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Rehersal 93 (demo) (1993)
Rehersal 93 (demo) 1. Rape the Angel
2. Possessed by Asmodeus
3. Dormant Entity
4. Satanael
5. 13 Demons

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The Birth Of Diabolic Blood (demo) (1994)
The Birth Of Diabolic Blood (demo) 1. Intro 1:22
2. The Birth of Diabolic Blood 4:56
3. Dormant Entity 5:37
4. Satanael 5:17
5. Moonblood 4:57
6. Outro 2:37
total time25:16

9.3 / 10 (4 votes)

#1 in User vote top 10 from New Zealand!

#2 in Zenial's top 10 from New Zealand!

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9.3 / 10 (4 votes)

#1 in User vote top 10 from New Zealand!

#2 in Zenial's top 10 from New Zealand!

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Moonblood (ep) (1994)
Moonblood (ep) 1. The Birth Of Diabolic Blood 6:35
2. Moonblood 6:57
total time13:32

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#4 in the EP top 10 from the nineties!

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#4 in the EP top 10 from the nineties!

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Prepare for War (1994)
Prepare for War 1. Intro (prologue of war) - prepare for war 9:53
2. The birth of diabolical blood 5:07
3. The earth calls me 4:28
4. Missein anthropos 3:22
5. Hammer of damnation 3:37
6. The return of the darkness and evil 4:09Bathory cover
7. Celtic sword of iron 3:51
8. A. narain 5:39
9. Evocation 3:13
10. Chaoist 2:28
11. So bar gar 1:36
12. Dormant entity 5:43
13. Final (epilogue of war) 5:28
total time58:34

8.4 / 10 (14 votes)

#3 in User vote top 10 from New Zealand!

#3 in Zenial's top 10 from Oceania!

1 review

8.4 / 10 (14 votes)

#3 in User vote top 10 from New Zealand!

#3 in Zenial's top 10 from Oceania!

1 review

Stormblade (1996)
Stormblade 1. Burn the witch 2:57
2. Domination 1:36
3. Red light 5:06
4. Into the cavern light 4:48
5. Hatred is purity 3:11
6. Fight the war 3:37
7. Red headed maniac 5:19
8. Niggerslut 5:32
9. Stormblade & intro 20:55
total time52:56

Lyrics **********
6.9 / 10 (12 votes)

#5 in User vote top 10 from New Zealand!

3 reviews

6.9 / 10 (12 votes)

#5 in User vote top 10 from New Zealand!

3 reviews

The Fire and the Wind (1999)
The Fire and the Wind 1. The Eagle Spreads Its Wings 4:56
2. Daggers and Ice 8:54
3. Demoniac Spell 7:01
4. Night Demons 0:57
5. Demons of the Night 5:06
6. Myths of Metal 3:39
7. Sons of the Master 3:30
8. The Fire and the Wind 8:44
total time42:47

Lyrics **********
7.5 / 10 (6 votes)

#4 in User vote top 10 from New Zealand!

#9 in Zenial's top 10 from New Zealand!

2 reviews

7.5 / 10 (6 votes)

#4 in User vote top 10 from New Zealand!

#9 in Zenial's top 10 from New Zealand!

2 reviews

Demons of the Night (1999)
Demons of the Night 1. Night Demons
2. Demons of the Night
3. Red Light II (1999 goatlord version)
4. Kill all the Faggots (death squad anthem)

Lyrics **********
10.0 / 10 (1 vote)

#2 in User vote top 10 from New Zealand!

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10.0 / 10 (1 vote)

#2 in User vote top 10 from New Zealand!

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Rehearsal (1993)
1. Track 1 1:09
2. Track 2 5:43
3. Track 3 17:04
total time23:56


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Decibels Storm
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> From New Zealand
> Members are:
Lindsay Dawson / Behemoth - vocals - now in Dragonforce
Sam Totman / Heimdall - guitars - now in Dragonforce
Herman Li - guitars
Diccon Harper - bass - now in Dragonforce, was in Voice Of Destruction
Matej Sentic - drums
> Previous members:
The Magnus - keyboards (1994)
Adramolech - drums (1994-1996)
> Band has broken up
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Last update: 11/03/23