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Pagan Black Act (demo) (1999)
Pagan Black Act (demo) 1. Shaitan Akbar! 30:27

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Through the Ashes of the Shamanic Flames (demo) (2000)
Through the Ashes of the Shamanic Flames (demo) 1. Lost in Eternal Calmness 2:36
2. Through the Ashes of the Shamanic Flames 13:17
3. Ordo Sakhna 1:39
total time17:32

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Sary Oy (2004)
Sary Oy 1. Sary oy 11:09
2. Jashil oy 10:47
3. Kysil oy 25:26
4. Through The Ashes Of The Shamanic Flames 4:05bonus
total time47:22Limited 51:27

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The Way To Paganism (2005)
The Way To Paganism 1. Black cathedral 5:16
2. Human hopes 4:39
3. Marching of the Hordes 5:04Pagan cover
4. Outro 1:20
total time16:19

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Embrace of Memory (2005)
Embrace of Memory 1. Embrace of memory 1:57
2. Black cathedral 5:24
3. Sign of war 9:35
4. Akyr zaman 10:00
5. Human hopes 4:25
6. Primitive dance 10:38
7. Marching of the Hordes (Pagan cover) 7:17
total time49:16

HD cover
2 Versions

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#7 in Zenial's top 10 from Kyrgyzstan!

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#7 in Zenial's top 10 from Kyrgyzstan!

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Epos (2007)
Epos 1. Epos 33:33

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10.0 / 10 (1 vote)

#1 in User vote top 10 from Kyrgyzstan!

#4 in Zenial's top 10 from Kyrgyzstan!

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10.0 / 10 (1 vote)

#1 in User vote top 10 from Kyrgyzstan!

#4 in Zenial's top 10 from Kyrgyzstan!

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The Great Silk Road (2008)
The Great Silk Road 1. The Silk Road 13:05
2. Inner Voice 12:13
3. Cult Tengri 8:26
4. Kara-Oy 18:48
5. The Last Step 1:59
total time54:31

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#1 in Zenial's top 10 from 2008!

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#1 in Zenial's top 10 from 2008!

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Khagan (2011)
Khagan 1. Saga of Temudgin 9:27
2. Onon River 2:58
3. Khagan 10:55
total time23:20

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4 Versions

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#8 in Zenial's top 10 from 2011!

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#8 in Zenial's top 10 from 2011!

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Manas (2013)
Manas 1. Manas-mstitel' 9:41(Manas the Avenger)
2. Pamjat' (Starik) 7:21(Memory (The Old Man))
3. Pobeda 8:45(Victory)
4. Kyrgyzstan 4:00
5. Manas-batyr 10:52(Manas the Hero)
total time40:39

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#5 in Zenial's top 10 from Kyrgyzstan!

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#5 in Zenial's top 10 from Kyrgyzstan!

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Everything Becomes Fire (digital) (2015)
Everything Becomes Fire (digital) 1. Sary Oy 8:27Live in Bitterfeld, Germany on 07.10.2006
2. Sign of War 9:41
3. Primitive Dance 11:38
4. Marching of the Hordes 3:07Pagan cover
total time32:53

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#7 in the Live top 10 from 2015!

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#7 in the Live top 10 from 2015!

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Split with AlNamrood (2016)
Split with AlNamrood 1. Darkestrah - Akyr Zaman 12:39
2. AlNamrood - Tajer Al Punqia I 4:54
3. AlNamrood - Tajer Al Punqia II 4:19
total time21:52

HD cover
2 Versions

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#10 in Zenial's top 10 from Kyrgyzstan!

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#10 in Zenial's top 10 from Kyrgyzstan!

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Turan (2016)
Turan 1. One with the Grey Spirit 10:23
2. Erlik-Khan 8:10
3. Conversions of the Seer 7:53
4. Gleaming Madness 6:59
5. Bird of Prey 9:46
6. The Hidden Light 9:13
total time52:24

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#6 in Zenial's top 10 from 2016!

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#6 in Zenial's top 10 from 2016!

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20th Anniversary Chronicles of Nomadic Conquest (2019)
20th Anniversary Chronicles of Nomadic Conquest 1. Sary Oy cd 47:22
2. Embrace of Memory cd 49:16
3. Epos cd 33:33
4. The Great Silk Road cd 54:31
5. Khagan cd 23:20
total time3:28:02

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The Gift of Mud and Venom (digital) (2020)
The Gift of Mud and Venom (digital) 1. The Gift of Mud and Venom 10:24

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#8 in Zenial's top 10 from Kyrgyzstan!

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#8 in Zenial's top 10 from Kyrgyzstan!

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Chong Aryk (2021)
Chong Aryk 1. Gift of Mud and Venom 10:33
2. The Warrior Poet 7:11
3. Broken Wheel 3:37
total time21:21

HD cover

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#9 in Zenial's top 10 from Kyrgyzstan!

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#9 in Zenial's top 10 from Kyrgyzstan!

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The Path Is Clear (digital) (2024)
The Path Is Clear (digital) 1. Destroyer of Obstacles 9:28

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Nomad (2024)
Nomad 1. Journey Through Blue Nothingness 2:12
2. Kök-Oy 8:00
3. Nomad 9:35
4. Destroyer of Obstacles 9:32
5. Quest for the Soul 9:46
6. The Dream of Kojojash 4:59
7. A Dream That Omens Death 1:45
total time45:49

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#6 in Zenial's top 10 from Kyrgyzstan!

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#6 in Zenial's top 10 from Kyrgyzstan!

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Enter The Asian Cult (digital)
Enter The Asian Cult (digital)
Legacy #135
Legacy #135
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> From Kyrgyzstan
> Members are:
Asbath - drums, percussion, temir-komuz - also in Faustus, was in Nargaroth, Homage to Morpheus, Necronomicon, Odyn's Nocturnal North, Trimonium, and Extermination Inside
Resurgemus - keyboards, guitars - also in Faustus
Kriegtalith - vocals
Cerritus - bass (since 2013)
Ragnar - guitars (since 2013)
> Previous members:
Helvete - bass
Shagan - guitars
Anti - guitars - now in Anti and Signum Diabolis, was in Darkmoon Warrior, Eternity, and Hellfucked
Tartar - guitars
Oldhan - guitars, vocals, bass
Anastasia - keyboards
Sharthar - keyboards, cello
> Session musicians:
Visc - bass - plays in Black Salvation and No Empathy
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Last update: 06/11/24