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...Der wie ein Blitz vom Himmel fiel... (demo) (1995)
...Der wie ein Blitz vom Himmel fiel... (demo) 1. Introduction: Astrum luciferi 1:53
2. Midnight, moonlight and a dark romance 10:15
3. Thy nocturnal queen 7:42
4. Outroduction 1:46
5. The Franconian Woods in Winter's Silence 8:34bonus
6. Am Wolkenstieg 2:14bonus
7. Der Weiher 5:27bonus
total time21:371994-2014 version: 37:52

9.0 / 10 (30 votes)

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9.0 / 10 (30 votes)

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A Wintersunset (1996)
A Wintersunset 1. Moonromanticism 2:00
2. Under Dreamskies 10:10
3. The franconian woods in winter's silence 10:55
4. The yearning 8:41
5. Autumn grey views 3:56
6. Ordain'd to thee 11:14
7. A gentle grieving farewell kiss 2:00
total time48:56

HD cover
9.4 / 10 (113 votes)

#9 in User vote top 10 from 1996!

4 reviews

9.4 / 10 (113 votes)

#9 in User vote top 10 from 1996!

4 reviews

Songs of Moors & Misty Fields (1997)
Songs of Moors & Misty Fields 1. When shadows grow longer 1:30
2. The blue mists of night 6:28
3. Mourners 9:18
4. Ode to melancholy 8:48
5. Lover's grief 9:12
6. The ensemble of silence 9:53
total time45:09

HD cover
9.4 / 10 (180 votes)

#7 in User vote top 10 from all time!

10 reviews

9.4 / 10 (180 votes)

#7 in User vote top 10 from all time!

10 reviews

Where At Night The Wood Grouse Plays (1999)
Where At Night The Wood Grouse Plays 1. Where At Night The Wood Grouse Plays 5:33
2. Dying Brokenhearted 5:37
3. The Shepherd And The Maiden Ghost 3:25
4. The Sad Song Of The Wind 2:55
5. Wehmut (instr) 3:03
6. A Pastoral Theme (instr) 1:59
7. Abendrot (instr) 2:09
8. Many Moons Ago... 4:24
9. When Shadows Grow Longer '99 3:14
total time32:19

Lyrics **********
9.1 / 10 (94 votes)

5 reviews

9.1 / 10 (94 votes)

5 reviews

Drei Auszüge Aus Weiland (ep) (2002)
Drei Auszüge Aus Weiland (ep) 1. Kein Hirtenfeuer Glimmt Mehr 2:31
2. Das Blau-kristallne Kämmerlein 1:31
3. Einsam, Verlorn, Den Lieben Entrissen 3:54
total time7:56

HD cover
8.0 / 10 (16 votes)

#6 in the EP top 10 from 2002!

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8.0 / 10 (16 votes)

#6 in the EP top 10 from 2002!

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Weiland (2002)
Weiland 1. Kein Hirtenfeuer Glimmt Mehr 2:36Heidestimmung
2. Heimwärts 6:52
3. Nebel 2:18
4. Fortgang 7:11
5. A Cappella 0:51
6. Nachhall 1:31
7. Waldpoesie 13:56Waldpoesie
8. Die Schwäne Im Schilf 5:47Wassergeister
9. Am Wasserfall 1:48
10. Fossegrim 3:34
11. Der Nix 2:47
12. Das Blau-Kristallene Kämmerlein 1:31
total time50:42

HD cover
9.2 / 10 (102 votes)

#5 in User vote top 10 from 2002!

6 reviews

9.2 / 10 (102 votes)

#5 in User vote top 10 from 2002!

6 reviews

A Retrospective... (2006)
A Retrospective... 1. The Franconian Woods in Winter's Silence 8:34
2. A Gentle Grieving Farewell Kiss 1:59
3. The Blue Mists of Night 6:26
4. Mourners 9:18
5. Where at Night the Wood Grouse Plays 5:29
6. Dying Brokenhearted 5:34
7. The Shepherd and the Maiden Ghost 3:27
8. Heimwarts 6:41
9. Waldpoesie 13:31
10. Die Schwane im Schilf 5:51
11. Das Blau-kristallne Kammerlein 1:31
12. Der Weiher 5:27
13. Am Wolkenstieg 2:14
total time76:02

HD cover
5 Versions
10.0 / 10 (4 votes)

#5 in the Compilation top 10 from 2006!

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10.0 / 10 (4 votes)

#5 in the Compilation top 10 from 2006!

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Into The Pantheon (2013)
Into The Pantheon 1. Intro 1:08Live at Wave Gotik Treffen, June 11 2011
2. The Days Before the Fall 6:37
3. The Franconian Woods in Winter's Silence 8:40
4. Where at Night the Wood Grouse Plays 5:42
5. Heimwärts 6:39
6. Mourners 9:21
7. Die Schwäne im Schilf 6:44
8. Dead Winter Ways 6:12
9. Der Weiher 5:34
10. Many Moons Ago 4:34
11. Das blau-kristallne Kämmerlein 2:45
12. Documentary Blu-ray/DVD bonus
total time63:56

HD cover
6.7 / 10 (3 votes)

#8 in the Live top 10 from 2013!

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6.7 / 10 (3 votes)

#8 in the Live top 10 from 2013!

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Bochum | Christuskirche | 2012 (2013)
Bochum | Christuskirche | 2012 1. The Days Before the Fall 7:40
2. The Franconian Woods in Winter's Silence 8:51
3. Where at Night the Wood Grouse Plays 5:59
4. Heimwärts 6:30
5. Mourners 9:36
6. Die Schwäne im Schilf 6:22
7. Dead Winter Days 6:07
8. Der Weiher 5:22
9. Many Moons Ago 5:00
10. Das blau-kristallne Kämmerlein 3:10
total time64:37

6.0 / 10 (2 votes)

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6.0 / 10 (2 votes)

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Dead Winter Ways (2013)
Dead Winter Ways 1. Dead Winter Ways 5:27
2. Dead Winter Ways (live) 6:14
total time11:41

7.0 / 10 (3 votes)

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7.0 / 10 (3 votes)

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The Turn of the Tides (2014)
The Turn of the Tides 1. Saviour 6:32
2. Dead Winter Ways 5:27
3. In the Gutter of This Spring 7:00
4. The Days Before the Fall 5:38
5. We Are Alone 3:16
6. With the Current into Grey 7:32
7. The Turn of the Tides 8:04
total time43:29

HD cover
6.0 / 10 (3 votes)

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6.0 / 10 (3 votes)

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1994 - 2014 (2014)
1994 - 2014 1. …der wie ein Blitz vom Himmel fiel… lp 37:52
2. A Wintersunset… lp 48:56
3. Songs of Moors and Misty Fields lp 45:09
4. Where at Night the Wood Grouse Plays lp 32:19
5. Weiland 2lp 50:42
6. Into the Pantheon 2lp 63:56
7. The Turn of the Tides lp 43:29
total time5:22:23

HD cover
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The Mill (2015)
The Mill 1. The Mill 4:17
2. Unite 5:45
total time10:02

HD cover
8.0 / 10 (2 votes)

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8.0 / 10 (2 votes)

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Über den Sternen (2021)
Über den Sternen 1. The Three Flames Sapphire 8:33
2. A Lucid Tower Beckons on the Hills Afar 6:23
3. The Oaken Throne 7:28
4. Moonrise 4:58
5. The Archer 4:24
6. The Wild Swans 7:34
7. In the Morning Mist 2:42
8. Über den Sternen 10:30
total time52:32

Lyrics **********
9.0 / 10 (1 vote)

#5 in User vote top 10 from 2021!

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9.0 / 10 (1 vote)

#5 in User vote top 10 from 2021!

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> Formed in the end of 1994 in Germany
> Members are:
Markus Stock / Schwadorf - strings, vocals, percussion, bass - now in The Vision Bleak, Ewigheim, and Noekk, was in Sun Of The Sleepless, Nachtmahr, Autumnblaze, and Nox Mortis
Thomas Helm - vocals, piano - now in Noekk, was in Nachtmahr and Sharatan
> Previous members:
Andreas Bach - synthesizer, acoustic guitar
Nadine Wolter - cello, flute
> Session musicians:
Fursy Teyssier - Bass (since 2011) - plays in Les Discrets and Sainpaul, was in Amesoeurs and Phest
Christoph Kutzer - cello (since 2011) - plays in E-Lane and Remember Twilight
Allen B. Konstanz - drums (since 2011) - plays in The Vision Bleak, Ewigheim, and Marienbad, was in Asgaia, Panzerkreutz, and Nox Mortis
Eviga - guitars (acoustic) (since 2011) - plays in Angizia and Dornenreich
Neige - guitars (acoustic) (since 2011) - plays in Alcest, Forgotten Woods, Lantlôs, and Old Silver Key, was in Amesoeurs, Phest, Mortifera, Peste Noire, and Valfunde
Aline Deinert - violin (since 2011)
> Band had broken up, but reunited in 2010
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Last update: 09/03/24