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Demo (1992)
Demo 1. Engulfed In Darkness 4:52
2. Face The Unknown 4:24
3. Prophecies Of... 3:00
4. Burry All Life 3:06
5. Outro 2:01
total time18:35

9.2 / 10 (9 votes)

1 review

9.2 / 10 (9 votes)

1 review

Transmigration (1993)
Transmigration 1. Bequest of the wicked 1:04
2. Eyes of suffering 4:08
3. Deformity 4:41
4. Never forgotten place 4:38
5. Hall of torment 3:44
6. Reincarnation 5:43
7. Victims 5:15
8. Through my soul 5:02
9. The way behind the light 5:42
10. Bequest of the hallow 2:23
total time42:20

HD cover
7.0 / 10 (33 votes)

#8 in Zenial's top 10 from 1993!

1 review

7.0 / 10 (33 votes)

#8 in Zenial's top 10 from 1993!

1 review

...Just Dreaming (1994)
...Just Dreaming 1. Heavens Throat 2:09
2. Transmigration 5:13
3. Only Once In A Lifetime 3:52
4. Shadows Of Mine 5:16
5. I Saw The Angels Fly 4:55
6. In My Hands 3:56
7. The Instruction 4:32
8. The Prophecy 4:52
9. Dreams 6:09
10. For Those Who Believe 3:55
total time44:49

HD cover
7.8 / 10 (30 votes)

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7.8 / 10 (30 votes)

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Video (video) (1995)
Video (video) 1. Shadows Of Mine
2. In My Hands

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Illusions (1995)
Illusions 1. Reflectionen 1:54
2. Faces 5:34
3. Tears of time 5:01
4. My way 5:02
5. Lost in myself 4:46
6. An other...? 5:19
7. The atmosphere 3:29
8. The beginning of the end 4:39
9. Sweet solitude 4:52
10. Dreams of dancing 5:31
11. ...Just dreaming 4:42
12. Visions 3:55
total time54:44

HD cover
8.4 / 10 (41 votes)

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8.4 / 10 (41 votes)

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Illusions / Transmigration (1995)
Illusions / Transmigration 1. Illusions cd 54:44
2. Transmigration cd 42:20
total time1:37:04

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Ist es Wahr E.P. (1996)
Ist es Wahr E.P. 1. Ist es wahr 5:55
2. Tears of time 5:00
3. Shadows of mine 5:16
4. Eyes of suffering 4:04
total time20:15

HD cover
9.3 / 10 (6 votes)

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9.3 / 10 (6 votes)

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Crematory (1996)
Crematory 1. Utopia 1:41
2. Das licht in dir 5:21
3. Flieg' mit mir 5:29
4. Ist es wahr 5:57
5. Ewigkeit 4:20
6. Trugbilder 3:48
7. Flammen 4:50
8. Die suche 5:18
9. Illusionen 5:03
10. Sehnsucht 3:22
total time45:09

HD cover
7.9 / 10 (26 votes)

1 review

7.9 / 10 (26 votes)

1 review

Live... at the Out of the Dark Festivals (1996)
Live... at the Out of the Dark Festivals 1. Reflexionen 1:47
2. Deformity 4:42
3. Tears of time 4:47
4. Ewigkeit 4:29
5. Only once in a lifetime 3:59
6. Shadows of mine 5:11
7. Out of the dark 0:49
8. Lost in myself 4:08
9. Dreams 4:26
10. Ist es wahr 5:22
11. Eyes of suffering 3:52
12. An other... 4:34
13. Beginning of the end 4:40
14. ...Just dreaming 4:09
15. Visions 3:55
total time60:50

HD cover
7.6 / 10 (10 votes)

#3 in the Live top 10 from the nineties!

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7.6 / 10 (10 votes)

#3 in the Live top 10 from the nineties!

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Für Die Ewigkeit (1996)
Für Die Ewigkeit 1. Crematory cd 45:09
2. ...Just Dreaming cd 44:49
--- VHS ---
1. Shadows Of Mine
2. In My Hands
3. Tears Of Time
4. The Making Of "Tears Of Time"
5. Ist Es Wahr

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Awake (1997)
Awake 1. Maze 1:11
2. Lords of lies 5:08
3. Away 4:39
4. Temple of love 4:43The Sisters Of Mercy cover
5. For love 4:33
6. Crematory 4:55
7. My last words 5:08
8. The loss 4:11
9. Yourself 5:11
10. Mirror 5:24
total time45:03

HD cover
7.7 / 10 (34 votes)

1 review

7.7 / 10 (34 votes)

1 review

Limited DJ Club-CD (1998)
Limited DJ Club-CD 1. Temple of Love 4:45(The Sisters of Mercy cover)
2. For Love 4:34
3. Away 4:41
4. Mirror 5:24
total time19:24

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Act Seven (1998)
Act Seven 1. Shining 1:58
2. I never die 5:49
3. Moonlight 5:05
4. Fly 5:49
5. Memory 5:10
6. The holy one 5:21
7. The Game 5:51
8. Waiting 4:01
9. Awake 5:40
10. Tale 4:31
total time49:15

HD cover
8.0 / 10 (29 votes)

2 reviews

8.0 / 10 (29 votes)

2 reviews

Fly (1999)
Fly 1. Fly (single version) 3:39
2. Do you know 4:58
3. Welcome to... 4:53
4. Fly (apocalypse mix) 6:07
5. Fly (maxi version) 5:49
total time25:26

Lyrics **********
6.6 / 10 (12 votes)

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6.6 / 10 (12 votes)

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Early Years (1999)
Early Years 1. Tears Of Time 4:58
2. Dreams 5:07
3. Ewigkeit 4:18
4. Eyes Of Suffering 4:03
5. Lost In Myself 4:35
6. Shadows Of Mine 5:15
7. Ist Es Wahr 5:55
8. Through My Soul 4:59
9. Medley 12:09
--- Disk Two ---
1. Dreams (Deep Growl Mix) 5:50
2. Ist Es Wahr (Egomania Mix) 4:38
3. Tears Of Time (Dance Raymix) 6:13
4. Through My Soul (Lost Soul Mix) 7:35
5. Shadows Of Mine (Eternal Darkness Mix) 7:21
6. Ewigkeit (Staub Mix) 4:57
7. Lost In Myself (Trance Raymix) 5:06
8. The Eyes Of Suffering (House Of Pain Mix) 5:55
9. Megamix 9:32
--- Disk Three ---
1. In My Hands (Videoclip)
2. Es ist wahr (Videoclip)
3. Shadows Of Mine (Videoclip)
total time1:48:24

HD cover
5.9 / 10 (8 votes)

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5.9 / 10 (8 votes)

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Believe (2000)
Believe 1. Redemption of faith 2:04
2. Endless 4:22
3. The Fallen 3:42
4. Take 4:53
5. Act Seven 4:29
6. Time For Tears 5:15
7. Eternal 4:40
8. Unspoken 4:57
9. Caroline 4:53
10. The Curse 4:57
11. Why 6:26
12. Perils Of The Wind 3:56
total time56:36

HD cover
8.2 / 10 (58 votes)

2 reviews

8.2 / 10 (58 votes)

2 reviews

Remind (2001)
Remind 1. Redemption Of Faith 1:52
2. Deformity 4:30
3. The Eyes Of Suffering 4:13
4. Shadows Of Mine 4:53
5. Dreams 5:05
6. Tears Of Time 7:06
7. Lost In Myself 4:27
8. Ist es wahr 5:22
9. Ewigkeit 4:16
10. Temple Of Love 5:09The Sisters Of Mercy cover
11. For Love 4:29
12. I Never Die 5:49
13. Fly 6:32
14. The Fallen 4:10
15. Take 5:18
16. Perils Of The Wind 4:16
--- Disk Two ---
1. Tears Of Time (Deutsch Version) 4:53
2. Fly (Single Version) 3:40
3. Do You Know 4:58
4. Welcome To... 4:54
5. Engulfed In Darkness 4:52Original Demo 1992
6. Face The Unknown 4:25
7. Prophecies Of... 3:00
8. Burry All Life 5:03
total time1:53:12

HD cover
6.4 / 10 (14 votes)

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6.4 / 10 (14 votes)

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Greed (2004)
Greed 1. Greed (single version) 3:26
2. Greed (Album version) 3:42
3. Farewell Letter 3:44
4. One (Metallica cover) 4:11
5. Greed (Video)

5.4 / 10 (7 votes)

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5.4 / 10 (7 votes)

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Special DJ Edition (2004)
Special DJ Edition 1. Greed 3:25
2. Tick Tack 4:00
3. Revolution 3:28
total time10:53

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Revolution (2004)
Revolution 1. Resurrection 3:03
2. Wake Up 3:03
3. Greed 4:47
4. Reign of Fear 4:36
5. Open Your Eyes 4:15
6. Tick Tack 3:59
7. Angel of Fate 5:02
8. Solitary Psycho 3:05
9. Revolution 3:27
10. Human Blood 3:25
11. Red Sky 4:16
12. Farewell Letter 3:46
13. Revolution (Video Clip) 3:29digi bonus
total time46:42

HD cover
6.2 / 10 (26 votes)

5 reviews

6.2 / 10 (26 votes)

5 reviews

Liverevolution (2005)
Liverevolution 1. Resurrection 1:41Live at Wave-Gotik-Treffen, Leipzig 2004
2. Wake up 2:58
3. Fly 6:44
4. Greed 4:13
5. Angel of fate 5:53
6. Tears of time 6:36
7. Revolution 4:43
8. The fallen 4:39
9. Tick tack 4:45
10. Ist es wahr 6:13
11. Open your eyes 4:54
12. Temple of love 5:45
13. Greed videos
14. Revolution
15. Tick Tack
16. Backstageszenes bonus
17. Interview
18. Photogallery
total time59:09

HD cover
5.3 / 10 (4 votes)

#5 in the Live top 10 from 2005!

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5.3 / 10 (4 votes)

#5 in the Live top 10 from 2005!

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Klagebilder (2006)
Klagebilder 1. Klagebilder 2:32
2. Die Abrechnung 3:54
3. Hoffnungen 4:07
4. Kein Liebeslied 4:05
5. Kaltes Feuer 4:10
6. Der Morgen Danach 4:14
7. Warum 3:44
8. Hollenbrand 3:32
9. Nie Wieder 4:13
10. Ein Leben Lang 3:58
11. Der Nachste 4:37
12. Das Letzte Mal 3:22
13. Spiegel Meiner Seele 4:22
total time50:50

HD cover
8.0 / 10 (8 votes)

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8.0 / 10 (8 votes)

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Pray (2008)
Pray 1. When Darkness Falls 5:10
2. Left the Ground 4:24
3. Alone 5:47
4. Pray 4:46
5. Sleeping Solution 5:21
6. Just Words 3:41
7. Burning Bridges 4:16
8. Have You Ever? 4:52
9. Remember 4:14
10. Say Goodbye 6:12
total time48:42

HD cover
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Infinity (2010)
Infinity 1. Infinity 4:52
2. Sense of Time 5:46
3. Out of Mind 3:21
4. Black Celebration 4:56
5. Never Look Back 4:11
6. Broken Halo 4:19
7. Where Are You Now? 5:02
8. A Story About... 4:51
9. No One Knows 4:28
10. Auf der Flucht 4:35
total time46:21

HD cover
9.5 / 10 (2 votes)

#10 in User vote top 10 from 2010!

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9.5 / 10 (2 votes)

#10 in User vote top 10 from 2010!

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Black Pearls (2010)
Black Pearls 1. Infinity 4:53
2. Fly 5:51
3. Tears Of Time 5:01
4. Hoellenbrand 3:33
5. Eyes Of Suffering 4:05
6. Left The Ground 4:26
7. Sense Of Time 5:46
8. Greed 4:47
9. Shadows Of Mine 5:16
10. Pray 4:23
11. Ist Es Wahr 5:58
12. Temple Of Love 4:46
13. Tick Tack 4:00
14. The Fallen 3:44
15. Kein Liebeslied 4:06
16. Perils Of The Wind 3:56
--- Disk Two ---
1. When Darkness Falls 5:12
2. Deformity 4:42
3. Kaltes Feuer 4:12
4. For Love 4:35
5. I Never Die 5:52
6. In My Hands 3:58
7. Open Your Eyes 4:15
8. Caroline 4:55
9. Ewigkeit 4:20
10. Black Celebration 4:57
11. The Holy One 5:23
12. Endless 4:24
13. Revolution 3:28
14. My Way 5:03
15. Hoffnungen 4:08
16. Away 4:41
--- DVD Disk ---
1. Eyes of suffering videos
2. Deformity
3. Shadows of mine
4. In my hands
5. Tears of time
6. Ist es wahr
7. Temple of love
8. For love
9. Away
10. Fly
11. The Fallen
12. Greed
13. Revolution
14. Tick Tack
15. Höllenbrand
16. Kein Liebeslied
17. Pray
18. Left the ground
19. Infinity
20. Black Celebration
21. Sense of time
22. Wacken Open Air 60:00Live concerts
23. M´era Luna 30:00
24. Hinter den Kulissen - privatgefilmte Backstageaufnahmen Backstage
total time2:28:36

HD cover
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Shadowmaker (digital) (2013)
Shadowmaker (digital) 1. Shadowmaker 3:38
2. Shadowmaker (Elektro Mix) 4:09
3. Shadowmaker (Centhron Mix) 4:07
total time11:54

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Inception (2013)
Inception 1. Transmigration cd 42:20
2. ...Just Dreaming cd 44:49
3. Illusions cd 54:44
4. Crematory cd 45:09
5. Awake cd 45:03
6. Act Seven cd 49:15
7. Believe cd 56:36
8. Revolution cd 46:42
9. Klagebilder cd 50:50
10. Pray cd 48:42
total time8:04:10

HD cover
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Antiserum (2014)
Antiserum 1. Apocalyptic Vision 2:16
2. Until the End 4:47
3. Shadowmaker 3:36
4. If You Believe 3:54
5. Inside Your Eyes 4:05
6. Kommt Näher 4:24
7. Irony of Fate 3:56
8. Virus 3:41
9. Back from the Dead 3:31
10. Welcome 3:55
11. Antiserum 5:01
12. Shadowmaker (Elektro Mix) 4:07bonus
13. Shadowmaker (Centhron Mix) 4:06bonus
total time51:19

HD cover
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Live W.O.A. 2014 (video) (2015)
Live W.O.A. 2014 (video) 1. Until the End
2. Fly
3. Höllenbrand
4. Shadowmaker
5. Revolution
6. Tears of Time
7. Kommt näher
8. Tick Tack
9. The Fallen
10. Virus
11. Black Celebration
12. Backstage at W.O.A. 2014
13. New band interviews
14. Matze`s last interview
15. Shadowmaker video
16. Kommt Näher video
17. Virus video

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Misunderstood (digital) (2016)
Misunderstood (digital) 1. Misunderstood 3:50

HD cover
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Monument (2016)
Monument 1. Misunderstood 3:50
2. Haus mit Garten 4:47
3. Die So Soon 4:25
4. Ravens Calling 4:13
5. Eiskalt 3:34
6. Nothing 4:15
7. Before I Die 3:58
8. Falsche Tränen 3:29
9. Everything 4:48
10. My Love Within 3:45
11. Die letzte Schlacht 4:10
12. Save Me 4:13
total time49:27

HD cover
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Live Insurrection (2017)
Live Insurrection 1. Intro 2:42Live at Bang Your Head Festival, 16 jul 2016, in Balingen, Germany
2. Misunderstood 3:48
3. Fly 6:11
4. Greed 4:37
5. Tick Tack 4:08
6. Instrumental 1:32
7. Haus Mit Garten 5:23
8. Ravens Calling 4:27
9. Pray 4:54
10. Everything 4:54
11. Instrumental 2:31
12. Shadowmaker 4:44
13. The Fallen 4:27
14. Höllenbrand 3:47
15. Die So Soon 4:50
16. Kommt Näher 4:28
17. Tears Of Time 8:59
18. Misunderstood 3:52DVD bonus
19. Ravens Calling 4:16DVD bonus
20. Haus Mit Garten 4:50DVD bonus
21. Everything 5:01DVD bonus
22. Die So Soon 4:27DVD bonus
total time76:22DVD 1:38:48

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5 Original Albums in 1 Box (2018)
5 Original Albums in 1 Box 1. Transmigration cd 41:42
2. ...Just Dreaming cd 44:50
3. Illusions cd 54:44
4. Crematory cd 45:13
5. Awake cd 45:27
total time3:51:56

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Immortal (digital) (2018)
Immortal (digital) 1. Immortal 3:32

HD cover
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Salvation (digital) (2018)
Salvation (digital) 1. Salvation 4:36

HD cover
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Stay with me (digital) (2018)
Stay with me (digital) 1. Stay with me 4:13

HD cover
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Oblivion (2018)
Oblivion 1. Expectation 1:29
2. Salvation 4:36
3. Ghost of the Past 4:03
4. Until the Dawn 4:36
5. Revenge Is Mine 4:50
6. Wrong Side 4:12
7. Stay with Me 4:15
8. For All of Us 4:06
9. Immortal 3:32
10. Oblivion 4:55
11. Cemetary Stillness 4:50
12. Blessed 4:06
13. Demon Inside 4:03
total time53:21

HD cover
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Unbroken (2020)
Unbroken 1. Unbroken 4:28
2. Awaits Me 4:08
3. Rise and Fall 4:59
4. Behind the Wall 4:31
5. The Kingdom 4:25
6. Inside My Heart 5:24
7. The Downfall 4:02
8. My Dreams Have Died 4:50
9. I Am 3:58
10. Broken Heroes 4:28
11. A Piece of Time 4:45
12. Voices 4:24
13. Abduction 3:41
14. As Darkness Calls 4:28
15. Like the Tides 3:55
total time66:26

HD cover
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Live at Wacken 2019 (2022)
Live at Wacken 2019 1. Expectation
2. Kommt näher
3. Greed
4. Revenge Is Mine
5. Tick Tack
6. Ghost of the Past
7. Ravens Calling
8. Everything
9. When the Children Cry White Lion Cover
10. Shadowmaker
11. The Fallen
12. Black Celebration Depeche Mode Cover
13. Höllenbrand
14. Wrong Side
15. Tears of Time
16. Backstage Wacken 2019 DVD bonus
17. Studio Report DVD bonus
18. Interviews DVD bonus
19. Release Party DVD bonus

HD cover
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Inglorious Darkness (2022)
Inglorious Darkness 1. Inglorious Darkness 3:55
2. Break Down the Walls 5:19
3. Trümmerwelten 3:50
4. Rest in Peace 3:52
5. The Sound of My Life 3:52
6. Tränen der Zeit 5:00Tears of Time remake
7. Until We Meet Again 4:51
8. Zur Hölle 4:03
9. Not for the Innocent 4:41
10. Forsaken 5:17
11. Das Ende 3:48
total time48:28

HD cover
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News From Dr. Blast
News From Dr. Blast

Zeplin's - The CD (For People With A Mind Of Their Own)
Zeplin's - The CD (For People With A Mind Of Their Own)




Beauty in Darkness
Beauty in Darkness

Death... Is Just the Beginning IV
Death... Is Just the Beginning IV

Stahlmaster Vol. 1
Stahlmaster Vol. 1

Zillo Club-Hits
Zillo Club-Hits


10 Years Nuclear Blast
10 Years Nuclear Blast

Beauty in Darkness Vol. 2
Beauty in Darkness Vol. 2

Fire & Ice Vol. I (video)
Fire & Ice Vol. I (video)

Goths' Paradise
Goths' Paradise

Nuclear Blast Festivals
Nuclear Blast Festivals

Nuclear Blast Soundcheck-Series - Volume 10
Nuclear Blast Soundcheck-Series - Volume 10

Nuclear Blast Soundcheck-Series - Volume 11
Nuclear Blast Soundcheck-Series - Volume 11

Out Of The Dark
Out Of The Dark

Rock Extremum 3/97
Rock Extremum 3/97

Hard Rock N°9
Hard Rock N°9

Off Road Tracks Vol. 5
Off Road Tracks Vol. 5

Dynamit Vol. 8
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Beauty in Darkness Vol. 3
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Morbid Noizz 4th Issue
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Twilight Of The Gods Vol. 1 - The Gothic-Metal-Collection
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Xtra Compilation
Xtra Compilation


Darkness is Thy Kingdom volume 2
Darkness is Thy Kingdom volume 2

Death... Is Just the Beginning V
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Metal Dreams
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News From Nuclear Blast Volume 4
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Nuclear Blast Soundcheck Series - Volume 17
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Sonic Seducer - Like A Taste Of Sin!
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Super Natural Extremities Vol. 3 & 4
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Whiplash Vol. 2
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Hard N' Heavy Volume 12
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Zillo Club Hits 4
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Blessed By The Night 1 - The Dark Metal Compilation
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Death... Is Just the Beginning vol. VI
Death... Is Just the Beginning vol. VI

Goths' Paradise IV
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The Hidden Ceremony Part I
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Darkness is Thy Kingdom volume 3

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Metal Dreams Vol. 3
Metal Dreams Vol. 3

Nuclear Blast Festivals 2000
Nuclear Blast Festivals 2000

Nuclear Blast Soundcheck Series - Vol. 27
Nuclear Blast Soundcheck Series - Vol. 27


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Monsters Of Metal - The Ultimate Metal Compilation Vol. 3 (video)
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Maximum Rock Magazin #21

Maximum Rock Magazin #22
Maximum Rock Magazin #22

The Sound Of Mystery 2
The Sound Of Mystery 2

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Let The Hammer Fall Vol. 49

Zillo CD 09/06
Zillo CD 09/06


20 Years Of Nuclear Blast
20 Years Of Nuclear Blast

W:O:A Full Metal Juke Box - Vol. 3
W:O:A Full Metal Juke Box - Vol. 3


Gothic Compilation Part XL
Gothic Compilation Part XL

Gothic Spirits 7
Gothic Spirits 7

Let The Hammer Fall Vol. 65
Let The Hammer Fall Vol. 65

Maximum Metal Vol. 124
Maximum Metal Vol. 124

Cold Hands Seduction Vol. 79
Cold Hands Seduction Vol. 79

Cold Hands Seduction Vol. 82 (video)
Cold Hands Seduction Vol. 82 (video)


Live At Wacken 2008 (video)
Live At Wacken 2008 (video)

W:O:A Full Metal Juke Box 1990-2009 - 20 Years Of Metal Jewels
W:O:A Full Metal Juke Box 1990-2009 - 20 Years Of Metal Jewels


Gothic Compilation Part XLVII
Gothic Compilation Part XLVII

Gothic Romance 2 - The Best Goth Love Songs
Gothic Romance 2 - The Best Goth Love Songs

Gothic Spirits 11
Gothic Spirits 11

Let The Hammer Fall Vol. 83
Let The Hammer Fall Vol. 83

Cold Hands Seduction Vol. 103
Cold Hands Seduction Vol. 103

Cold Hands Seduction Vol. 113 (video)
Cold Hands Seduction Vol. 113 (video)

Zillo M'era Luna Festival 2010
Zillo M'era Luna Festival 2010


Live At Wacken 2014
Live At Wacken 2014

Legacy #89
Legacy #89

Cold Hands Seduction Vol. 151
Cold Hands Seduction Vol. 151


25 Years In The Name Of Metal
25 Years In The Name Of Metal

Maximum Metal Vol. 217
Maximum Metal Vol. 217

Cold Hands Seduction Vol. 176
Cold Hands Seduction Vol. 176


Masters Of Rock
Masters Of Rock

Masters Of Rock 17´ (video)
Masters Of Rock 17´ (video)


Maximum Metal Vol. 237
Maximum Metal Vol. 237

Metal Hammer CD 5/2018
Metal Hammer CD 5/2018

Cold Hands Seduction Vol. 198
Cold Hands Seduction Vol. 198


Napalm Records Metal Hammer 5/2020
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Black Waves Of Adrenochrome – The Sisters Of Mercy Tribute
Black Waves Of Adrenochrome – The Sisters Of Mercy Tribute


Cold Hands Seduction - Vol. 238
Cold Hands Seduction - Vol. 238

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> From Westhofen, Germany
> Members are:
Gerhard (Felix) Stass - vocals (since 1991) - was in Cryptic Carnage, Ripping Entrails, and Ab:Norm
Markus Jüllich - drums, programming (since 1991) - was in Excess
Katrin Jüllich - keyboards, samples (since 1992)
Harald Heine - bass (since 1993) - also in Excess, was in Malignity
Matthias Hechler - guitars, vocals (since 1999) - also in Shit for Brains, was in Analex
> Previous members:
Lothar (Lotte) Först - guitars (1992-1999) - was in Sculpture, Excess, and Sudden Darkness
Heinz Steinhauser - bass, vocals (1993) - was in Agoraphobia
Marc Zimmer - bass, vocals (1991-1992) - was in Mystic Circle
> Session musicians:
Axel Schott - vocals - was in Economist, Re-Motion, and Sudden Darkness
> Band has broken up but reformed in 2004
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Last update: 08/07/24