Endless Battle

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From the Thicket of Times... (demo) (2011)
From the Thicket of Times... (demo) 1. Intro 0:33
2. Hateful Energy 5:02
3. Eternal Sunset 6:48
4. Wotan 4:22Enslaved cover
total time16:45

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Brotherhood Of Hate (2013)
Brotherhood Of Hate 1. Summoning The Old Winds 8:45
2. Hateful Energy 4:11
3. Manifest Of Destruction 3:42
4. Eternal Sunset 8:05
5. Forest 6:35
6. Lord Of Thousand Storms 8:59
total time40:17

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Shlyakhamy Bezodni (2015)
Shlyakhamy Bezodni 1. Intro 2:17
2. Nad prirvoyu chasu 6:02(Above The Abyss Of Time)
3. Ostannya bytva 6:41(Last Battle)
4. Morok tumanu i lisu movchannya 7:12(Fog's Gloom And Forest's Silence)
5. De skhodyat' z hir strimki potoky 9:06(Where Rapid Streams Descend From Mountains)
6. Nazustrich doli 6:58(Towards Destiny)
7. Outro 2:13
8. Na krylakh stali (Triarii cover) 3:11Triarii - On Wings Of Steel cover
total time43:40

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Roots of All Evil (2016)
Roots of All Evil 1. I'm Providence 2:12
2. Black Ritual 4:39
3. In the Depths 7:01
4. Supreme Darkness 6:42
5. Night of Stars 5:03
6. Roots of All Evil 8:43
7. Serpens Eye 5:59
total time40:19

HD cover

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From the Thicket of Times... Gathering of Shadows (2017)
From the Thicket of Times... Gathering of Shadows 1. Intro 0:35From the Thicket of Times... demo 2011
2. Hateful Energy 5:02
3. Eternal Sunset 6:46
4. Wotan (Enslaved cover) 4:22
5. Nad prirvoyu chasu (rehearsal) 5:39recorded april 7.2012
6. Ostannya bytva (rehearsal) 6:58
7. Summoning the Old Winds (promo) 9:08Promo november 2012
8. Funeral Fog (Mayhem cover) 5:24from Brotherhood of Hate sessions
9. Unsilent Storms in the North Abyss (Immortal cover) 3:24
10. Pod Znamenami Rogatogo Knyazya (Nokturnal Mortum cover) 6:01from 22 Years Among the Sheep 2016
11. Night of the Graveless Souls (Emperor cover) 3:38recorded december 2013
12. Supreme Darkness (live) 7:18recorded live august 26.2017
total time64:15

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#9 in the Compilation top 10 from 2017!

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#9 in the Compilation top 10 from 2017!

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Atmosfear Compilation #13
Atmosfear Compilation #13
Nokturnal Mortum - 22 Years Among the Sheep
Nokturnal Mortum - 22 Years Among the Sheep
Voices of the Underground #9
Voices of the Underground #9
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> From Ukraine
> Members are:
Nort - bass - also in Nagual, was in Scorbut, Khors, and Horror Zond
Severoth - drums, keyboards (since 2009) - also in Severoth, Bezmir, Morok, and Galdur, was in Skogenstrom
Dusk - vocals, guitars, bass (since 2009) - was in Zgard and Stryvigor
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Endless Battle

Last update: 09/03/24