Crescent (EGY)

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Edgar Allan Poe's "Dreamland" (demo) (1999)
Edgar Allan Poe's 1. Edgar Allan Poe's "Dreamland" 8:23
2. Reaping Synagouge Souls 7:53
3. Elegy 7:30
4. Outro 2:11
total time25:57

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#7 in Zenial's top 10 from Africa!

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#7 in Zenial's top 10 from Africa!

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The Retribution (2009)
The Retribution 1. Jerusalem 5:24
2. The Retribution 5:49
3. Demise Disciple 6:27
total time17:40

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#8 in Zenial's top 10 from Africa!

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#8 in Zenial's top 10 from Africa!

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Pyramid Slaves (2014)
Pyramid Slaves 1. Gates Of The Sun 8:23
2. Ra-Men-Kheper 6:45
3. Crown Of Pestilance 6:12
4. An Ode To Qadish 8:30
5. Pyramid Slaves 9:05
6. Temple Of The Divine Gods 7:26
7. Fallen Kingdom Of Men 10:05
total time56:26

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#4 in Zenial's top 10 from Africa!

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#4 in Zenial's top 10 from Africa!

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The Order of Amenti (2018)
The Order of Amenti 1. Reciting Spells to Mutilate Apophis 6:50
2. Sons of Monthu 7:19
3. Obscuring the Light 8:01
4. Through the Scars of Horus 7:04
5. The Will of Amon-Ra 6:32
6. Beyond the Path of Amenti 8:37
7. The Twelfth Gate 4:00
8. In the Name of Osiris 8:19
total time56:42

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#1 in Zenial's top 10 from Africa!

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#1 in Zenial's top 10 from Africa!

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Carving the Fires of Akhet (2021)
Carving the Fires of Akhet 1. The Fires of Akhet 8:30
2. Moot Set Waas 5:31
3. Serpent of Avaris 7:18
4. Neb-Pehti-Ra 5:57
5. Imprecations upon Thy Flame 6:49
6. Drowned in Theban Blood 5:11
7. Crimson Descension 1:56
8. As Nu Enshrines Death 6:46
total time47:58

HD cover
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#3 in Zenial's top 10 from Africa!

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#3 in Zenial's top 10 from Africa!

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> From Egypt
> Members are:
Ismaeel Attallah - vocals, guitars (since 1999)
Youssef Saleh - guitars, vocals (since 2014)
Julian Dietrich - drums (since 2020) - also in Into Coffin, Putridarium, and Cloudbreaker
Stefan Dietz - bass (since 2021) - also in Nocte Obducta, Slidhr, Horresque, and Suel, was in Adorn, Kali, and Wald
> Previous members:
André Meyrink - bass, vocals (2019-2021) - also in Chaos Invocation and Ave Maria
Amr Mokhtar - drums (2000-2020)
Moanis Salem - bass (1999-2019)
Mohamed Adel - guitars (2014) - now in Scarab, was in Hate Suffocation
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Crescent (EGY)

Last update: 05/07/24