Anniversary

Metal's Darkside - The Hard & The Furious (video)
Metal's Darkside - The Hard & The Furious (video)

Maximum Metal Vol. 171
Maximum Metal Vol. 171

New Year Revolutions
Lauschangriff Volume 012
Lauschangriff Volume 012

RockHard N°118
RockHard N°118

Rock Tribune 113
Rock Tribune 113

Fear Candy 104
Fear Candy 104

Zero Tolerance Audio 45
Zero Tolerance Audio 45


A Tribute To Kill 'Em All
A Tribute To Kill 'Em All


Metal Blade Fall Sampler 2014
Metal Blade Fall Sampler 2014

Hardrock Mag #49
Hardrock Mag #49

Maximum Metal Vol. 197
Lauschangriff Vol. 031
Lauschangriff Vol. 031

RockHard N°146
RockHard N°146

Rock Tribune 138
Rock Tribune 138


Metal-Train 2014
Metal-Train 2014


Live At Wacken 2015 (video)
Live At Wacken 2015 (video)


For The Sake Of Heaviness - The History Of Metal Blade Records - 35th Anniversary
For The Sake Of Heaviness - The History Of Metal Blade Records - 35th Anniversary

Maximum Metal Vol. 232
Maximum Metal Vol. 232

Sweet Screams Vol 2
Lauschangriff 58
Lauschangriff 58

RockHard N°180
RockHard N°180

Rock Tribune #169
Rock Tribune #169


The Story Of Metal Blade
The Story Of Metal Blade

Maximum Metal Vol. 263
Maximum Metal Vol. 263

Lauschangriff Vol.85
RockHard N°219
RockHard N°219


Metal Blade Records - 2022 Sampler
Metal Blade Records - 2022 Sampler


Maximum Metal Vol. 280
Maximum Metal Vol. 280

RockHard N°245
RockHard N°245

Official homepage

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> Formed in 1989 in Buffalo, NY, USA
> Members are:
Alex Webster - bass (since 1989) - also in Blotted Science, was in Alas and Beyond Death
Paul Mazurkiewicz - drums (since 1989) - was in Tirant Sin
Rob Barrett - guitars (since 1994) - also in Drakkara and Eulogy, was in Malevolent Creation, HatePlow, Solstice (US), and Dark Deception
George "Corpsegrinder" Fischer - vocals (since 1995) - also in Paths of Possession, was in Corpsegrinder and Monstrosity
Pat O'Brien - guitars (since 1997) - was in Chastain, Ceremony, and Nevermore
> Previous members:
Jack Owen - guitars (1989-2004) - now in Deicide, was in Beyond Death, Grave Descent, and Adrift
Chris Barnes - vocals (1989-1995) - now in Six Feet Under, was in Leviathan (USA), Tirant Sin, IHATE, and Torture Killer
Bob Rusay - guitars (1989-1993) - was in Tirant Sin
> Session musicians:
Jeremy Turner - guitars (2004-2005) - plays in Unmerciful, was in Origin
> Because of a teacher called Christa Jenal, who claimed Cannibal Corpse would be dangerous to children, the band is not allowed to play any song from the first three albums live in Germany.
> Cannibal Corpse appeared on the movie Ace Ventura playing Hammer Smashed Face
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Cannibal Corpse

Last update: 05/07/24